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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 1-7-08
Monday, January 7, 2008

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joel Chagnon (arrived at 8:25 pm) and Joan Funk (arrived at 7:38 pm).
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Public Works Director Joel Moulton, Finance Administrator Pam Merrill.

Public Present: Susan Loker, Katherine Howard, Deb Christie, Steve Durrance and Sylvia Arcouette.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.  

1.  Public Comment:
A.  none

2.  Discussion with Katherine Howard of CHANCES:
Katherine Howard of CHANCES came forward to the Selectmen to request $5000 for the CHANCES program.  She explained that in 2007 the program serviced 298 children and their families, with 112 of them being from Farmington.  She also stated that they had a 93% successful rate which it turn means those children were not repeat offenders.  Within the program 359 hours were given in community service hours as part of the court diversion program and an additional 633 hours of service were offered just because they wanted to.

Gerry questioned if the Rochester allocated any funds towards the program in 2007 or for 2008.  Ms. Howard replied no they did not but explained that under the grants they receive they are obligated to serve all of Strafford County's youth, though they only serve the judicated youth in the town's who do not support them.  Ms. Howard also explained that the allocation from Farmington is spent only on Farmington youth.

Paula Proulx motioned to leave the $5000 budget request for CHANCES (juvenile court diversion line) in the 2008 budget, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx and Marty Gilman in favor and Gerry McCarthy opposed.

3.  Application to the Economic Development Committee:
A.  Gail Ellis made an application to be a member of the Economic Development Committee.  Paula Proulx motioned to waive the requirement to have the applicant come before the Board of Selectmen since they are all familiar with her, 2nd Marty Gilman.   Motion carried with all in favor.

Marty Gilman motioned to appoint Gail Ellis to the Economic Development Committee, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  CDBG Samco Grant:
Tony informed the Board that a public hearing needs to be scheduled to hear updates on the CDBG Samco grant.  The Board was in agreement that Tony could schedule the hearing for a couple of weeks out at a Selectmen meeting.

5.  Paulson Road Permit Discussion:
Tony explained that he and Joel Moulton drafted a permit to allow essential service trucks to utilize the Paulson Road bridge that is currently posted for no heavy loads.  Tony stated that they did have counsel review the draft permit and they expressed that though the permit is suitable it also does not release the town from some liability, though there isn't much choice.  Paula questioned what the "other" essential services could be that are referred to and posed the question if those "other" services should have to request permission on an individual basis.  Gerry agreed with Paula's comments.  Tony commented he can strike "but not limited to" from the permit and add a line that states any additional services not included on the permit would need to request permission of the Selectmen.  Paula Proulx motioned to approve the Paulson Road Bridge Permit with the changes discussed, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

6.  Beaver Pond Campground:
Tony explained that Town Counsel would like permission to set a deadline for the campground to come in to compliance.  Paula Proulx motioned to take the legal advice from town counsel in their letter regarding Beaver Pond Campground, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

7.  EnviroSense Contract:
Tony stated that he reviewed the contract to do the clean up at the pumps and noticed a deductible item in the contract, but that Joel received an email noting that the deductible has been met and that the Town will not be charged.  Paula questioned if the state is actually going to pay.  Tony said he called and they responded they could not foresee any reason why they would not.  

Marty questioned if the person at fault has ever been ordered to pay restitution.  Tony replied that he would contact the prosecutor to see what is happening with the case.  Paula questioned if there is any obligation to the Town once this contract is signed and Tony responded no.  Paula then inquired if the clean up is guaranteed to pass DES inspection.  Tony responded that since they are receiving their funds from DES then they would have to follow DES requirements.  Paula Proulx motioned to accept the EnviroSense Grant proposal for $8,553.25, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

8.  Correspondence/Updates:
A.  A letter was received from Budget Committee Chair, Joe Pitre requesting permission to obtain legal counsel if needed for clarification.  The Board was in agreement that the budget committee could contact an attorney if they felt it was needed.

B. Tony expressed a job well done by all Town personnel and fire department volunteers who assisted with the response to the police issue in Town last Friday.

C.  Marty commented that the electric door openers are installed at the old town hall.  Paula questioned if the building meets all codes now.  Marty responded no, a railing needs to be installed down the front staircase and a few fire doors are needed.  Paula questioned if the funds to update the doors at the municipal building have been put in the budget and Gerry commented that there should be enough funds in the building rental account.

