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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 11-26-07
Monday, November 26, 2007

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Paula Proulx, Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk.

Selectman Excused:      Martin Gilman

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu and Police Chief Scott Roberge.

Public Present: Sharon McKenney

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the public hearing at 5:30 pm.  

Chairman McCarthy explained that the purpose of tonight's public hearing was to accept the $435,439.53 the Town received in unexpected revenue from FEMA for the 2007 floods.  He explained that the Town now needs to decide how to expend this revenue in accordance with RSA 31:95B.  Joan Funk asked if the 2006 FEMA monies have been expended yet.  Tony Mincu replied that the last of the encumbered work has been recently completed so that those funds have been expended however the Town is still expecting a 12% reimbursement from the State of NH in regards to that work.  Joan stated that the 2007 FEMA funds should be placed back in the Highway Department budget to pay for the road and bridge repairs.  The Board was in agreement.

Chairman McCarthy closed the public hearing at 5:59pm. and opened the Board of Selectman meeting.

Joan Funk motioned to accept the unanticipated revenue for the 2007 FEMA flooding reimbursement in the amount of $435,439.53, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

A.  Public Comment:

B.  Review of the Minutes:
1.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the 11/16/2007 minutes as written, 2nd Paula.  Discussion followed in which Paula asked if the original tax increase was $2.50 as stated and Tony confirmed the number as correct.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to table the minutes of 11/19/2007, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C.  Explanation of the 2007 Tax Rate:
Tony explained that on 11/19/2007 the tax rate was $19.55, in which only twenty cents of the increase was due to the Town and State, the remainder of the increase was due to the schools.  The Selectmen then held an emergency meeting and bought down the taxes to $19.11 by applying $233,000 from the unexpended fund balance.  In response to this still rather large tax increase, Joe Pitre, Budget Committee Chair, reviewed the tax documents and noticed two rather large errors on the MS-24 in regards to the school food service and the tuition from other towns.  After further investigation the tax rate was lowered to $17.51.

D.  Police Department Proposed Budget Review:
1.  Gerry questioned if the school resource officer was paid in full in 2006 by the school department.  Chief Roberge responded that the school department pays 80% of the officer’s pay and the Town pays 20%, though in 2006 that amount was prorated because there was not a resource officer in the school for the entire year.

2.  Gerry asked why there is a 7.6% increase in the crossing guard line.  The Chief responded that both the school crossing guard and the downtown traffic officer are included in this line and that in 2006 the downtown officer was not there for an entire year.

3.  The Chief pointed out line 116 - Vehicle Maintenance- stating that if the Board decided against purchasing two vehicles he would need to raise this line because there would be more maintenance of cruisers with higher mileage.  He explained that just last week he had to replace a steering rack for $1200 and a headlight module for $300 in one of the cruisers with 96,000 miles.

4.  A discussion was held on whether or not the Chief has looked into other models of cruisers.  The Chief explained that he definitely looks at other models but the only other credible vehicle right now is the Dodge Charger and it is still having the kinks worked out, plus the Crown Victoria is very dependable and has not needed a lot of large ticket items over the years like engines and transmissions.

5.  A discussion was held that the Chief would like to purchase two new cruisers this year to add a vehicle to his fleet so that he can one, have another vehicle available for his officers but two, so that he can distribute the mileage a little more among the cars so that the higher mileage vehicles will last longer.  He explained that he would be willing to apply the $8000 in drug forfeiture money towards the purchase of a second vehicle.  Gerry commented that he does not want to make a decision on purchasing a second vehicle until he knows what the proposed budgets look like in their entirety and how they will affect the tax rate next year, Paula agreed.  Joan and Joel stated they would both support the purchase of two new cruisers.  Joan Funk motioned to increase the police cruiser fleet by one vehicle, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion failed with Joan Funk and Joel Chagnon in favor and Gerry McCarthy and Paula Proulx opposed.

6.  Chief Roberge stated he would like to increase his vehicle maintenance line to $14,000 if not purchasing two vehicles.  Gerry asked the Chief if he would lower the line back down to $11,000 if two vehicles are approved after al the budgets are approved and the Chief replied yes.  Joan Funk motioned to increase the police department proposed budget line 116 (vehicle maintenance) to $14,000, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

7.  Paula commented that she thought line 56 (animal control mileage) was being removed.  The Chief responded it is suppose to be.  He then added that the animal sheltering line will need to be budgeted for the same amount spent this year because there was no increase.  He will bring the bill down this week so it can be budgeted properly.

E.  Correspondence/Updates:
1.  The Selectman signed the tax rate for the County.

F.  Old Business:
1.  Employee Health Insurance - Tony explained that there are three options for the Board to consider for insurance;

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:34pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan A. Funk