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Selectmen Minutes 5-12-08
Monday, May 12, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Gail Ellis and Joan Funk.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague, Parks & Rec Director Donnie Gagnon, Director of Planning and Community Development Dan Merhalski and Planning Department Secretary Elaine Labrie.
Public Present: Cindy Snowdon, Cathy King, JoAnn Doke, Doug Gregory and Carlene Lapierre

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:01 pm.

1.  Review of Minutes:
A.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the public minutes of 3-31-2008 as amended to show he and Gerry McCarthy rejoined the meeting after recusing themselves, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 3-26-2008 as amended to reflect the roll call, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with Gail Ellis and Joan Funk abstaining because they were absent during the meeting.

C.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the minutes of 4-14-08pm as amended, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the non-public minutes of 4-14-08 as amended, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

E.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the minutes of 4-28-2008 as written, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Joan Funk abstaining because she did not get a copy to review.

F.  Paula Proulx motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 4-28-2008 as written, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

G.  Paula Proulx motioned to approve the non-public minutes of 4-30-2008 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

H.  Paula commented that she would like to review the minutes in a more timely fashion in the future because it is difficult to recall the meeting a month later.
2.  Public Comment:
A.  Gerry read a thank you letter written by Jean Huppe to the Fire and Rescue team for their quick response to her call.

B.  Carlene Lapierre informed the Board of a situation that occurred involving her cows that were scared by a moose that broke through her fence.  She explained that after a long day of trying to recover one of her cows she had to let the police shoot it because she could not get the cow back on her property any other way that night.  Ms. Lapierre expressed her concern that the town needs other resources for such circumstances and gave the Board the contact information for someone with a tranquilizer gun. Phone number for Steve Sprowl of the SPCA is 778-7815.

C.  JoAnn Doke, of the Farmington Downtown and Business Committee, invited all the Board members and Tony Mincu to ribbon cuttings in downtown Farmington on Thursday afternoon at 4pm.

D.  Cathy King updated the Board on the work of the skate park committee and informed the Board that they are currently trying to obtain equipment that would be appropriate for both the skateboarders and bikers.

E.  Doug Gregory, from Habitat for Humanity, requested the Board consider letting him connect the third Habitat for Humanity home on Berry Court to the water and wastewater system of the town even though there is a moratorium for connections.  The Board was in agreement that this connection should be allowed because the building permit and the building was already complete before the moratorium was put in place.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the water/wastewater connection for the third Habitat for Humanity home on Berry Court, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3.  Department Heads:
A.  Planning and Community Development -
        1.  Dan Merhalski introduced the new department secretary, Elaine Labrie.
        2.  Applications for ZBA and Strafford Regional Planning Commission
                a.  Gail Ellis motioned to appoint Joe Pitre to the ZBA for a 3 year term, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.
                b.  Joan Funk motioned to appoint John David Aylard to the ZBA for a 1 year term, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.
                c.  Marty motioned to appoint Paul Parker to the Strafford Regional Planning Commission for a term of 3 years, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.
                d.  The Board discussed Paul Parker's application to the ZBA and questioned if he could serve on both the ZBA and Planning Boards.  Dan M. said he asked that question of Attorney Bates and he said it would not be a problem unless there was the same application to both boards, in which case Mr. Parker would need to recuse himself.  The Board asked Dan to get this opinion in writing before they make a final decision on this appointment.
        3.  Survey bid for Sarah Greenfield Business Park
                a.  Joan asked if it is correct that no one can buy a parcel in the business park with the notion of renting the space.  Dan M. replied that he did not recall that being a restriction but he would check.  Paula agreed with Dan statement adding that the uses are strictly for commercial/industrial and not residential.
                b.  Dan informed the Board that he received a bid from Berry Survey and Engineering for $10,500 for a complete boundary survey of Tax Map R-32, Lots 22, 22-1, 22-2, 22-3, 22-4, 22-5, 22-6, 22-7 and 22-8.  Paula asked why the Board would resurvey the lots that have already been sold.  Gerry said the intention is to have the pins installed and not to resurvey the entire parcel, but to survey the perimeter of the entire parcel.  Dan will get a copy of the print from Berry Survey and Engineering and get an estimate from them to set the pins on the 15 acre Sarah Greenfield Business Park parcel.
        4.  Grants - Dan supplied the Board with a memo apprising them of the grant funds he will be seeking and what the projects he will be seeking them for are.  Marty asked how he made out on the grant for the replacement of the windows of the municipal building and Dan replied that the application was withdrawn because it was only for 15% funding.

B.  Parks and Recreation:
        1. Interviews for assistant director - Donnie informed the Board that he has received several applications for the assistant director position and is ready to conduct interviews.  The Board agreed to meet with Donnie about his top three choices on 5/19/08 at 5:30pm.
        2.  Explore Update - Donnie reported that a meeting with the Explore partners is set for this Thursday at 10am in which it will be Cyndi Paulin's last meeting.
        3.  Donnie forwarded some different Parks & Rec logos that he got for free for the Board's approval and the Board was in consensus that they liked logo #1 with the outline like #4.
        4.  Marty commented that he was sure the lottery system for the afterschool program was the greatest idea because it may exclude people.  Donnie responded that in reviewing the system that was in place he found through research with other towns that this was the fairest way to approach this registration.  Donnie also noted that he did increase the afterschool program from 30 participants to 42.

