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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 10-15-07
Monday, October 15, 2007

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joan Funk and Joel Chagnon.   

Staff Present:          Tony Mincu
Public Present:         Donna Doyle, John Doyle, Norman Russell, Sharon McKinney and Charlie King.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:00pm.

1.  Public Comment
A.      Donna and John Doyle questioned the board as to what requirements are made on new developments on Class VI roads (specifically Pound Rd.)  They explained how they have lived on Pound Rd. for 16 years and have had to maintain the road, now there are new developments beyond them that are not assisting with the maintenance.  Gerry responded that he is unsure but will check with the planning board and have someone get back to them this week.  Joan said that since she will attending the planning board meeting on Tuesday she will check and have someone get back to the Doyles.
B.      Norman Russell, resident, expressed his idea that the Town should consider implementing impact fees for pedestrian accommodations on developments in which requiring sidewalks might be unreasonable at the time of development.  Mr. Russell drafted a memo to the planning board in hopes that the Selectman would accept it and send it to the planning board as a recommendation.  This memo stated that the Selectman were in favor of requiring pedestrian accommodations in Town and would consider impact fees for such.  Marty Gilman motioned to adopt the memo in favor of pedestrian accommodations and impact fees, drafted by Norman Russell and forward to the planning board, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Charlie King, planning board chairman, informed the board that by adopting impact fees the town staff would be handling additional work as a result.

2.  Department Heads:
A. Fire Chief - Town Administrator, Tony Mincu, speaking on behalf of Chief Fowler.
1.      Bid on Fire Rescue Truck - The Town received a bid by D. Aube & Sons Contractors, LLC for $2500 to purchase the Ford Rescue Truck #2 for the purpose of salvage.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the bid by D. Aube & Sons Contractors, LLC for $2500 for the Rescue Truck #2, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.
2.      Proclamation for “Change your Clock - Change Your Battery Day” on November 4th -   Marty Gilman motioned to proclaim November 4, 2007 as “Change your Clock - Change your Battery Day” in Farmington, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion carried with all in favor.  
3.      Middleton Ambulance Response -   The Chief would like the Board to consider charging Middleton for Ambulance response because Middleton is unable to reciprocate the calls and Farmington is handling at least 50% of their calls.  To date Farmington has responded to 42 EMS and 11 Fire Mutual aid calls to Middleton.  Gerry asked Tony Mincu to have a Middleton Selectman and the Middleton Fire Chief invited to a joint meeting with this Board to discuss options.

3. New Business:
A. Parks and Recreation Applicants - Tony reported that he currently has 14 applications for the director position and initial interviews will be conducted by himself and Kelly (from the Rec. department).  Once first interviews are completed they will make recommendations to this Board for approval.
B. 911 Data Base Appointment - Gerry stated that the Town Planner, Dan Merhalski, should be the first contact with Doreen Vartanian listed second.  
C. Leave Time Liability Reduction Policy - Tony drafted a policy for the Board's consideration because there are a few town employees who have accumulated leave time that they will not be able to take due to scheduling conflicts.  Tony suggested the Board consider this draft policy to assist with keeping costs down by reducing the amount of time employees carry year after year.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the leave time liability reduction policy as drafted, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.
D. Appointment to Conservation Commission -  Joel Chagnon motioned to appoint Randy Orvis to the Conservation Commission for a term of three years, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
E. Set Next Budget Workshop Date: The Board set the budget workshop for the Parks and Recreation department and the Water/Sewer department for October 22, 2007 at 6pm.
F. Employee Health Insurance - Tony explained the insurance programs available and suggested utinlizing the LGC plan with the deductable and a health savings plan.  He explained how this plan is comparable to what the Town offers it's employees now and that with the health savings plan the money is taken out pre-tax and can be expended on prescriptions, co-pays, dental work, eye glasses and more.  Gerry asked if Tony has surveyed the employees to get their opinions on the programs.  Tony responded not yet, that he wanted to relay the information to the Board first, plus LGC is setting thier rates on October 17, 2007.  Gerry asked for Tony to get a copy of the benefits and coverage schedule and to poll the employees to get their opinions.

4. Old Business:
A. Credit Card Policy - Paula commented that the policy should require employees to follow the purchase order procedures.  Joel questioned as to when credit cards started being used in Town.  Joan responded about 10 years ago.  Joel commented that the school's manage fine without credit cards and he didn't see why the Town couldn't.  Joan replied that she doesn't have a problem with the credit cards being used as long as they are used following the purchasing policies.
      Paula commented that in reading the revised draft she found that the dispute procedures were somehow dropped and she would like them included in the final draft.  She also added that this policy needs to define the disciplinary action that will take place as a result of misuse and that if Pam Merrill, Finance Administrator, does not get a receipt with any PO then Tony should be notified immediately.  Lastly, Paula commented that Tony should review each statement before payment.  Joel agreed with Paula's comments.  Tony responded that he will make the above changes and bring back to the Board for their approval.

5. Updates/ Correspondence:
A.  The Board received a letter from John Wingate, Chairman of the Trustees, requesting permission to contact Town Counsel for legal advice.  The Board was in agreement that the Trustees have the authority to contact Counsel.
B. Marty stated that he would like the Board to mandate no parking on Lilac Street and Pleasant Street due to safety concerns.  Joan Funk motioned to make Lilac Street and Pleasant Street no parking on street areas, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Paula advised all Selectman to be cognizant of any businesses that might be effected by this parking ban.
C. Marty informed the Board that in his discussion with the Fire Chief it was brought up to possibly leave the library on the hard-wire because it is directly across the street from the station.  Marty commented that he would like to include the Congregational Church with this line as well.  Gerry added that maybe the Board should consider leaving all the lines downtown since there are never any problems with those lines.  Joan, Joel and Paula commented that the Board already set a deadline for the change over to the digitized system and therefore everyone should have to follow through with it.  The Board was in consensus to have Chief Fowler come back in to discuss the downtown lines.
D. Paula asked what is happening with the Little Red Schoolhouse that the Board agreed they would like to purchase from the School Department.  Joel replied that he knows the letter from this Board was shared at the last School Board meeting but not sure what was discussed about it.  Tony will check with the School Board.
E. Gerry received a complaint from a resident of High Street.  Tony will follow through with the complaint.
F. Gerry stated that the Board used to have an action item list to follow through with that showed all the items the Selectman need to act on and/or follow-up on.  Tony stated that he will restart this list for the Board.  Gerry also added that he would like a line that reads "Selectman Issues/Comments" on the agenda each week so the Board as a set place to share concerns/complaints.
G. Gerry asked the Planning Board Chair, Charlie King about the Pound Road development issue that came up during the public input session of tonight's meeting.  Charlie stated that he will look into the issue and get back to the resident.

6. Review of Minutes:
A.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes of 9/24/07 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B.  Joan Funk motioned to accept he non-public minutes of 9/24/07 as written, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the public minutes of 9/26/07 as written, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk abstaining because they were absent.

Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A:3, II (a) and (e). 2nd Marty Gilman.  Roll Call-Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes), Joan Funk (yes),Gerry McCarthy (yes) and Marty Gilman (yes).

The Board came out of non-public session at 8:22pm.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                       Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan Funk