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Board of Seelctmen Meeting MInutes 1-14-08
Monday - January 14, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Paula Proulx, Martin Gilman, and Joan                          Funk.
Selectman Absent:       Joel Chagnon

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Tony Mincu and Fire Chief Richard Fowler

Public Present: Cindy Snowdon

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the public meeting at 6:25 pm noting that the Board was in non-public session first.

A. Review of Minutes:
1.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 12/10/07 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 12/10/07 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 12/17/07 as amended to reflect a name change of Dan to Don on page 2, that the flag for the municipal offices was donated not purchased and the spelling of grader of page 11, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 12/26/07 as amended to note that Joel and herself were both excused from the meeting, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with Joan Funk abstaining because she was absent.

5.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 12/26/07 as amended to reflect the word "he" before "gave" in the second sentence, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with Joan Funk abstaining because she was absent.

2. Public Comment:
A.  Cindy Snowdon, resident and president of the Campbell Commons Homeowner's Association, questioned the Board about two letters she received copies of from town counsel.  Joan commented that she believes this was a misquote and that the Board had only agreed to consider the offer spoke of in the letter.  Tony added that he believes these letters are privileged information and she be spoken of in non-public session, noting that it was discussed between the attorneys that anything discussed between them would not be discussed outside of the attorney communications.  Cindy agreed to speak with the association's attorney and come back to the Board if she had further questions.

Cindy then asked for the Board's opinion's as to what is going to happen when the homeowner's association runs out of money to fix the sewer pump station that they have expended over $14,000 on in the past year.  Tony replied that it is his understanding that RSA Development still owns the pumping station and it will be up to the courts to decide who is responsible.

Cindy then stated that tomorrow night is the compliance hearing for Campbell Commons and on Channel 26 it states it will be not be broadcasted live.  She wanted to know when it would be broadcasted.  Ed Mullen replied the compliance hearing will re-air on Wednesday at 1pm and 11 pm and then again on Thursday at 9 am.

Cindy subsequently brought up a few other points. First, Cindy noted that she reviewed the blueprints and the cliff on Whippoorwhill Road is not on the prints.  Gerry asked if she spoke with the planner.  Cindy replied that she spoke with the Code Enforcement Officer and was told that he would not look at it unless told to do so by the Selectmen.  Secondly, she asked about the water run-off within the development and Tony replied that it would be addressed at the compliance hearing.  Next she questioned the pumping station and Tony replied that it would not be discussed at the compliance hearing because it is a separate issue that is under litigation.  

Lastly, Cindy questioned why the bond for Whippoorwhill Road was reduced by the Selectman to $22,000 when she was told that would not be nearly enough to topcoat the road.  Gerry responded that he does not recall this vote to reduce the bond and will research it.  Cindy asked for copies of whatever paperwork was furnished to help the Board hinder their decision to reduce the bond.  She then asked who set the initial amount of the bond and Gerry replied the planning board.  

Cindy then inquired if the Town can recoup any of the funds it has spent on attorneys and consultants from the start in regards to the entire Campbell Commons development.  The board responded that they are unsure.

Cindy added that she knows Joan Funk will be at the compliance hearing because she is a member of the planning board but wondered if the other Selectmen will be there.  Gerry and Marty commented that they do not feel the Selectmen should be there because it is a planning board item.

3.  Application for the Economic Development Committee:
Joan Funk motioned to appoint Cindy Snowdon as a 3-year member of the Economic Development Committee, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  Fire Department Discussions:
A.  Pre-discussion of meeting with Middleton Selectmen and Fire Chief - Joan asked if Rich has handouts prepared will all the information in regards to the number of calls made to Middleton and his recommendations.  Rich replied that he can get that but that he does not have a plan in mind, he just brought the information forward to the Board and is waiting for direction from them.  Marty questioned if the situation has changed at all and Rich replied that when the discussion was first brought up Middleton stopped calling them but he spoke with the Fire Chief and told him to not worry about the politics and make sure the residents are taken care of, so they have been calling again.

