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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 8-27-07
Monday, August 27, 2007

Selectman Present:   Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk via the telephone.

Public Present:  Denny Scruton, Mr. Mainzer and Mrs. Mainzer

Town Personnel Present: Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Police Chief Scott Roberge and Water Dept. Supervisor Dale Sprague.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

1. Review of Minutes:  
A.  Joel Chagnon moved to accept the amended public minutes of 8-13-07, Marty Gilman seconded.   Motion passed with all in favor.

B.  Marty Gilman moved to accept the non-public minutes of 8-13-07 as amended, Joan Funk seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

C.  Joan Funk moved to accept the public minutes of 8-16-07 as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor and Joel Chagnon abstaining because he was absent.

2. Public Comment:
Gerry thanked Kim Brackett, Kellie Mosier and the rest of the Hay Day Committee for a job well done on Hay Day this year.

3.Water/Wastewater Dept:
A.  Dale Sprague reported that the one million gallon water storage tank by the high school is scheduled for repairs and repainting in September/October.  He stated that the biggest concern is making sure the fire department has plenty of water but the Fire Chief has stated he feels comfortable with his set-up.  Marty informed Dale that there is electrical service at the tank and asked Dale to find out what the company's power demands would be so that maybe they would not need to run a noisy generator all the time.
Paula asked how Dale did with negotiations with the contractor for the outside repairs.  Dale responded they did not budge because there is no warranty on the cosmetics, though they will take care of the costs for the structural repairs.  Paula asked how long these repairs should last and Dale responded about 25 years.

B. Mr. and Mrs. Mainzer of 38 Maple St., requested a connection fee waiver for their property.  Mr. Mainzer explained that he is willing to pay the approximate $6000 in fees for the new connection to be made but does not feel he is being fairly charged on the connection that already exists no matter how it got there.  Dale responded that the second connection that exists on the property now was never paid for and that he feels the Mainzers should have to pay for it in some respect.
Joan asked if the volume would change by granting this waiver and Mr. Mainzer responded that there would be no new residents on the property, he is just trying to create separate living spaces for his aunts that live with him currently.  
Gerry stated that he would like to question the Code Enforcement Officer as to his opinion on how this line was connected without being charged when it was installed.  The Board agreed to table this discussion until the next meeting.  Mr. Mainzer questioned if he pays the connection fee now so that he can get his building permit, can those paid fees be applied to the second floor connection if they are waived by this Board.  The Board agreed the fees could be applied.

C.  Dale Sprague brought forward the water/sewer abatement request from 55 Charles Street that was discussed in June.  Dale reported that in digging up the line that froze over the winter causing the resident to run a hose from his neighboring property for water, he discovered the line was not properly installed.  Dale is not sure who installed the line, whether it was the old Precinct or an individual, but he has physically corrected the freezing problem.  The water abatement request was for $106.91 which was figured to be the extra water that ran to keep the line from freezing and that would not have been actually consumed if the line was working properly.  Joel Chagnon motioned to approve the $106.91 water abatement request, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D. Dale informed the Board that he received a letter from Pastor Rizzi of the First Baptist Church requesting that his parsonage be charged a flat rate for water and sewer like the Church is.  Tony stated that the parsonage is a dwelling used for personal use and not a religious exemption.  Joel Chagnon motioned to deny the request by Pastor Rizzi, 2nd Joan Funk. Motion carried with all in favor.

E.  Denny Scruton came before the board to explain why he requested the sewer abatement for his business on Mechanic St.  He stated that during the winter hours when "The Office" was closed a pipe broke causing the water to fill in the basement.  He is requesting sewer abatement for $473.88.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the sewer abatement for Denny Scruton for $473.88 as requested, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4. Police Department Discussion:
Chief Roberge came forward to explain his reasoning for wanting to purchase another cruiser for his department.  He explained that in meeting with his department they were in agreement that another cruiser was the most needed item in the police force and would greatly assist them.  The additional cruiser would allow for the mileage to be distributed a little more, thus allowing the higher mileage vehicles to last longer.  He also explained that bringing the department up to six vehicles would still not compare to similar departments.

Joan asked what the conditions are of spending the drug forfeiture money.  The Chief stated that he can use it for this purpose but cannot put it towards purchasing a new vehicle in March.  Marty asked how many cars are out on patrol at one time.  The Chief responded generally four.  Joel asked what the other $4000 from the fund was spent on.  The Chief responded the money was spent on a camera system, and drug and dog training.

Gerry asked if the patrol cars have cameras.  The Chief responded no but in perspective he believes a vehicle has a higher priority and can apply for grants for the cameras.  Joel asked why the Chief's vehicle can't be changed for one of the higher mileage vehicles.  He responded that it could but this proposed Explorer is not fully equipped with a police package, plus in looking to the future the Explorer could be used as a animal control vehicle when it is ready for retirement.