4.  New Business:
A.  Road Kill Responsibility:  Tony informed the Board that one department in town need to be identified to be in charge of road kill pick-up.  The Board was in consensus that the highway department would be the best solution because they can shovel it up and put it into the back of a truck to bring to the landfill.

B.  Primex/LGC Quotes:  Tony explained that the property and liability insurance and workman's compensation was coming up for renewal so he got quotes from both Primex and LGC for this coverage.  In both instances Primex came in significantly lower and Tony recommended the Board stay with Primex for 3 years.  Joan Funk motioned to accept Primex as the town's property and liability and workman's compensation insurance carrier, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Discussion followed in which Paula asked if Tony just received these bids and if not why the Board is just reviewing them now when they need an answer by Friday.  Tony responded he has had the Primex bid for 3-4 months and the LGC bid he got on 4/24/08.  Paula asked if they are both based on $5 million limits and Tony replied that Primex is and LGC is based on levels of coverage.  Gail inquired if Primex has an increase ceiling like LGC and Tony said no.  The Board was in consensus the contract for coverage should be for a one year period.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C.  Facilities Use Requests for Carwashes:
        1.  Joan Funk motioned to approve Corey's Commando Crew to hold a car wash on 5/17/08 from 9am-3pm in the municipal parking lot, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        2.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the 500 Boys and Girls Club AAU Basketball to hold a carwash on 5/24/08 and 5/31/08 in the municipal parking lot, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D.  Ice Cream Truck License Renewal:
        Joan Funk motioned to renew the ice cream truck license renewal for Christopher Davis, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

5.  Old Business:
A.  Golf Course Discretionary Easement:  Marty and Gerry both recused themselves from the discussion.
        Joan commented that this is an easy application for her because the Country Club is requesting this easement due to economic hardship but the whole town is experiencing this hardship with people losing their homes and Collins& Aikman closing.  She stated she is not in favor of granting the easement.  Paula and Gail both agreed with Joan but were concerned that in denying the application the Country Club could then appeal to the BTLA and be granted a much larger easement.  Paula questioned if the Country Club can build any structures on the property if the easement is granted and Tony replied no.  Gail Ellis motioned to grant the discretionary easement to the Farmington Country Club at 75% and the method of valuation be 75% for the land and holes with the condition that the encumbrance for the water/sewer easement be agreed upon in writing and that the RSA is spelled out, also in writing, so that the Club is aware of the conditions of pulling out early from the easement, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx and Gail Ellis in favor and Joan Funk opposed.

Gerry and Marty rejoined the meeting.

B.  Fence at Edgerly Park:  Tony informed the Board that he made contact with Middleton Fabricating and the owner remembered taking in the money for the gate and pipe.  The gate is ready for pick-up (Tony will have staff pick it up this week) and the pipe will be ready in two weeks.  Tony said he also contacted the contractor and is trying to work something out with him.

6.  Action Items:
A.  Tony said he has noticed a lot of overnight parking in the municipal parking lot and would like to install a no overnight parking sign.  The Board agreed this was a good idea.  The Board discussed that the staff in the building also need to utilize the parking lot behind the insurance company so that residents can get to the building more easily.  Tony will remind town staff and draft a letter to the SAU reminding them of the parking as well.
B.  Marty said that the watering trough outside the municipal building is in the works and the pump system is being installed now.
C.  Joan said she was asked to have the gentleman blow the grass away from the cars when mowing out front of the municipal building.  Tony will pass that message along.
D.  Gerry asked if the gate is locked now at the highway garage and if all the keys are dispensed and Tony said yes.
E.  Joan asked if Tony ever found out what happened to the doorframe at the highway garage that was damaged because she has heard that someone is doing burnouts with their personal vehicle in the garage and wondered if that could have been the cause.  Tony said he is unsure but that he would look into the situation.
F.  Marty informed the Board that Joel Moulton did call him about the beaver dams and that Joel is going to contact District 6 for assistance with them.
G.  Joan asked how the cleaning of the municipal building is going and Tony said he might have a solution for that under the non-public portion of the meeting.
H.  Gerry questioned why residents are not being allowed to park on the ball park side of the street by the 500 Club fields and Tony said he would check.
I.  Paula questioned if Tony has got any of the answers from the Sheriff's department that arose after the last meeting's discussion about the prosecutor.  Tony said no but he has scheduled Chief Roberge to meet with the Board next week.
J.  Paula asked for an update on the sprinkler system for the old town hall and Tony replied the water pressure is being looked at right now.
K.  Paula asked if Deb Lee has forwarded the EOP yet for signing and Tony replied no but they are having a mock drill on Saturday and he will see her then.
L.  Paula asked if the Jones Brook letter of credit went to legal for review and Tony replied not yet.
M.  Paula asked Tony to get clarification as to where the metal halides were installed per PSNH so she can compare the actual with the plan.
N.  Paula asked Tony if he contacted Don Marble about the Church repairs and Tony replied he has a call in.
O.  Paula asked if Tony has rectified the situation at the front desk and has someone there at all times.  Tony replied Pam usually covers and if she can't then a bell is there for residents to use.
P.  Paula asked if permit hours were set in the planning office and Tony replied yes, they are from 10-2 when Elaine is there.

Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91:A.3.II (b) and (e), 2nd Joan Funk.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).  The Board went in non-public session at 8:40pm.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:37pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Gail Ellis

Joan A. Funk