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Board of Selectmen Minutes 11-5-07
Monday, November 5, 2007

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk.
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Lt. Kevin Willey, Water Department Head Dale Sprague.
Public Present: Donald Gagnon

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:00 pm and informed the public that the Board will be going into non-public session for one-half hour and will try to avoid doing so at the beginning of the meeting in the future.
Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91:A.3.II (b), 2nd Joan Funk.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).
The Selectmen came back into public session at 6:35pm.
1. Public Comment:
A.  Paula informed the board that she has received multiple calls from the residents of Meaderboro Road wanting to know who authorized the striping of the road.  The Board discussed that the striping was probably included in Joel Moulton's (Public Works Director) list of roads he wanted to stripe for safety reasons but that they would need to check with him.
B.  Joan commented that there is a rather large pothole on Chestnut Hill Road that needs to be filled in.  Gerry responded that the hole was repaired today.
2. Department Heads:
A. Police Department - Chief Scott Roberge publicly thanked the police department and the School Resource Officer for a job well done in solving the vehicle burglaries and cemetery destruction cases.
        1.  Police Budget - Chief Scott Roberge presented the proposed 2008 budget for the police department.
                a. Paula questioned if the School Resource Officer's salary is included in the personnel line.  Scott responded he did not mean to include it but that he would need to check with Pam Merrill (Finance Administrator) to be sure.
                b. Paula questioned if Tony talked with him about having a traffic control officer during the week from 7:30am to 8am to assist with the heavy downtown traffic.  Scott replied he did not recall but that he would try to address the issue.
                c. Scott reported that the overtime line includes court time, major issues (like floods), major crimes and special events.
                d. Scott explained that the police department initially pays the salary of the school resource officer but that the SAU reimburses 83% of that cost.
                e. Gerry asked if the trainings the officers take are mandated and if they are, why they mandated without funding.  Scott replied that the officers are required to have 12 hours of training each year, not including their fire safety training and that none of the trainings are funded.
                f. Scott explained that the mileage line is up $1000 from last year partly due to the fact that family court will be in Dover not in Rochester; plus cruisers are not available for the officers to take to court.
                g. Scott commented that the telephone line has been increased due to the basic phone service increasing and that the department Nextels have been consistently within the usage contract.
                h. Scott informed the Board that the Town currently pays about $14,500 for dispatch, $26,000 for prosecution and $2000 in supplies for the prosecutor.  Gerry requested a list of what the surrounding towns are paying for this service that is housed in our police department.  Scott said that he can get this list and explained that Farmington currently pays about 40% of the cost but generates 55% of the cases.
                i. Scott explained that the supply line should be increased to $13,000 from $10,000 to cover the cost of the SPOTS licensing software for the cruisers.  SPOTS is a program that he would like to install in each cruiser (with the town only paying for the licensing) that allows officers to know all the information on a vehicle and its owners before pulling a vehicle over.  He highly recommends the program for safety reasons and commented that several surrounding communities already use the system.  The Board agreed to the increase.
                j.  Scott commented that himself and Tony cut the supply line by $3000 though he would like the Board to consider putting some or all of it back in.  The extra $3000 was to start to replace department furniture in anticipation of a new safety building. It would be nice to show a professional building with quality furniture and not have to purchase it all at once, since what they have is all second-hand and falling apart.
                k.  Gerry asked why there are no video cameras in the cruisers.  Scott replied that he foresees Town money being expended on more important items and do not feel they are necessary.  He stated that the Town has not received any complaints of misconduct and hopes there never will be.
                l.  Scott explained that he would like to purchase two new cruisers this year since he has four vehicles in the fleet now that have about 100,000 miles on them.  Two new cruisers would help with spreading the mileage out a little more to keep the fleet in operation a little longer.  (Joel excused himself from the meeting at 7:36pm in order to give his principal's report at the school board meeting.)  Joan asked how much of the $52,000 that is proposed to purchase the two vehicles is the Chief expecting to come from taxation.  Scott replied all of it.  Joan then questioned why the Chief would not apply the drug forfeiture money towards this purchase.  Scott explained that the forfeiture money could only be expended if adding a new vehicle to the fleet not replacing one.  He also commented that he could use the money if the selectmen agreed to purchase two new vehicles but only dispose of one of the current vehicles increasing the fleet from 5 to 6 cruisers.
                m.  Paula asked for the Chief to explain the policy for police detail requirements in regards to road work.  Scott explained that he has the authority to mandate details for anyone who is blocking a public way.  Gerry asked for a copy of the documents to support that authority.
                n.  Paula asked if the school resource officer's salary was budgeted in the 2007 personnel line, because if it was then the department could encumber those funds for next year and decrease the 2008 budget by $60,000.  Tony will look into this.  Gerry asked Tony to have Pam Merrill generate a report for each departments personnel with all the benefits pulled out.
        2.  Animal Control Officer Budget Proposal- Chief Scott Roberge presented.
                a.  Scott explained that the mileage line can be deleted because the officer uses a town vehicle.
                b. Gerry questioned how the officer is paid and scheduled.  Scott explained that she is paid for 22 hours a week and typically works Tuesday through Friday (2-6pm) and Saturday (8am - 3pm).
                c.  Joan asked why the training line was over expended this year.  Scott replied that he sent her to some additional training that she would benefit from, but next year she will be all set.   
Paula Proulx motioned for a 5 minute recess, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Meeting recessed at 8:04pm.
Chairman McCarthy reconvened the meeting at 8:13pm.  Joel Chagnon rejoined the meeting.
B.  Water/Wastewater Department Final Budget Review - Department Head Dale Sprague presenting.
        1. Dale stated that the personnel line (line 214) was slightly adjusted because one of his part-time employees will be utilized more by the Public Works Department.
        2. Dale informed the Board that he would like to purchase GIS equipment to assist the Town with identifying correctly where items like water mains are located.  He is proposing to split the cost of the equipment with the Public Works Department in which both of his departments would pay $750 and Public Works would pay $1500.  Dale commented that the other departments in town could also utilize this system.  The Board was in consensus that it would be a worthwhile purchase and was added to the tools and maintenance lines in each respective department budget.
        3. Dale stated he can remove $2000 from line 220 (vehicles) because he did get the 1 Ton sandblasted and it is currently being painted.
        4. Dale requested that the Board review the financial reports for the two departments and consider a slight rate increase to decrease the deficit and plan for the future.
        5.  Dale questioned the Board as to when would be a good time to meet with Underwood Engineers so that they can present the information they gathered while developing the Water Master Plan and rate study.  The Board was in consensus that it could wait a few weeks because they are busy reviewing budgets.  Paula added that it might be beneficial for the CIP committee to sit in on this presentation.
        6.  The Board discussed options for increasing the water service on Rte. 11 from the old Textron Plant to Rite Aid with Dale.  Dale suggested two possible solutions with one going up South Main Street and the other just down Rte. 11, with the later being his first choice.
3. New Business:
A. Tony reminded the Board that the Lions Club previously donated $700 towards the Christmas lights in Town.  So when the Town paid the $1500 to the police department for the lights has approved last Monday, only $300 came from the Town budget.

