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Board of Seelctmen Minutes 5-14-07
Monday, May 14, 2007

Selectmen Present:  Chairman :Gerald McCarthy, Paula Proulx, Joan Funk and Joel Chagnon.

Selectmen Excused:  Martin Gilman

Public Present:  Water/Wastewater Director Dale Sprague, Fire Chief Richard Fowler, Ed Mullen, John Wingate, Jane Wingate, Jim Horgan, Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Roseberry, Charlie Doke, Randy LaPierre, Bill Baxter, Dave Jacobs and Randy Orvis.

Chairman McCarthy called the meeting to order at 5:05pm.

Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:2.3.e, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Joel Chagnon (yes).

Chairman McCarthy opened the public meeting at 6:02pm.

1.  Public Comment:
A.  Randy Orvis updated the Board that he has been cleaning up along River Road but noticed that a car part he had pulled up out of the ditch and put beside the road had been thrown into the river.

B. Jim Horgan offered to follow through with the volunteer policy that the Board approved last week.  Gerry stated that the Secretary has all the volunteer forms and he is going to have Ed Mullen run an advertisement for volunteers on Channel 26.  Gerry also told Mr. Horgan that the Board was looking at the other two operating procedures to make them feasible.  Mr. Horgan stated that when he drafted them he put as much as could think of in the document, knowing that the Selectmen could delete items they felt were unnecessary.

C.  John Wingate, Chairman of the Trustees, reported that he would like to update the public on his findings from researching the Leon Hayes Birthday Ball.  In his search he discovered that the ball is to be held annually on May 2nd at the Town Hall and to be free to all residents.  However, in doing this research he discovered many issues surrounding this Trust and understands there will be a meeting on June 14, 2007 to discuss these issues.

Chairman McCarthy recessed the Board of Selectmen public meeting at 6:21pm and opened the Public Hearing for the Metrocast Franchise Fee Proposed Increase.

Public Hearing to increase the Metrocast Franchise Fee from 2.5% to 3.5%, an increase of 1%
Ed Mullen, Director of the Community Television, informed the public that this 1% increase would cost 19 cents a month on a basic cable bill and 51 cents for customers with a cable package of $51.40.  He justified the increase by stating that the approximate $14,000 raised from this increase would put $7000 aside for the salary of the next Director (since he will be retiring) and $7000 for the purchase of updated or additional equipment.

Ed Mullen also asked the Board to appoint an advisory committee to work on the new Metrocast contract.  He has spoken with Kristie Marquis, Ron Chagnon, and Josh Olstad and have their support but would also like a representative from the 500 Boys and Girls Club, the Schools and the Selectmen.

Paula asked how long it would take for the increase to go in effect on customer’s bills.  Ed responded that once the Selectmen approve the increase and notify Metrocast the increase would go in effect in about 30 days with the next billing cycle, but the money would not come to the Town until January of 2008.

Charlie Doke is a volunteer for Channel 26 and informed the public that this increase would allow the channel to provide more programming and coverage of town events, like sporting, school and scouting events, plus more.

Joel Chagnon stated that the school board has been discussing utilizing Channel 25 and wanted to know if this went forward would there be another increase.  Ed responded no because the school board is not allowed to collect a franchise fee.  He explained that the Town charges Metrocast this franchise fee in return for Metrocast utilizing our rights-of-way and that we have no control over their rates.

Jane Wingate questioned that she purchases the basic cable for the sole purpose of being able to watch the Town meetings.  One concern she has is that she never gets to see what is said after the Selectmen come out of the non-public session.  Gerry responded that the Selectmen try very hard to adjourn immediately after coming out of non-public session and if any business happens to be conducted after the minutes are available for review.

Chairman McCarthy closed the Public Hearing at 6:46pm.

Paula Proulx moved to increase the Franchise Fee for Metrocast  from 2.5% to 3.5%, an increase of 1%, Joan Funk seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Chairman McCarthy moved the minute review until after the licensing renewals.

