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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 12-10-07
Monday, December 10, 2007

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx and Joan Funk (arrived at 7:37 pm).

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu and Police Chief Scott Roberge.

Public Present: Dan Cutter, Bill Cameron, Bernie Cameron and Randy LaPierre.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:03 pm.

1. Public Comment:
A.  Cyndi Paulin of the Farmington Community Preservation Guild informed the Board and the public that the Town was awarded the Safe Route to School grant they applied for in the amount of $65,000.  She explained that $61,000 of the fund would be used for signage, to connect the sidewalk between the Henry Wilson Memorial School and High School and sidewalk repairs on Spring Street and Grove Street.  The balance of the grant will be used for educational materials and to help launch a walking to school club.  Cyndi thanked the School Resource Officer Andy Crone, School Representative Sue Roy, Parent Representative Cathy King, Public Works Director Joel Moulton, Economic Development Committee Member Ron Nolan, the previous Recreation Department Director Kim Brackett and the Guild for their assistance with putting all the pieces together for the grant.  

2. Review of Minutes:
A.  The minutes of 11-19-2007 had to be tabled because there was not a quorum present to accept them.                           
B.  Paula Proulx motioned to table the minutes of 11-26-2007, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3. Department Heads:
A. Public Works -
        1.  Tony informed the Board that Joel Moulton scheduled the Free Demolition Debris Day at the landfill for 12/22/2007 and it will be run the same way as in the fall with every household being able to bring in one free pickup truck load of demolition debris.
        2.  Tony explained that Joel Moulton reposted a 3 Ton Limit sign on the Paulson Road bridge due to a NHDOT recommendation.  Bill and Bernie Cameron presented the board with a letter asking the Board how they are suppose to get deliveries from UPS, heating fuel and emergency vehicles to their home with this limit posted.  Tony added that he did some research and discovered that in order for the bridge to be posted to limit anything under 8 tons an application had to be filed and approved by the state.  Joel Moulton did file this application and the road is legally posted.  

Dan Cutter, an abutter to the Cameron's explained that he also owns property on the other side of the bridge and is facing the same difficulties with the posting.  He stated that when he purchased the property he volunteered two days of his time and equipment to do town road repairs and now he can not use the bridge for his own vehicles.

Tony reminded the Board that the bridge is not scheduled for replacement until 2017 but needs some immediate action in order for the residents to utilize the bridge.  Gerry asked if any engineering has been done on the bridge thus far.  Tony   said that in talking to Joel Moulton he discovered that a temporary fix can be done on the bridge for $30-$40,000 but that they will not bring the weight limit up over the 3-ton limit and that Kelsey & Edwards did the engineering study on the bridge when the studied all the town bridges.

Dan Cutter stated that he would be willing to offer his time and equipment again to help with any repairs and Bill Cameron offered the same.  Paula suggested having Joel Moulton contact Kelsey & Edwards to see what can be done to bring the bridge weight limit up and informed the residents that any work to the bridge will take some time because an application has to go to the state before the bridge can be lifted.

        3.  The septic lagoons have been approved and can be filled.

B. Police Department -
        1.  Police Chief Scott Roberge requested the Board reimburse the police department $5927 in FEMA funds for the money they expended during the floods in 2006 and 2007.  Scott explained that his secretaries provided Joel Moulton all the paperwork required for the FEMA filing and has copies of such.  Gerry inquired as to which lines were expended and Scott replied his overtime lines.  Gerry commented that the overtime lines were not over expended and Scott explained that he was very cautious with his budget and made cuts appropriately.  Paula explained that the FEMA monies can not be used to revitalize a budget line but needs to be expended on a project with any remainder going to mitigation.  Tony agreed to do some research to see what can be done and get back to the Board.
        2.  Scott informed the Board that he researched a new cruiser option for them to consider.  He explained that through the Ford Government Purchase Program the Town can lease three brand new vehicles (dispose of two) with a payment of $31,524.56 a year for three years and then purchase them for a $1 or trade them in.  Scott added that two of the vehicles would come with an extended warranty, there are no mileage limits and that the cruiser maintenance line could be reduced by $4000 because he would have new vehicles.  The Board held off on further discussion of the cruisers until Joan arrived as she requested.

C.  Water/Wastewater Department -
        1.  A copy of a draft pump station agreement was included with the Board's packets for review though Gerry commented that it was not what he was looking for.  Gerry explained to Tony that a few months ago, Dale Sprague had agreed to forward a draft of a town pump station acceptance policy for the Board to review and that he would like a copy of this.  Gerry stated that he would like a policy before the Board considers any type of agreement and the other Board members agreed.  Tony will get the said draft from Dale and forward to the Board.

D.  Parks and Recreation Department -
        1.  The new director, Donnie Gagnon forwarded an applicant he would like to hire to fill the program coordinator position (the position would be responsible for the after school and younger children programming).  Marty Gilman motioned to follow-up with Donnie Gagnon's recommendation and have the applicant come before the Selectmen so they can meet her, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

E.  Planning and Community Development Department -
        1. The Planning Board requested in writing that the Selectmen remove David Meehan as an alternate from the planning board due to his lack of attendance and non-responsiveness to the many phone calls and recent letter sent requesting his resignation.  Marty Gilman motioned to remove David Meehan from the Planning Board, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Gerry asked Tony to have the alternate position posted.

4. Updates/Correspondence:
A.  The Middleton Board of Selectman, in response to a letter from Tony on behalf of the Board, replied that they are willing to meet with the Board on January 16,23, or 30th no earlier than 6:30pm.  The Board decided to meet on January 16, 2008 at 6:30pm in the Selectman Chambers unless it is being utilized in which they will meet at the Old Town Hall.