B. Tony informed the Board that Megan Fetter, Secretary, is seeking bids for the Town Report printing.
4. Old Business:
A. Review Farmington Marketing Packet for the Sarah Greenfield Business Park -  Joan commented that on Page 10 in the last paragraph the wording needs to be changed to read the Town has a "paid and volunteer" fire department and ambulance service.  Marty questioned why the road to the right of Artemis is not included on the map.  Paula stated that the Economic Development Committee researched for this road easement and was unable to locate any such document, so it will need to be discussed.  Gerry questioned the road being built out by the daycare and Paula responded that it would be a topic of discussion as well in the near future.  The Board was in consensus that the Marketing Packet looked good and gave the go ahead to print them.
5. Updates/Correspondence:
A. The Boy scouts requested to use the Municipal building foyer and bathrooms on Saturday November 10th and 17th for their scouting for food community service project.  The Board Okayed this and agreed that Brandy Sanger will let them in to the building and secure it when they are through.

B. The Board reviewed a draft letter to the Middleton Board of Selectman in regards to the EMS service being primarily provided by Farmington.  The Board agreed that letter looked good and to forward it.

C. Tony reminded the board that on Tuesday, November 13, 2007 at 9am they will need to meet to set the tax rate.  In discussion it was discovered that all the Selectman would not be available at this time.  Joan Funk motioned to utilize any money above 12 % that is remaining in the undesignated fund balance to used to buy down the taxes, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.
6. Review of Minutes:
A. Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 10/22/2007 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Discussion followed in which Paula offered a friendly amendment to have the minutes accepted as amended to note the addition of the fact that Dale Sprague stated that Triple A Pump suggested another model of pump may be a better alternative for the pump station at Campbell Commons.  Joan and Marty accepted the amendment. Motion carried with all in favor.
B. Joan Funk motioned to approve the public minutes of 10/22/07 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.
There will be no Selectmen meeting on Monday, November 11, 2007.
Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 9:18pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan A. Funk