2. Mobile Home Park License Renewal:
Dennis Roseberry reported that he had no concerns for the Peaceful Pines Mobile Home Park but knew Dale Sprague did.  Dale stated that he requested a GPS mapping of the existing water mains, their shut offs and individual home shut-offs, so that the Town has some way to respond in the event of an emergency.  David Jacobs, owner of the Park, responded that Norway Plains was contracted to create this mapping over a year ago and re-contacted in April of 2007 for this purpose.  Paula asked Mr. Jacobs if he would follow up with Norway Plains to see what their timeline is for completion.

Dale added that he wanted permission to flush the hydrants annually to ensure water is available for emergency purposes.  Mr. Jacobs responded that he is okay with this and asked if it is regular practice for private property.  Dale responded yes and that the Town does not reimburse for the water that is lost during the flushing.

Joan Funk motioned to grant the license renewal for Peaceful Pines Mobile Home Park contingent upon the GPS mapping being completed, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

3.  Junkyard Permit Renewals:
A.  Harold Butt was not present so renewal was postponed.

B.  Randy LaPierre- Dennis Roseberry reported that he recommends the Board renew this license with the 2008 license renewal being contingent upon the installation of a concrete retention pad.  Mr. Lapierre has purchased equipment to address issues that were brought up a last year's renewal and is working in a positive direction.  Joan Funk moved to renew Randy LaPierre's junkyard license with the 2008 license renewal being contingent upon the installation of a concrete retention pad, Joel Chagnon seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

C.  Steve McDuffie was not present so renewal was postponed.

D.  Bill Baxter - Dennis reported that there has not been a lot of change since last year but in talking with Mr. Baxter he feels they have come up with four reachable goals for this year and would recommend the Board renew his license.  Dennis would like the 2008 license renewal contingent upon the following four items being completed in 2007; 1. Installation of one concrete retention pad, 2. lettering of containment facilities (ie. gas, oil, etc.), 3. Repositioning of vehicles to allow room for emergency apparatus to get in, and 4. removing 50% of the tires at the site.  Mr. Baxter reported that he has already lettered the containment facilities.

Joel questioned if the conditions of 2006 were met and Dennis stated no, but last year they did not make the 2007 renewal contingent upon improvements, which is why he wants to do so this year.

Joan Funk motioned to renew Bill Baxter's junkyard license with the 2008 license renewal being contin
gent upon the four items identified by Dennis Roseberry being completed, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Dennis informed the Board that he now aware that the junkyard owners were not properly notified for last week's meeting and in this week's notification there was a date error.  He will resend a meeting request to Harold Butt and Steve McDuffie for next week.

4.  Review of Minutes:
1. Joan Funk moved to table the public minutes of 4-30-07, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

2.  Joan Funk moved to accept the non-public minutes of 5-2-07 as amended, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

3.  Joan Funk moved to accept the public minutes of 5-7-07 as amended, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with Joel Chagnon abstaining.

4.  Joan Funk moved to accept the non-public minutes of 5-7-07 as amended, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with Joel Chagnon abstaining.

5. Fire Department Issues:
A.  Chief Fowler asked for approval on a purchase order for $1240 to repair the sensor screen of the thermal imaging camera.  This was at no fault to anyone and it will come out of his equipment expense line.

B. The Chief asked for approval on a purchase order for $105,000 to pay for the Quint upon delivery.  He stated this will give Pam Merrill a couple of weeks to get the check prepared, but the check will not be given until the Town takes possession of the truck.    Paula asked if a thorough inspection of the truck is completed to make sure it meets all the contracted specs.  Chief Fowler responded yes, he will be going down to do a thorough inspection before delivery.

C.  The Housing of Students at the Fire Station was on the agenda but the Chief asked the Board to table this item to give him ample time to prepare a presentation (the station as been very busy).  The Board was okay with this but Gerry asked him to keep in mind that he was under the impression that the upstairs of the Fire Station was not "safe" and/or up to code.

Joel Chagnon excused himself from the meeting at 7:33pm.

Joan Funk requested a five minute recess.  Meeting recessed at 7:34pm.

Chairman McCarthy reconvened the meeting at 7:45pm.

Joan Funk moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:2.3.b and c, Paula Proulx seconded.  Roll Call -  Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:21pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

_____________________________           ____________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

_____________________________           ____________________________
Paula Proulx                                                    Joel Chagnon

Joan Funk