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6-11-07 Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes Public Session
Monday, June 11, 2007

Selectman Present:  Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Joan Funk and Joel Chagnon.

Public Present:  Fire Chief Richard Fowler, John Wingate and Randy Talon.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:00pm.

Chairman McCarthy stated that he would like to open the floor to the Fire Chief first so that he could leave in time to attend the training on the new Quint Fire truck; the Board was in agreement this was a good idea.  Gerry stated that the new Quint truck arrived in town today and also thanked the Chief for the great job his department did on getting the downtown flagpole painted.

1.  Fire Department Issues:
A.  Chief Fowler said now that the new truck has arrived he would like to take the rescue truck and ladder truck out of commission and sell them to the highest bidder.  He stated that the Town has a better chance of getting a grant to purchase a rescue/pumper truck now and that Engine 2 will will serve as a pumper and rescue truck, until such time a new rescue truck can be purchased.  Many of the selectmen questioned what trucks would go out to vehicle accidents and Rich responded that the Quint will go to accidents that involve entrapment, otherwise Engine 2 and the ambulance will respond.  Rich also stated that he got permission from the Highway Garage to store the old ladder truck there until a buyer is found.

B.  The Chief requested permission to start a Student Intern Program at the Fire Station from Laconia Tech School.  He stated that he will do background checks on applicants, they will have physicals and they will pay a $1400 security deposit for their housing in the station.  Also there will be no supervision of the interns from 6pm to 6am but there will be spot checks.  Rich stated they will have two advisors that will a limited advisory training from the tech school.  Joan questioned how we could house interns in the fire station when it is not safe to rent it out.  The Chief responded that he would be installing smoke detectors upstairs when the showers are installed and the fire escape will be reinforced.  The Chief also explained that he doesn't see a fire safety hazard with 10 or so people upstairs trying to use the fire escape to get out in case of a fire but has serious concerns if an excess of 25 and up where trying to get out.

C.  The Chief stated he is having a difficult time getting quotes for the installation of the showers but has had an offer by one of his crewmembers who is a contractor to donate the labor if the materials are purchased.  Gerry stated that a licensed plumber would be needed because it is a municipal building.

D.  The Chief reported that he was asked to serve as a proctor for 3-4 days of exams at the NH Fire Academy, he would not be compensated but it would be good service.  The Board was in agreement that this would be okay as long as it was a maximum of 4 days.

E.  Chief Fowler informed the Board that the Town was approved for the Americorp Grant again this year, though the cost did go up $300 for a total of $6300.

Chairman Gerry McCarthy recognized that Randy Talon was also present so requested that this item be moved up on the agenda, the Board was in consensus that this was okay.

2.  500 Boys and Girls Club Request a Waiver of Fees for Variance Application:
Randy Talon informed the Board that the 500 Boys and Girls Club would like to put in a batting cage at the ball fields by the Post Office but in order to do so they need to go to the ZBA to request a variance because they will be over their setback by a minimal amount.  He is requesting that the Selectman waive the $249 ZBA filing fee.  Marty Gilman motioned to waive the $249 fee for the ZBA variance application, Joan Funk seconded.  Motion carried.

3.  Public Comment
Chairman McCarthy called for public comment and seeing there was none closed this part of the meeting.

4.  Review of Minutes:
A.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 05-31-07 as written, Marty Gilman seconded.  Discussion was held that John Wingate discovered their was an omission in the minutes.  Motion failed.
Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 05-31-07 as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with Joel Chagnon abstaining because he was not present for the whole meeting.

These minutes reflect that John Wingate stated that the correct principle for the Leon Hayes Birthday Ball was $18,800 not $18,500 that was recorded in the 5-31-07public Selectmen minutes.

B. Joan Funk moved to accept the public minutes of 6-4-07 as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  The spelling of a name was corrected.  Motion passed with Joel Chagnon abstaining because he had to leave the meeting to attend a School Board meeting for a short time.

C.  Joan asked for the non-public minutes of 6-4-07 until the non-public session tonight.  The Board was in consensus that this was okay.

5.  Request for Release of Liability for Dubois Lane:
Gerry stated that he spoke with Legal and was instructed by them; that the applicants just need to sign the Waiver of Liability and they could get their building permit.  Gerry stated that Legal said this was because the site was already accepted in 2005.  Paula questioned if this overrides the Planning Boards decision and Gerry responded yes.  

