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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 2-4-08
Monday, February 4, 2008

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Paula Proulx, Martin Gilman, Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Fire Chief Richard Fowler and Town Clerk Kathy Seaver.

Public Present: JoAnn Doke, Cindy Snowdon, Bill Snowdon, Sylvia Arcouette, Joe Pitre, Charlie King and Mrs.                     Howard.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy convened the meeting at 5:30pm.  

1.  Discussion with Fire Chief:
After discussion with the fire chief the Board decided to change the fire capital outlay warrant to zero dollars and the ambulance capital outlay warrant to $30,000.  There are grants available to assist with the purchase of fire apparatus but there is not for an ambulance so this capital outlay made more sense.

Rich said he reviewed the town meeting notes back through the 1960's and did not find any vote that authorized the town to provide mutual aid in accordance with the RSAs.  Gerry asked Tony to check with legal counsel to see if such a warrant is required.

2.  Review of Minutes:
A.  Concerning the minutes of 1-16-08, Gerry commented that he thought the Board has agreed to maintain  mutual aid status with Middleton until town meeting and that he also though the consensus of the board was to not consider charging them for service.  Tony replied that he recalled some discussion about it.  Paula and Joan agreed that there was some discussion concerning charging them, though there was a consensus the Board did not want the Town to become an ambulance service.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes of 1-16-08 as amended to add the motion to adjourn that Gerry made and Marty seconded, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with Joel Chagnon abstaining.

B.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 1-7-08 as amended to reflect Gerry's comments to the public works salary increases, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with Joel Chagnon abstaining.

C.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 1-28-08 as amended to reflect the roll call and the motion to come out of non-public session, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the public minutes of 1-28-08 as amended to reflect it was a 550 truck Joel Moulton is looking to purchase not a 5500, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3.  Public Comment:
Cindy Snowdon requested to know if there would be public comment tonight.  Chairman McCarthy replied that this was not a regularly scheduled meeting so there is not a public comment scheduled but he would allow brief comments.

A.  Kathy Seaver, town clerk, informed the Board that it is no longer legal for her to put names on the ballot alphabetically so she would like them to draw a letter out of a bowl to distinguish what letter she would start the listing by.  Gerry drew the letter I, so the names will begin on the ballot with the letter I and move alphabetically from there.

B. Joann Doke of the Farmington Downtown and Business Committee informed the Board that the committee is seeking permission to spend $300 to order committee member window decals from Snowdon Signs (lowest bidder).  She added that these decals will be given out to business owners at ribbon cuttings and then given to other town business owners at a small cost.  Joel Chagnon motioned to approve the $300 expenditure for window decals for the Farmington Downtown and Business Committee, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C. Gerry informed Cindy Snowdon that she needed to keep her comments limited to five minutes since there was no regularly scheduled public comment - Ms. Snowdon agreed to be brief and reserve her longer comments for next week's meeting.  

Ms. Snowdon stated that last week Gerry said that he did not like pumping stations, though when she researched she found that he was on the Board of Selectmen in 2002 when the original application for Campbell Commons came through, again in 2003 when the pumping station was asked for and then again in 2004 when the pumping station was approved.  Gerry replied that planning board applications do not come in front of the Selectmen for approval.

Ms. Snowdon went on to state that a few weeks ago she wanted to read a letter dated 12/6/07 from legal counsel and the Board said that she could not, but since then she has spoken with her attorney and he said she has every right to.  Ms. Snowdon stated that her question regarding the letter is if the Board ever made the decision or took a vote to accept the pumping station at Campbell Commons under the terms described in the letter.  Tony advised the Board not to respond because of impending litigation so they could not comment.

Ms. Snowdon then gave all the Selectmen a copy of the signed plans for Campbell Commons that she says do not include the pumping station, as well as, a deed, the Homeowner's Association bylaws and covenants all which she said do not mention the pumping station.  Ms. Snowdon challenged the Board to find the said pumping station in the documents.

4.  Warrant Articles:
A.  The warrant article for the acceptance of credit cards by the town clerk tax collector was approved.