B.  The Board asked Tony to forward a Town Hall Rental Policy to the new Parks and Rec. Director Donnie Gagnon in response to a memo.

C.  Tony explained that there would be a 25% increase in the unemployment compensation program from Primex because they redid their formula.  Gerry asked what this program consists of and Tony explained it would be for them to process and validate unemployment claims and added that he did request a quote from LGC for this service.  Tony will research more exactly what the Town receives for this money.

Joan Funk arrived at 7:37 pm.

D.  A letter was received form the Farmington Country Club regarding a levee that is on Town property and needs to be repaired because it has worn a hole in the dike.  Tony informed the Board that Joel Moulton informed him that FEMA has some additional grants available for this type of work and that he will be getting that information to him.

E.  The Board received a request from $15,659 from COAST Bus for the 2008 year (which is a small decrease).  Paula requested that Tony research where the current bill is and how much it is for.  Marty added that COAST offered two bus shelters and so far as only supplied the Town with one.  Tony will look into the status of the second shelter.

F.  Tony informed the Board that the generator for the Old Town Hall should be ready for installation next week.

5.  Old Business:
A.  PSNH Street Light Conversion Contract - Tony informed the Board that Kathleen Lewis of PSNH was not available for tonight's meeting but agreed to come next week to review the contract with the Board next week.

B.  Christmas Eve Employee Schedule - Gerry stated that he would agree to close the Town offices on Christmas Eve this year because it is a Monday and does not believe the employees should have to come in for a 1/2 day.  Marty agreed but would like to extend the tax due date until 12/27/2007.  Joan also agreed, stating that it would be an appropriate thank you to all the employees to worked so well without an administrator or planner for so long this year.  Joan Funk motioned to give Town employees Christmas Eve 2007 off and to extend the tax due date to 12/27/2007, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx opposed.

C.  Tony reiterated Scott Roberge proposal to utilize the Ford Government Lease Program to purchase three new cruisers this year.  The Board discussed the program.  Gerry stated that he is not in favor of increasing the size of the cruiser fleet.  Paula stated that historically when the Town purchases a cruiser the cruiser detail fund is applied to the purchase to bring the cost down so it will cost more money to purchase the vehicles this way.  Paula also noted that if the Town were to go with this program they would have to replace all three vehicles at one time and she would not be in favor of such a program.  Marty and Joan agreed.  The Selectmen agreed not to utilize the three vehicle-leasing program.

Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II. (c), 2nd Joan Funk.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

The Board came back into public session.

6.  New Business:
A.  Complete 2008 Draft Budget Review - (Tony explained that he made cuts unilaterally based on department wishes and needs.
        1.  Gerry stated that line 45 in the Administrative budget should be $3000.
        2.  Gerry requested a list of all personnel what their current pay is with benefits and the proposed increase.  Tony stated the current salary proposal shows a 3.2% increase.
        3.  Marty stated that line 128 in the fire budget can be reduced because the shower is being installed this year.
        4.  Gerry questioned if the health, FICA, Medicare and retirement costs are included for the three full time fire personnel in the budget.  Tony stated that they should be included but he would double check.
        5.  Marty commented that some money should be added to the building maintenance of the police department to address the door location, electrical and heating issues and painting of the building.
        6.  Paula questioned line 9 (telephone) under Executive budget and Tony stated that is looking into pulling Nextel's and revamping some of the contracts.
        7.  Paula stated lines 21-24 under Executive need to be corrected because four elections need to be budgeted for.
        8.  Paula stated that line 44 under Executive should not be used for front desk coverage or the outsourcing of payroll and added that maybe the personnel liability should come from a special revenue fund that accrues.  Tony agreed that a revenue fund would be a good idea to cover this personnel liability and would recommend setting aside a one-year medium salary ($45-50,000).
        9.  Paula asked Tony to check the formula for lines 10 and 11 under the election budget.
        10. Paula questioned line 31, (planner's salary) and Tony stated that line should be $50,193.
        11. Paula suggested Tony speak with Joel Moulton about his budget so that he is sure he will have enough funds to cover the work scheduled and to see what funds will be encumbered from 2007.
        12. Paula questioned what line 138 (welfare medical) is for?  Tony will check.
        13. Paula asked if the Chief Fowler is okay with the $3000 cut in the payroll line and Tony said he was.
        14. Tony will check on the fire department building maintenance budget.
        15. Paula asked what line 141 under the Rec. Dept. budget is for, specifically the $4000.  Tony will look into it.
        16. Tony informed the Board that the training line 138, within the Rec. Dept. budget was discussed with Donnie and they agreed it could be reasonably reduced to $3000 because all the trainings can be done locally.
        17.  Line 140 (Wakefield) under the Health Agencies and Hospitals Budget can be removed.
        18.  Joan commented that she would like to know what the Juvenile Court Diversion program supports and such and requested that the come before the Board to explain their program.  The Board was in agreement and Tony will schedule them.
        19. Joan commented that she would like Cyndi Paulin of the Preservation Guild to come before the Board to report on what she is working on more often.  She also stated that though she believes Cyndi does a great job at the Guild she is not sure whether some of the programming fits into her job description.  In discussing the Guild it was noted that the Board was not in favor of an increase to the budget for a part-time secretary and the Board agreed to reduce the budget line by $15,000.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 10:44pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman
__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon
Joan A. Funk