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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 7-23-07

Selectman Present:  Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joan Funk via telephone and Joel Chagnon.

Public Present:  Jane Wingate, John Wingate, Mary Barron, Arthur Capello, Sharon McKinney, Charlie King and Steve Dean.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:02pm.

Chairman McCarthy informed the Board and the Public that Joan Funk would join tonight's meeting via the telephone over the speakerphone.

1.  Public Comment
Seeing there was no public comment, Chairman McCarthy closed this portion of the meeting.

2.  Review of Minutes:
A.  Joel Chagnon motioned to accept the minutes of 6-14-07 as written, Marty Gilman seconded.   Motion carried with Joan Funk abstaining because she was not present for the meeting.

B.  Paula Proulx motioned to accept the public minutes of 7-9-2007 as amended to note Linda Webber's name as the presenter from the Lions Club, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion carried with Joel Chagnon abstaining because he was not present for the entire meeting.

C.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 7-9-07 as written, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3.  Dog Microchip Clinic:
Gerry McCarthy informed the board that this clinic would be held at the Farmington Fire Station and would be of no cost to the Town.  Each resident who wanted to participate in the clinic would be charged $30.00.  Marty Gilman motioned to approve the Microchip Clinic for September 2007, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  Right to Know Request:
Gerry stated that due to the nature of the request he would like to move this agenda item to the non-public session.  The Board was in agreement.

5.  CDBG Grant Semi Annual Report:
Gerry stated that in reviewing the report he noticed a conflict in the number of jobs created in two different charts.  One chart read one job was created, while another read two.  Gerry will call Donna Lane to clarify this and as long as there are no issues he will sign the report as accepted.  

6.  DeVa / Computer Upgrade Proposal:
Kathy Seaver informed the Board that DeVa Systems in the Hardware Contractor for the Town and based on their review of Town equipment have made the following proposals.  The first proposal is for three new PCs (old ones have Win98) for Bonnie, Doreen and Dennis.  The Town would purchase the PC's and then DeVa would install them.  The second proposal is to perform an in place upgrade of the Town Citrix Server to MP54.5 for $3,360.00. The last proposal is for $6,995.00 for a Sonic Wall 244Oi CDP Appliance with a 1 year support for back up on a remote secure site.  Kathy explained that right now the Town is still utilizing the old tape back up system and those tapes are kept on the premises.  She stated it would be a good idea to move ahead with some type of system like the Sonic Wall.

Kathy explained that these are just proposals put together by DeVa Systems of what they felt would be the best and most affordable for the Town, but they are certainly willing to present other options.  Gerry asked if Kathy needed an answer right away and she responded only on the 3 new PC's.  Kathy noted that Joel Moulton purchased a computer for his department and is unable to hook it up until DeVa does it, so she suggested if the Board agrees to the three PC's then DeVa could hook Joel's computer up at the same time.

Gerry asked Kathy to request other proposals from DeVa for the off-site storage and to get some clarification on the amount of information that can be held and what we need.  Marty added that he would like to see a proposal that utilized a Friday-Saturday schedule to see what the difference in cost would be.

7.  Updates/Correspondence:
A.  Gerry reported that Kathleen Lewis of PSNH stated they expect to begin the Street Light Conversion in the fall.  Paula reminded the Board that they still need the final cost from PSNH before any final agreement can be signed.

B.  The Board received a memo from Dale Sprague, Water/Wastewater Department Head, informing the Board of what bonds are coming close to being paid off; as he was requested to do.

C.  Gerry informed the Board that Ken Dickie would like to transfer his retirement plan.  Marty Gilman motioned to authorize the Chairman to sign the correct forms to allow Ken Dickie to transfer his retirement plan, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D.  Gerry informed the Board that the 10' X 15' Downtown American Flag has been ordered.

E.  Gerry informed the Board that Wright-Pierce drafted a letter to the State regarding the TMDL study as the Board requested but he would like the line that states "if the Board of Selectmen determine they want to do the TMDL study how shall they do it".  The Board was in agreement that it would be okay to remove this statement.

F.  Mary Barron, resident, offered her opinion on the "vote of 4" that has had so much discussion recently.  Mrs. Barron stated that when she read the policy she took it to mean there can only be one dissenting vote.  Mrs. Barron also offered a point of order that the Right to Know Request from the agenda should be read to the public so that residents are aware of the topic.  Gerry responded  by reading the Right to Know Request by Jane Wingate requesting a copy of the memorandum from Legal counsel to the Board of Selectmen regarding the Rule of Four.

Joel Chagnon moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.(b), Marty Gilman seconded.  Roll Call - Martin Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

The Board came out of non-public session.

8. St. Peter's, Knights of Columbus Family Week Proclamation:
Arthur Capello prepared a Proclamation he would like put on Town letterhead if this Board approves it, proclaiming August 12-19, 2007 as Knights of Columbus Family Week.  Marty Gilman motioned to proclaim August 12-19, 2007 as Knights of Columbus Family Week, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.(b), Joan Funk seconded.  Roll Call - Martin Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                       Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan Funk