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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 09-24-07
MONDAY – September 24, 2007

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Paula Proulx, Joan Funk, Marty Gilman and Joel Chagnon.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu

Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance.

1. Public Input:
There was no public input.

2. Department Head Report:
A.      Public Works – Tony Mincu informed the Board that Joel Moulton received bids for the Ten Rod Road Bridge repairs.  Ford Construction sent a bid for $229,978 and Dubois Excavation sent a bid for $232,232; these were the lowest bidders.  Tony  said that Ford Construction may not have been pre-qualified and if they were not then they would need to be excluded from the bidding process.  Kelcey and Edwards, the engineer firm, will confirm whether or not Ford Construction was pre-qualified.  Joan Funk motioned to contract Ford Construction for the amount of $229,978 for the Ten Rod Road Bridge repairs contigent upon their pre-qualification being substantiated by Kelcey & Edwards and if they are proven to not have been pre-qualified than Dubois Excavation will receive the contract for $232,232, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Discussion followed in which Joel Chagnon asked if any Town personnel is familiar with these firms work.  Tony responded that Kelcey & Edwards are doing a thorough job of screening the bidders.  Motion carried with all in favor.
B.      Water Department
Ø        Dale Sprague, Department Head, reported that the large tank repairs are proceeding well and should be complete by the end of the week.  He added that there was a small leak in the tank at the 12 inch pipe but he corrected the problem and wrote this and similar glitches he has come across down in the file so that future personnel will have a tool to work with.
Ø       The water main break appeared to be caused by the additional 20 pounds of pressure that was put on by closing the large tank for repairs.  Dale stated he fixed the breakages and leaks and installed a pressure valve to balance the system so it won’t happen again.
Ø       Dale cautioned the Board to be sure they consider that lines may break like the water main did as they work towards updating the infrastructure in town.
Ø       Joan asked what happened to cause the leak at Valley View School.  Dale stated that it appears when the water main broke the sediment in the pipes was disturbed and caused the check valve to remain open, which in turn caused the flooding.  Dale said he is working with Scott from the school to come up with a solution to stop this same thing from happening again.
Ø       Dale informed the Board that Peg Bastian of NH DES visited him and informed him that the Town would receive an administrative order because the copper and sulfate number are high (which we expected).  Dale explained to her what the Town is doing to be proactive and she was receptive and will pass the information on to EPA to hopefully buy the Town a little more time and leeway.  Dale stated he will contact Wright-Pierce to let them know of the visit.

3. New Business:
Ø       Tony informed the Board that Kim Brackett will be resigning from her position has Parks & Rec Director on 10/1/07.  An ad will go in this week’s paper for the position.  Gerry asked if anyone within the department has shown any interest in the position and Tony responded maybe, but that the individual(s) would apply like everyone else.  Joel asked who would be conducting the interviews and Tony responded that he is unsure at this time.  Joel volunteered to interview as a Board member.
Ø       Tony informed the Board that Charlie from the Public Works Department is retiring on 10/1/07.
Ø       Tony informed the Board that Chief Fowler has been out sick for a few days and he may be out for an extended time.  Gerry asked Tony to find out who is second in command and make sure he/she is all set with their duties.

4. Employee Insurance:
Tony stated that Primex (current insurance issuer) sent a letter to the Town offering tow options for the next contract year.  The first option was a rate of 11.5% for January through June 2008 and then a not-to-exceed rate at 9% for the following 12 months.  The second option was a 12 month renewal rate at 16% and then agreeing to leave Primex at the end of the contract.

Tony requested a rate sheet from LGC and their rates appear to be lower.  Tony reported that he did speak with some local administrators and they confirmed that LGC’s rates are typically lower than Primex.  The Board agreed to hold a workshop to go over all the insurance options soon and Tony agreed to seek more information on other insurance companies.

5. Formation of Public Safety Building Committee:
Tony stated that he has been trying to coordinate a committee with both the Police and Fire Chiefs to generate preliminary plans for a new safety building but was wondering if the Board would consider forming one.  Gerry asked why the Board can’t be the committee.  Tony responded that they could, he just thought it would be a large time commitment.  Marty stated that he would like the Chiefs to come up with an idea for what kind of space and “special” spaces (ie. Holding cell) they will require and then this Board can decide what do to from there.  Paula reminded the Board that the engineers hired for the Master Plan suggested doing a space needs study.  Gerry cautioned the Board that there are a lot of high cost projects coming up like the landfill closure.  Gerry questioned if there are maintenance issues at the fire station right now that need to be dealt with.  Tony will check on the maintenance issues and also get the Chiefs working.

6. Master Plan:
Gerry commented that he is concerned that the Implementation Chapter is not complete yet.  Paula stated that she knows that Charlie King has been working on the document to get all the updates in that the old planner did not input.  Tony will check with Charlie to see if he could use any help.

7. Discussion on Maintenance and Cleaning of the Municipal Building:
The town employees asked Tony to bring forward their concerns about some items not being cleaned, specifically the carpets need to be shampooed.  Paula stated that the maintenance team might not be aware of what the employees would like done on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.  Paula suggested the employees come up with a list of items they would like done and when and then have Tony present it to the maintenance guys to see if they can handle it.  The Board also agreed to have Tony hire someone to clean the carpets.

8.Old Business:
Ø       Gerry signed the deed for the Trotting Park Road Property.
Ø       Tony drafted a revised credit card policy.  The Board agreed to review it and discuss it at the next meeting.

9. Correspondence/Updates:
Ø       The Middleton planning department forwarded a copy of a proposed subdivision for the Town’s knowledge/comment.  Gerry asked if they sent a copy to the school department and he is concerned with the traffic increase.  Tony will forward Gerry’s comments to Middleton.
Ø       Tony reported that he is still waiting for the costs of the new lighting from Kathleen Lewis.

10.  Review of Minutes:
Ø       Joan Funk motioned to approve the public minutes of 9/10/07 as amended to add the comment that Joel made to Joel Moulton, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with Marty Gilman abstaining.
Ø       Paula Proulx motioned to table the non-public minutes of 9/10/07, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with Marty Gilman abstaining.
Ø       Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes of 9/17/07 as amended by having the time and secretary’s name added, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx and Joel Chagnon abstaining.
Ø       Paula asked if there were minutes taken during the mediation session between RSA and the Campbell Commons Homeowner’s Association and Tony responded no because it was agreed upon not to.

Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.2. (b) and (e), 2nd Marty Gilman.   Roll Call – Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes) and Joel Chagnon (yes).

Joel asked if any of the Board members told Chief Fowler to tell a member of the Middleton Fire Department that he was going to fast through town when responding to calls.  The Board all answered no.

Joel Chagnon motioned to adjourn, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:18pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

___________________________                     ______________________________
Chairman Gerald McCarthy                                Vice-Chairman Martin Gilman

___________________________                     ______________________________
Joan Funk                                               Joel Chagnon

Paula Proulx