B. The emergency medical motorized equipment warrant needs to be changed from $5,000 to $30,000.

C.  The Recreation department warrant for $3,000 and the public buildings maintenance warrant for $7,500 were approved.

D.  Joan asked the Board to inform the Budget Committee as to why they should not have the COAST line item as a warrant.  She noted that with the costs of gas the way it is many more people might start using the service and it is already very valuable to the riders who use it everyday to get back and forth to work and appointments.  Joan also added that the Town will become ineligible for certain things without the public transportation as well.  Tony responded that if the budget committee decides to not include in the budget the Selectman need to have a warrant ready in order to fund the program.  Joel responded that there is a strong possibility of this warrant being defeated because people who don't use it will probably be the ones voting and it would be unfortunate for those who count on the service.
Paula commented that the budget committee recognized the service is valuable but believes because it is a high-ticket item the voters should be able to voice their opinion on it.  Joe Pitre, Chairman of the budget committee, asked for the rider numbers for COAST.  Marty said the Board could furnish that information and said that even if the town was to cut the COAST amount they would cut the prime time hours for the stops.  Joe commented that the budget committee would certainly reconsider this vote.  Marty added that COAST also provided the town with a $12,000 bus shelter this past year.

E.  Gerry commented that the preservation guild warrant should be reduced from $20,000 to $19, 600 to reflect the 2% cut the board requested.  All members were in agreement that this was a good idea.

F.  The Board was all set with the wording for the police cruiser and public safety building capital reserve warrants.

G.  When discussing the public works dump truck warrant, Paula asked for Tony to clarify in the wording of the warrant that the money is coming from the highway motorized capital fund.  Tony replied he would do so.

H.  When discussing the safe walk to schools grant warrant, Paula asked Tony to double check the figure because it does not match the budget.  Tony replied that the warrant is correct but that the budget line needs to be changed to reflect $61,800.

I. Paula questioned where the excess funds should go that are addressed in the Ten Rod Road bridge replacement warrant because the money is unrealized revenue (the replacement did not cost as much as originally thought).  Tony replied that the town basically has $51,743 in surplus that was raised through taxation and that DRA will show it as realized revenue.  Joan commented that it should stay in surplus especially since it is unrealized funds.  Tony added that the money was raised in taxation with the thought that it would be reimbursed by NHDOT but it is not reimbursable because the project was completed under budget.  The Board came to the agreement to remove the warrant and leave the funds in the unreserved fund balance.

J.  The Board decided to remove the fire equipment capital reserve warrant and was satisfied with the employee separation fund warrant.

K.  Paula commented that the reval warrant for $30,000 is still missing.  Tony replied that he is unsure if a warrant is needed because it is contractual and can be placed in the operating budget.

5.  Town Report Dedication:
The Board discussed that maybe in the future it might not be a bad idea to have the dedication to go back to just one person and/or include a list of all others that have made a contribution to the town.

6.  Discussion of Tax Rate:
Tony explained that the fire capital reserve was reduced $25,000, he needs to add the $600 to the preservation guild safe walk to school grant line and that $7,000 was cut from the personnel line in the planning department, so he calculates the approximate tax impact to be a seven cent decrease.  Paula asked how he came up with the $7,000 figure to cut from planning personnel.  Tony replied that he thought it was reasonable and wanted to leave most of the funds in there because they might find a part-time position is not suitable and have to change to full-time.  Gerry commented that he sees the secretary position staying as part-time for at least the remainder of the year.  Paula added that she agreed and that the personnel line could be cut further.

7.  Encumbrances:
A.  Paula Proulx motioned to encumber $3,720.36 for cutting edges and $8,001.57 for guard rails, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Discussion followed in which Marty questioned if Joel M. is going to be able to accomplish all the work he has planned with the money he has encumbered.  Joan requested a work "goal" list to see what Joel M. has planned for the year.  Motion carried with Marty Gilman opposed.

8.  Discussion of Budget Final Authority:
A.  Tony informed the Board that the budget committee contracted Attorney King at $175/hr. to help resolve some questions they had regarding a school petition article.  Gerry commented that the Board already agreed that this was okay and added that this is allowed because they are an elected board and have the right to legal counsel.

B.  Tony informed the Board, on behalf of Joel M., that the grader company needs an answer on the repair order fairly soon.  Paula commented that the repairs are going to be have to be done one way or another and the money expended one way or another so she doesn't see why the town doesn't take advantage of the possible $2000 savings.  Marty questioned when the parts bill would have to be paid.  Paula read in the memo that the parts would not be paid for until the company bills for them after they have been installed.  Marty then questioned if the parts need to be put out to bid because of their cost.  Tony will check into the bidding and when the parts have to be paid for exactly.

9.  Other:
A.  Paula questioned if Tony spoke with Joel M. about residents pulling scrap wood out of the dump to burn and Tony responded that he had not yet.

B.  Gerry read a letter from Sue Dooley stating that Marc Gullison will be receiving his Eagle Scout Honor at a ceremony on 3/2/08 at 1pm at Valley View School for the project he completed at the CAPP office.  She invited all Selectmen to attend and also requested a formal letter of appreciation/congratulations to go in a portfolio for him.  The Board agreed to forward such a letter.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:31pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan A. Funk