6.  Discussion on Sale of Town Property:
Joan stated she is concerned that if a building is erected on this property there could be a lot of water and drainage issues in the area.  Marty Gilman motioned to not sell the Town Property on Tall Pine Road, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Discussion followed that a letter would need to be sent to the interested party informing him that the Town is not interested in selling the property at this time.  Motion carried.

7.  Review of Information for Meeting with Trustees and Attorney Generals Office on 6/14/07
Joan asked John Wingate if the conclusion he came to about the starting figures, money expended and monies owed in regards to the Leon Hayes fund, were is own or a result of a Trustee meeting and discussion.  Mr. Wingate responded that they are conclusions he came up with by doing research and can be substantiated through documents and that the Trustees had no formal part of the conclusion.   Paula stated the reason why Mr. Wingate started the investigation was because she has originally asked about the Leon Hayes Birthday Ball and then asked if Mr. Wingate forwarded all his findings to the Attorney General's Office and he responded yes.  Joan asked if Mr. Wingate checked the bank records to make sure they were all correct and he responded no.  Marty questioned if all the Trustees would be present at the meeting on Thursday and he responded he believed so.  Gerry added that Ms. Spector (Town Legal Counsel) will be present as well.

8.  Discussion on Proceeding with Fuel Bids for 2007-2008:
Pam Merrill, Finance Administrator, forwarded a memo to the Board questioning how they would like to proceed for the fuel for 2007-2008.  Marty suggested putting fuel out to bid and then checking the figures before making any final decisions because of the way fuel as been fluctuating.  Paula asked Gerry to check with Pam to see if the daycare is historically included with the fuel purchase.

9.  Town Policy:
The minutes of June 4, 2007 reflected that the Selectmen add to research a few items on the Policy, as a result the following items were noted;
        a. 1-3-1 and 1-3-4 - Gerry responded he has not received a written
response from Legal yet but he did request it,
        b. 1-3-6 - still needs to be compared to the personnel policy (Gerry will do this),
        c. 1-3-8(c) needs to be compared to the personnel policy (Gerry will do this),
        d. 1-4-8 - Gerry checked and the CIP committee reports to the Selectmen,
        e. 1-6-1(a) - Paula looked this up in the RSAs and found that stated Legal would need to be consulted on an individual basis, so the Board agreed to add "upon review of RSA 607A:2" to the last line of        this section,
        f. 1-10-1(a)(1) - added "and three alternates"
        g. 1-10-1(b)(1) - Joel Chagnon will check the bylaws for the number of members.

10.  Planner Position:
Pam Merrill left a memo for the Board stating that there is $33,957 left in the Planner line of this year's budget.  Gerry asked if the Board wants to readvertise for the position, contract Julie LaBranche of Strafford Regional Planning Commission for more hours, both or something else.  Joan stated she thinks the Board should contract Julie for more hours.  Paula and Marty stated that the Planning Office is incredibly busy and overburdened and that the Town should really advertise again for the Planner position.  Paula suggested seeing if Julie knows of any particular place we should advertise; that we did not already consider.

11 Correspondence/Updates:
A.  Gerry informed the Board that they he sent a letter to the school board with a copy to the SAU stating that the Selectmen Chambers would be available for their use on the first and third Mondays of each month now.

B.  Saturday, June 16th is Free Demolition Debris Day at the dump.  Every dump sticker is entitled to one free dump load of demolition debris on the 16th.

C.  Kim Brackett of the Recreation Department requested permission to purchase a 1997 GMC Sierra 1500 Pick-Up for $4600.  Gerry stated he spoke with the Town Mechanic and he said the vehicle was a good buy.  Marty Gilman moved to purchase the 1997 GMC Sierra Pick-up based on the information given by the Town Garage for the Recreation Department, Joan Funk seconded.  Motion carried.  

Marty Gilman moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.(a) and (e), Joan Funk seconded.  Roll Call - Martin Gilman (yes), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

D.  Joan stated that due to personal reasons she will be unable to attend the planning board meetings through August and will need a replacement from this Board to cover her.  Marty agreed to attend the next meeting on June 19, 2007.

E.  Gerry stated he tried to contact PSNH to find out the progress of changing the lights in town over to the new bulbs but has not heard back yet.

Joel Chagnon motioned to adjourn, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                       Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman
___________________________             _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon
Joan Funk