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Selectmen Minutes 2-25-08
Monday, February 25, 2008

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk.
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu
Public Present: Rebecca Howard, Cindy Snowdon and JoAnn Doke

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:02 pm.

1. Review Minutes:
A.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the public minutes of 2-4-08 as amended to reflect changes to the first paragraph and a word change in letter I, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2. Public Comment:
A.  none

3. New Business:
A. Verizon and Bayring Telephone Bids -
        Tony said that one of his actions as Town Administrator is to reduce costs for the Town and in doing so he is looking at different telephone service options.  He noted that the current phone bill through BCU is running between $1500 and $1800 a month with $400 of that being paid to rent a line at the police station from another company.  Tony said that he did receive a bid from Verizon for $1100 a month in which out of state calls could be added for an additional $28 per line.  This Verizon bid does not include the 2231 police line.  Tony said he is still waiting for a final bid from Bayring but right now they are at about $1300 a month.  The Board decided to table this item until the next meeting when both bids are in and complete.

B. Pump Station Moratorium -
        Joan Funk motioned to sign the Declaration of Moratorium for Sewage Pump Stations as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Discussion followed in which Paula asked Tony to make sure the ZBA, Planning Board and Planning Department all get a copy of this document for their records.       
C.  Beaver Pond Campground -
        Tony reminded the Board that there has been ongoing discussion with the owners of the campground to come to a conclusion if they are a campground or a mobile home park.  Tony said that the Town should now move forward with legal action to demand proof as to what type of arrangements they are operating under.  Gerry asked if the state of NH would be part of this action and Tony replied no that the State is currently in litigation over other issues with them.

D.  Parks and Recreation Department Brochure -
        Marty commented that the brochure looks great and that Don Gagnon is doing a "really great job" in his position at the recreation department.

E.  Budget Committee vs. the School Department Lawsuit -
        Tony informed the Board that the budget committee lawsuit against the school will be heard Tuesday, February 26, 2008 at 10am a the Superior Court in Dover.  Joel Chagnon asked what the legal bill for the budget committee is up to and Tony replied about $2000.

4. Updates/Correspondence:
A.  Tony informed the Board that a letter from the assessor, Mr. Wiley, was received in which Mr. Wiley states there is a hearing for land appeal on 3/4/08 referencing the TD Banknorth lot and it's adjacent lot.  In the letter Mr. Wiley advises the Town to take the "middle road" and settle between the Town's assessment and the Bank's.  The amount of the abatement would be $4,845 plus interest.
    Marty asked why the Bank changing from a "main office" to a "branch office" would change the tax liability?  Tony replied that Mr. Wiley stated the Bank's argument is that they do not use the second floor of the bank anymore and should not be taxed for it.  The Board had many concerns regarding this argument and instructed Tony to schedule Mr. Wiley to attend the next Selectmen meeting to further explain.
    Joel Chagnon motioned to reject Mr. Wiley's recommendation to offer the "middle line" to TD Banknorth, 2nd Joan Funk.  Discussion followed in which Paula said Mr. Wiley needs to strongly oppose the abatement on behalf of the town because the building is the same whether or not they are using the second floor.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B.  Tony informed the Board that there are a number of tax abatements.  Gerry stated that the Board should wait to take action until the next meeting when Mr. Wiley is present and can explain them.  Paula added that Mr. Wiley needs to be at the beginning of the agenda due to his cost.

C.  Tony reported that Joel Moulton would be posting the roads next week.

D.  A letter was received form the Farmington Country Club regarding a levee that is on Town property and needs to be repaired because it has worn a hole in the dike.  Tony informed the Board that Joel Moulton informed him that FEMA has some additional grants available for this type of work and that he will be getting that information to him.

E.  Marty Gilman motioned to appoint David Kestner to a three year planning board seat, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

5.  Old Business:
A.  Grader Repairs -
        Tony stated that Chadwick-Ross is willing to take apart the grader and assess what parts will be needed now and offer a savings on this work.  Tony added that these repairs have not been approved by the Town yet and therefore the funds are not available, however Joel Moulton told him that he could find the money in his budget for the "tear down."  Joan asked if the Town can get it in writing that the Town will not have to pay for the "tear down" until after Town meeting and Tony replied he probably could.  Paula reminded the Board that regardless of the outcome of the Town meeting the grader will need to be repaired and that if the Board moved forward with the opportunity the grader repairs would not be complete until the first week of April.  Paula Proulx motioned to go forward with the grader repairs and allow it to be "tore down," 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion failed with Joan Funk, Joel Chagnon and Marty Gilman opposed.

B.  Paula stated that she has been getting a lot of mail in her box and would like to see those items come in the weekly packet so that they do not get lost in the shuffle.  The Board was in consensus.

C.  Joel Moulton forwarded a letter of information to the Board of different options available for snow removal.  Marty commented that he feels the "option of no snow removal at all" is not an option and would like to see the snow picked up by Town staff and piled at the fire station.  Paula noted that one problem with this plan she sees is taking the sanders out of the trucks and Marty replied that they need to get the work done, either way.  Gerry asked Tony to instruct Joel Moulton to take the sanders out of two trucks and clean up the snow and pile it at the fire station.

6.  Action Items:
A.  Tony informed the Board that Joel Moulton would be addressing the signs on Main Street to make them more visible and appealing.

B.  Tony informed the Board that he is putting a legal RFP out to ten or so firms by Friday.

C.  Tony stated that he spoke with Joel Moulton about the lock box on Winter Street but they need to still follow up on it.

D.  Joan questioned what was discussed as part of the cleaning at the Town Hall during the department head meeting.  Tony replied that it was brought up that though Keith and Walter do an excellent job at trying to get everything done there is just not enough of them to go around and do a thorough job.  As a result, Joel Moulton offered his part time floater to assist with some of the chores.  Gerry stated that both guys are very accommodating but they are being pulled in a million different directions and maybe it is time to assess what there roles should be.  Tony will talk to Joel Moulton about setting up a work schedule with the guys to see how to best utilizes Walter and Keith and from there will assess the needs of the Town.

E.  Paula asked if Tony or Dale have heard from the EPA as to when they would like to meet with the Town.  Tony replied that the tentative date is set for March 20, 2008 in Boston but he needs to confirm this date.

7.  New Business:
A.  Tony informed the Board that Rich Fowler discovered some conceptual building plans for a public safety building in his office and forwarded them to the Board.

B.  Paula questioned what happened with the furnace that was brought up by Chief Roberge at the department head meeting.  Tony replied that the furnace is fine, it just burned off some excess materials and that it should be scheduled for replacement in the near future.

C.  Gerry asked if Chief Fowler has completed any fire equipment grants yet and Tony replied not yet.  Gerry commented that Cyndi Paulin has some great resources that the Chief may find helpful.

D.  Paula questioned if the Town radar trailer was used in Milton at the ice races and Tony replied yes.

E.  Paula read a letter from the Economic Development Commission to the Board requesting the Board authorize the Planning Board and Planning Department to begin discussions and investigations as to if the Rte. 11 corridor should be rezoned to better allow for further development.  She added that Dan Merhalski is fully aware of this request and in fact constructed this letter.

Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II. (b), 2nd Joan Funk.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan A. Funk