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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 9-17-07
Board of Selectmen Meeting
Monday September 17, 2007

Selectmen Present: Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Vice Chairman Martin Gilman and Selectman Joan A. Funk.

Also Present: Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Community Preservation Guild Director Cyndi Paulin and Selectmen’s Secretary Megan Taylor Fetter taking minutes.

9:00: The Selectmen called this emergency meeting to meet the deadline for submitting the Safe Routes to School Project Grant Application, which Cyndi has been writing and has to mail on this date. Cyndi requested a letter from the Selectmen stating the Towns commitment to the project to submit with the application. (Copy attached to final hardcopy of minutes) The Board questioned Cyndi on the specifics of the grant and the dispersement of money. Gerry asked if the $71,000 was ‘in kind’ and Cyndi responded yes.

She has been working in conjunction with Public Works Director Joel Moulton on the infrastructure side of the project and the Police Department School Resource Officer Andrew Crone. Cyndi explained that she has put much of her personal time onto this grant application. She stated that this has been done with a multi pronged approach including the Public Works Department, the School Department and the Police Department. The school will be in charge of the walking project in which $27,00 will be put towards management of the program.

Joan Funk motioned to accept the project as proposed and to sign the letter as written. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.

9:30AM PM Gerry McCarthy motioned to adjourn seconded by Marty Gilman . All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Megan Taylor-Fetter
Selectmen’s Secretary

___________________     ______________________
Gerald McCarthy         Martin Gilman

____________________    ______________________
Paula Proulx                    Joan Funk

Joel Chagnon