Paula asked what the cruiser detail fund is earmarked for and does it specify to be used to purchase a new cruiser.  The Chief responded he would need to check.  Joel asked if the Board purchased this vehicle now using the $3000 from the detail fund, would it not cost the taxpayers more in March when they have to purchase a new vehicle.  The Chief responded either way the money is going to have to be spent and this looks like a more cost effective way.

Paula reiterated the taxpayer concerns she has been hearing that the Explorer would need to be outfitted for the dog, have maintenance and painting and the cruiser that was just purchased would have to have the dog materials taken out.  She also questioned why the Town would purchase a vehicle that was not in the budget.  The Chief responded that the insurance for the town would not change because they have a flat rate and the painting of the vehicle would come out of the PD fundraising.  He also stated that he is not proposing to spend Town money but actually PD money plus he feels this vehicle is not a wish item but a critical need.

Joan Funk motioned to purchase the Explorer as stipulated by the Chief, 2nd Paula Proulx for discussion.  Paula asked if the drug forfeiture money had to be spent in a certain amount of time and the Chief responded no.  Motion failed with Joan Funk in favor and all other board members opposed.

5.  Public Works Discussion: (Tony reporting for Joel Moulton)
A. Wetlands Dredging Permit - Tony reported that it will be $72,000 for all the work required to be done to apply for this permit.  He stated that there is a meeting this Thursday with the Army Corps and Joel is hoping that the Army Corps will pick up the cost of this work.

B. Bridge Repairs Update - Tony reported that the River Road and Bay Road bridges are ready to go and that FEMA as granted $46,693 of the total cost for the repairs, which is $62, 258.  This leaves an approximate balance of $15,000 to come from the Town in which Joel would like permission to expend the $16,000 he has encumbered from 2006 for bridge repairs.  Marty Gilman motioned to make the 2006 encumbered bridge repair funds available for the River Road and Bay Road bridges, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C. Ten Rod Road Bridge Design - Tony informed the Board that on September 5, at 10am the engineers will be in town and once the design is approved the project will go out to bid.

D. Joel Chagnon stated that he received an email from a resident wanting to know the status of Meaderboro Road repairs and upset that he could not get a response from Joel Moulton.  Tony responded stating that Joel Moulton said he will be working on Meaderboro Road within the next two weeks.  Joel Chagnon commented that he is hearing frequently from residents that Joel Moulton is not responding to residents and that he would like him present at the next meeting to address this.

6. Request for Street Name; Governor's Road Realty Subdivision:
Gerry reminded the Board that at the last meeting they approved the street name of Ava Page Lane because of the similarity of King Richard's Way to another road in town.  Now the Subdivision would like to request Richard's Way in memory of Richard.  Joan Funk motioned to allow Richard's Way for the Governor's Road Realty Subdivision, 2nd Joel Chagnon.  Motion passed with all in favor.

7.  Other:
A.  Gerry requested that Tony get a copy of the State Bridge Report that was just created.

B. Paula asked Tony to check with Kathleen Lewis from PSNH to get the final costs from her for the street lights and that resident, Mr. Hanson forwarded comments on some large potholes that need attention.  Tony responded that he understands Joel Moulton already addressed the potholes but would contact PSNH.

C. Joan commended the Police Department for a job well done in apprehending the recent bank thief.

D.  Tony informed the Board that Kathy Seaver did get a quote from DeVa Systems for $1000 extra to do the upgrade work with a Friday/ Saturday schedule.  He also stated that Kathy believes that best days for the upgrades would be on a Tuesday/Wednesday and in the middle of the month.  The Board agreed this schedule would have the least minimal impact on the residents.

Gerry McCarthy moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:2.3.(b), (c) and (e), Marty Gilman seconded.  Roll Call - Martin Gilman (yes), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

The Board came back into public session at 9:11pm.

E. Gerry reminded the Board that they received a letter from the Superintendent of the Schools requesting any historical information on the Little Red School House.  Gerry stated that he will have Megan send a letter in return stating the Board is looking into it and contact the historical society for any information.

F. Tony informed the Board that he drafted a declaration of a water/wastewater connection moratorium at the request of the Charlie King and the Planning Board.  Paula asked if this document was reviewed by Legal and Tony responded yes.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the water/wastewater connection moratorium as presented, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

G.  Tony stated that it has come to his attention that the Town does not have a written Credit Card Policy and that he has drafted one for the Board to review and consider at the next meeting.  It was also noted that the Board need to finish reviewing the Town Policy at the next meeting as well.

H.  Tony reported that McLane stated that the $12,000 quote for the monitoring of the Collins & Aikman Bankruptcy was an estimate of what the cost could be for a year but not the actual cost.  Tony recommended continuing with McLane because they are already familiar with the case and that he would watch the bills carefully.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to contract McLane to monitor the disposition of funds in the trust fund from Collins & Aikman and to file the paperwork for owed taxes, at a cost not to exceed $12,000, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:28 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Gerry McCarthy                                Vice Chairman, Martin Gilman

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan Funk