Rich commented that he is in full support of mutual aid and does not care which way the town moves forward he just felt it was his job to bring the information forward to the board.  In 2007 according to the state reporting numbers Middleton had 46 ambulance calls, Farmington went to Middleton 42 times.  Rich is unsure if the 46 calls include the 42 Farmington did or not.  Gerry commented that if Farmington is supporting all or even 1/2 their calls then we should be compensated in some way.  Joan asked if Rich could come up with some type of figures the Town should be compensated at.  Rich replied that if charged on a per call basis then it should probably be what we charge patients, but if only a yearly basis then probably $10-12,000.  Marty asked what AMR would charge and Rich replied $8-900 per call.

Gerry commented that it makes him nervous to get in an agreement because then we will have to support them from now on.  Paula replied that the town needs to keep in mind that we need to think about our town first.  The board was in agreement that we do not want to be an ambulance provider but can offer Middleton some support for a year or so, so they can come up with some type of plan to get better ambulance response.

B. Discussion of Frisbee Intercept Contract - Rich explained that Frisbee came up with an agreement that says if Farmington calls Frisbee for an ambulance intercept for medicare/medicaid patients only, then they will bill for $455.13 and Farmington can bill Frisbee for $335.90.  Rich stated that in 2007, the town had 132 intercepts with 55% being medicare/medicaid patients.  One plus, to this contract would be that the Town will be cut a check directly from Frisbee on a per call basis and will not have to go through a billing service and wait for payment.  The Board agreed that it seems like a good deal but will have Tony review it and then they will sign it.

5.  Old Business:
A.  Review and Sign Paulson Road Bridge Permit - Joan Funk motioned to accept the Paulson Road Permit for essential services not over 8 tons, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B.  Sewer Pump Station Agreement Draft - Gerry commented that it seems the Board has discussed this a lot and wonders if Dale Sprague should be included in the discussion.  The Board agreed.  Gerry and Paula stated they are both concerned with #s 13-16 and Joan questioned if the performance bond in #6 is adequate.  Paula replied that Dale would know the answer to that.  The Board decided to solidify this agreement with Dale on 1/28/08 and also address the Sewer Use Policy at that time.

C.  Parks & Rec - Tony explained that it was brought to his attention that as part of the procedures at the Recreation department, Don Gagnon is now requiring proof of insurance for anyone utilizing the building.  Gerry asked if Don has a copy of the policy the Selectmen agreed to.  Tony responded that he doesn't think so but he will seek it out.  Tony explained that an issue arose with the karate class not having insurance, and they would like to know if they can be put under the town's insurance because if they have to seek their own the cost of the class will need to be raised.  The Board was in agreement that the karate class needs to seek their own insurance.

6.  Final Budget Discussion:
A.  Tony informed the Board that when they started the budget process there was a $0.54 cent increase in the tax rate and right now there is a $0.04 increase.  Paula added that there appears to be a decrease in the school rate for next year though the budget committee is still struggling to get all the right numbers.

B.  Paula stated that she needs verification of what department heads are coming to which budget meeting and when, and that the 1/22/08 meeting has been changed to 1/23/08. Tony replied that he did not have that information with him but could send an email to all them members with the schedule as requested.

C.  Joan asked the Board if they are going to stay fast to the 4.2% salary increases they voted in and everyone agreed yes.  Tony stated that the budget committee utilized the 2.3% SS (social security increase) that does not include energy and food and that he does not agree with that.

D.  Marty questioned if the town's medical coverage cover the costs of flu shots and CDL drug testing because there is a separate line item in the budget for them.  Tony replied that he doesn't thing so but he will check.

E.  Paula questioned how Tony figured line 32 (temp. coverage) in the Administrative budget.  Tony explained that he line includes $1200 for the trustee bookkeeper, plus temp coverage for 1 week vacations for Megan and Doreen.  Paula questioned why we would provide a temp for planning and wonders if the line should be cut more.  Tony responded that he needs to verify if the bookkeeper is in this line or in the personnel liability line and that he can probably cut the line by $1000 anyway.  Paula stated that Tony should see what Megan makes for two weeks and budget that amount.

