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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 10-29-07

Monday, October 29, 2007

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx and Joan Funk.
Selectman Excused:      Joel Chagnon
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Public Works Director Joel Moulton and Fire Chief Richard Fowler.
Public Present: Charlie King

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.  

A.  Public Comment:
1.  Gerry stated he has received many inquiries in regards to what is happening at the Collins & Aikman plant property and questioned if Tony has any new information.  Tony responded that the rumors should be treated as such and that at this point in time there are no formal statements being made as to what is or might be occurring on the site.

B.  Public Safety Building Discussion:
The Police Chief and Fire Chief both gave an overview of what they would foresee as a future safety building that could be built off the present fire station.  The Police Chief explained that he would need; a couple interview rooms, an intoxilizer room, file storage space, out of sight and sound juvenile room, locker area, bathrooms, storage areas, about 4 offices, shower facilities, a booking room and a patrolman work area.  He also explained that he would not require an armory of any kind or a holding cell.  The Fire Chief explained that he would like to increase the width of the present building to make the parking bays about 20 feet longer and possibly increase the length.  He would like to see the fire station include a decontamination room, shower facilities, bathrooms, a small kitchen, dining room, bunk rooms, a dayroom, about three offices and to keep the town health gym as part of the facility.  Both Chiefs proposed to build a connecting office area between the two buildings where they could share secretaries.

Gerry questioned if both departments would be able to wait until 2010 for a new building because that is when the CIP planned for construction.  Chief Fowler responded that with some tender care to the current station and an alternative plan for the parking of the 2nd ambulance he could.  Chief Roberge stated that he also could.

Gerry asked the Chiefs if they could suggest what type of square footage they are looking for.  Chief Roberge responded that he is not prepared to do so and that he would need a professionals help to do so.  Tony interjected that both Chiefs would like permission to sit down with a builder/designer to come up with a conceptual design.  After much discussion, the Board decided that Marty could set the Chiefs up with the designer who did the Highway garage to create a conceptual design.  This gentleman would not charge for the design but in return would just like the opportunity to bid on the project like other builders.

C.  Police Department:
1.  Chief Roberge asked if someone could talk to the gentleman who owns the overgrown bushes on the Summer St. corner because they are causing a hazard to drivers who cannot see.  Gerry responded that Joel Moulton is addressing that issue this week.

2. Chief Roberge stated that the station is in the midst of preparing the Christmas lights to go up after Thanksgiving and would like to request $1000 from the Town to assist with this project.  The Chief explained that the total project will be about $1500 and will include replacing bulbs, expanding the lights further down Central St. and installing an electronic eye which will turn the lights on and off with the sunset/sunrise.  The police department will pay the remaining $500.  Marty Gilman motioned to contribute $1000 towards the Christmas lights, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D.  Fire Department Budget Proposal:
Chief Fowler informed the Board that the revenue from the ambulance is about $95,000 this year and should come in at a comfortable $126,000 in 2008.

The Board had a discussion on hiring the full time EMT/firefighters.  Paula reported that she did speak with Pam Merrill and got the numbers for the retirement costs.  For two of the positions the cost would be $4,452 a year respectfully and the other would be $4,565.  The Chief added that he took Paula's challenge to have PM station coverage to decreased he response time and believes he came up with a comparable schedule.  Paula commented that the Chief did a good job and that the other part of her looking for PM coverage was that by having a full time night person the door could be opened for programs like the academy students that the Board couldn't approve a few months ago due to lack of supervision and such.

Chief Fowler explained that he removed the secretary from his budget and that the showers are being installed now.

Gerry questioned if the board should finalize this budget before all the other departments are finished.  The Board was in consensus not to but that it could be forwarded to the Budget Committee with the attachment that it is preliminary.

Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A. 3. II. (c), 2nd Joan Funk.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

The Board came out of non-public session.

E.  Public Works Department:
1.      Gerry questioned what the status is on High Street with addressing the residents concerns.  Joel Moulton responded that Chief Roberge had some concerns with making the road a one way and suggested first trying to install Children At Play signs, posting a 25mph sign and a sign that reads No Thru Trucks.  If these signs do not help alleviate the situation then the board can reconsider the one-way. The Board agreed to follow these suggestions.
2.      Joel reported that letters went out to residents on Summer and Pleasant Streets asking them to trim their bushes for safety or the town would do so.  Also he will be posting the speed limit, Children at Play and parking on only one side of the street signs.
3.      Joel informed the board that DJ’s Tree Service is currently working on the tree cutting this week.  Marty inquired if Asplundh (who parks their trucks at the highway garage) could possibly be persuaded to help trim the trees by the municipal building.  Joel responded that he didn’t see any problem with that and would certainly address it with the workers.
4.      Paula inquired when the striping would be done.  Joel responded next week.
5.      Joel updated the Board with what is happening with the Army Corps of Engineers and the river.  Apparently the Army Corps has now requested proof that the riverbed was brought up during the flooding event in April.  Unfortunately, there is no way for the town to quantify the amount of debris caused by that particular flood.  Joel added that Butch Barron offered to GPS the river at its present state for about $1000 to document what the current status is in case of another flood in which the river would most likely crest and cause substantial damage.  Gerry asked if it would be beneficial to send a letter with all this information to the Governor’s office and our Congressman so that they are aware of the possibility that the bridge could wash out.

F.      Appointment to the Downtown Committee:
Marty Gilman motioned to appoint Cindy Jean Snowdon to the Downtown Committee, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.

G.      Updates/Correspondence:
1.  Tony informed the Board that Dan Merhalski, Director of Planning, completed his compliance review for Campbell Commons and forwarded his report for the Board to review.  Tony added that also Mitchell & Bates forwarded them an official response to the compliance review that was requested.

2. Paula questioned when the tax rate would be set.  Tony responded that the school is setting theirs tonight and that the Town should be able to set the rate by Friday.

H.      Review of Minutes:
1.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the 10/1/07 minutes as amended for a grammatical change, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2.Marty Gilman motioned to accept the 10/11/07 minutes as amended, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy abstaining because he was absent.

3.      Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 10/15/07 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried.

4.      Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 10/15/07 as amended, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried.

Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91:A. 3. II. (e), 2nd Marty Gilman.  Roll Call – Gerry McCarthy (yes), Martin Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), and Joan Funk (yes).  

The Board came back into public session.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:17pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan A. Funk