9.  Encumbrances:
A. Tony informed the Board that he got an explanation for the encumbrance request for $3,019.18 for the main line renewal line from Dale Sprague.  Apparently, at the end of November Dale received a claim from Liberty Mutual for a homeowner's claim that they paid out.  Liberty Mutual feels that the town is liable for the claim because they feel the water heater that was damaged was due to a loss of water pressure when the Town was cleaning the large water tank.  The Board discussed that the liability from the Town should not be there because the water heater should have had a check valve in place to prevent such a thing and asked Tony to forward this information to LGC who will be processing the claim.  Paula then added that only $1000 would need to be expended anyway because the Town has a deductible of $1000 and this money should be put in the budget.  Pam then commented that there are not any funds in the water main line renewal line and therefore for there is no money to encumber.  Paula Proulx motioned to not accept the encumbrance from the water main line renewal line and to change the insurance deductible line from $2000 to $3000 in the 2008 budget, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B. Paula commented that at the first budget review meeting, Dale Sprague asked to add $750 to lines 264 (water budget and line 221 (wastewater budget) for the purchase of a GPS system in which the remaining $1500 would come from public works.  Dale commented that the GPS package is about $6000, so he was figuring to encumber $3000 and then budget $1500 within his two budgets and $1500 in Joel Moulton's budget.  Joel Moulton commented that $1500 is loaded in his budget request.  Paula Proulx motioned to encumber $2500 from the water new equipment line and $561 from the wastewater new equipment line to fund a GPS system and to reduce line 264 on the 2008 water budget by $750 and line 221 of the wastewater budget by $750, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C.  Joel Moulton requested to encumber $80,786.18 under highway improvement for the blasting on Ten Rod Road and Meaderboro Road and for additional paving and upgrades to the same roads.  Paula Proulx motioned to encumber $80,786.18 from the highway improvement, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D.  Joel requested to encumber $19,695.03 from the bridges/railings line for the engineering of the Bay Road bridge.  Marty questioned if a 2nd opinion should be obtained for the bridge reports the town has.  Joel Moulton responded that the state is currently re-rating the bridges and he will forward the reports to the Board.  Joel M. added that the Ten Rod Road bridge is about $50,000 under budget and that he just got the final bills on Friday, he will summarize the reports and make recommendations for a warrant article in regards to the remaining funds this week.  Paula Proulx motioned to encumber $19,695.03 from the bridges/railings line, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

E.  Gerry requested a one-sheet list of all the accepted encumbrances.

10.  Discussion with the Library Trustees:
Susan Loker, the incoming Chairman of the Library Trustees, explained to the Board that even though they can change the budget lines after it is approved by the Selectman they do not.  They work very diligently to manage the lines presented and approved by the Selectmen.  She also expressed that the Trustees met after last week's Selectmen meeting and discussed the proposed changes.  In response to the Selectmen's requests they felt they could not reduce the pay increases to the staff but were able to compromise by removing the part-time position they were proposing.  Ms. Loker also explained that when examining the Librarian's salary they found she would have only received a seven-cent raise if they had followed the Selectmen's recommendation.  She commented that the Trustees did not feel that was fair compensation for someone who is managing three times the staff, double the space and a new computer access program and decided to not change the librarian's salary.  Ms. Loker explained that the Trustees would like to keep all the proposed salaries as is, noting that these increases will bring the salaries up to an equitable comparison to similar towns.

Joan Funk arrived at 7:38pm.

Gerry commented that though he can appreciate the Trustees concerns and comments he does not agree with the pay increases because they are having the same issues with the Town staff and was hoping the Trustees could put in a step plan like the Town plans to.  Paula commented that she appreciates the time and effort the Trustees put in.  Marty agreed with Paula and noted that it is the percentage of the increase that what bothers him.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the library budget as proposed, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Discussion followed in which Joan commented that she believes the trustees did a good job and feels bad they dropped the position they wanted.  Ms.Loker replied that the trustees were trying to accommodate the Town but would certainly accept the position back.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy opposed because he felt the increases were to high in the salary lines.

11.  Board Discussion on Town Salaries:
A.  Gerry questioned if the Board feels they should give everyone a straight 3.2% increase and then wait until next year to deal with the inequities.  Joan agreed with this plan.  The Board was in agreement to work on a salary update/step plan during 2008.  Tony commented that LGC offered to come in and assist the Board with this process.

Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.II (a), 2nd Paula Proulx.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).  

The Board went in non-public session at 8:08pm with Joel Chagnon arriving at 8:25pm.

The Board came back into public session at 10:53pm.

B.  Gerry informed the public that Board voted on a 4.2% salary increase for all town employees excluding the police department.

12.  Capital Reserves and Other:
A.  Tony stated that warrant articles are needed for the $20,000 personnel separation account, the library alarm update, the $92,000 highway truck, the 2007 bridges warrant article transfer, the $27,000 chipper, the $30,000 reval., the $27,000 police cruiser, the $42,000 for sidewalk construction and the $61,200 for the Preservation Guild Grant.

Joan Funk motioned to remove the wood chipper form the warrant articles, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

The Board discussed that the Board should leave at least $50,000 in the line for the public safety building because the Board needs to have a discussion on what the plan is.

B.  Pam stated that the current bottom line for the 2008 budget is $6,244,184.00.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to have Tony and the department heads cut the bottom line of $6,244,184.00 by 2%, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 11:21 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan A. Funk