F.  Marty commented that Tony cut an additional 2% from the total budget but did not touch any of the health agencies and hospital requests.  Tony will reduce them all by 2% except for COAST (which will cut services if you do) and the CAPP.

G.  Paula questioned if the rec. payroll line includes the senior programming person of if she is being paid out of the revolving fund still.  Tony replied she is still paid out of the revolving fund.

H. Gerry stated that he noticed the blasting line was cut and questioned if the cut will effect the blasting on Ten Rod and Meaderboro roads.  Tony responded that he is not sure; Joel Moulton made the cut.  Joan added that the Board just needs to instruct Joel that the blasting is a priority and will be done.  Gerry asked Tony to find out if the blasting can be done with the cut and if Joel needs the $10,000 to ensure the job is done then to put it back in the budget.  Tony responded that he believes Joel has plenty of money but will "probably claim it did not get done next year because the line was cut."  Joan agreed it is a priority but doesn't believe Joel needs more money.

I.  Marty questioned the amount of line 01-4312-20-394 (painting of lines) because it was not all expended in 2007.  Tony stated that he is not sure why an encumbrance was not asked for.  Brandy found in the minutes of 12/26/07 that Joel requested a $7,230.69 encumbrance for the line.  Tony will look into this.

J.  Paula questioned if it is safe to assume the part-time position was cut from the landfill budget because there was a $9540 cut in the personnel line and if not why is it down this amount.  Tony replied that he did not cut this line but he will look into it.

K.  Paula noted that the welfare budget shows a decrease.  Tony replied that he was unsure if the Board was offering the 4.2% increase to part-time staff.  The Board agreed that they would offer the 4.2% to the part-time staff as well.  Tony will correct the budget.

L.  Paula noted that the library budget showed a $4000 decrease and questioned why.  Tony replied that he asked them to decrease it by 2% and they did.

M.  Paula stated that under the reserves the highway equipment line, $50,000 was removed, and is it safe to assume that the funds are going to be raised through taxation.  Gerry replied that it was determined earlier that the remaining $42,000 would be pulled out of the capital reserve fund balance and that $50,000 is to be raised and appropriated.

N.  Paula questioned why the highway personnel line is still so high, when the Board decided they were not replacing the mechanic who made about $40,000.  Tony replied that Pam took that position out for this draft.  Paula questioned why there is only an $8000 decrease, Tony responded that he was unsure but that he would look into it.

O.  Paula stated that on the MS-7, line 3357 (Bridge to Ten Rod Road) we had an estimated revenue of $304,000 last year, but we did not receive those funds so the line reads 0.  However, according to Kelcey & Edwards the Town should receive those funds in 2008.   Paula questioned if this revenue should be included in the 2008 anticipated revenue.  Tony will check.

Paula added that the $42,000 transfer from the capital funds for the highway truck might need to be included as revenue as well.  Tony will look into it.  Paula added that the MS -7 needs to be updated as a result of these changes and requested a new copy.

7. Other:
A.  Marty questioned what town policy is in regards to replacing mailboxes that are damaged as a result of snow plowing by the Town.  The Board was in agreement that if the mailbox is installed correctly, according to the post office, than the Town would be responsible to replace it.  Joan added that it would be the post office's determination if the mailbox was installed correctly.  Joan asked for confirmation from the post office of those boxes that Joel does not replace per the post office stating they were installed incorrectly.

Marty added that a town plow also damaged the fire escape on the old town hall on Blouin Street, noting that it will be fixed immediately because it affects the fire code.

B.  Gerry read a letter written by resident John Theriault, praising the actions of the Police Chief Scott Roberge and his officers during the recent stand-off at Cherub Estates.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

_____________________________                   ____________________________
Chairman, Gerry McCarthy                                Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

____________________________                    ____________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joan A. Funk

Joel Chagnon