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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 5-2-07 Public Session

Selectmen present: Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Vice Chairman Martin Gilman, Selectmen Paula Proulx, Joan A. Funk and Joel R. Chagnon.

Also Present: Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Roseberry, Fire Chief Richard Folwer, Wayne Jenness and Selectmen’s Secretary Megan Taylor-Fetter taking minutes.

At 3:30 PM, Chairman Gerald McCarthy called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join him in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Request for hot dog stand:
Mr. Wayne Jenness came before the Board to gain permission to set up a hot dog stand on private property here in Farmington. Dennis Roseberry came before the Board to assist in the process. Chairman McCarthy asked Mr. Jenness if the stand would be mobile or stationary which Mr. Jenness replied stationary. Chairman McCarthy explained to Mr. Jenness that because it is a stationary operation, he must go before the Planning Board for a minor site review application. Mr. Roseberry further explained that the Planning Board has to look at parking and traffic issues, a waste disposal method, a possible need for potoletes and he must notify abutters to the property. Mr. Jenness rebutted that State law does not require potoletes for takeout. Mr. Jenness expressed some concern that this process has already taken too much time and Selectman Chagnon explained to him that this request only came before them one week and two days ago, and to put it into perspective, this is a process which takes time.

Fire Department Issues:
Fire Chief Richard Fowler came before the Board and asked the Board to approve several purchase orders. He filled the Board in on various Fire Department events coming up including a carwash, a spring fundraiser, a Fire Prevention Week in October. He told the Board that he will be bringing before the Board in the near future a proposal for the Fire Prevention Live in Student Program. He stated that the new Quint ladder truck will be here by the first of June and that he will advertise to sell the old truck soon after that. Chairman McCarthy asked Chief Fowler if a member of his team would be willing to use the ladder truck to paint the flagpole downtown. Fowler replied that he did not see a problem with that. He stated that the rescue truck is in bad shape and suggested getting rid of the ladder truck and the rescue truck. He is working on a grant application.

At 4:00PM Selectman Marty Gilman motioned to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 (c) seconded by Joan Funk. A roll call vote was taken: Gerald McCarthy: yes, Martin Gilman: yes, Paula Proulx: yes, Joan Funk: yes and Joel Chagnon: yes.

Town Administrator Candidate:
The Selectmen invited a candidate back for further discussion on the Town Administrator position.

At 5:20PM, Marty Gilman motioned to come out of Non Public Session seconded by Joan Funk. A roll call vote was taken: Gerald McCarthy: yes, Martin Gilman: yes, Paula Proulx: yes, Joan Funk: yes and Joel Chagnon: yes.

Joel Chagnon was excused from the meeting at 5:00PM. The Board continued discussion on the offer to the Town Administrator Candidate and agreed to write him an offer of $63,000 annual salary including 3 weeks vacation and other applicable benefits as stated in the Town of Farmington Employee Handbook outlined for Department Heads. Paula Proulx stated that she thought this was too much for someone who has only eight months municipal experience and this amount was the same paid to the previous TA who had over 30 years experience.

At 5:30 Pm, Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn seconded by Joan Funk. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Megan Taylor-Fetter, Secretary
Board of Selectmen

___________________________     __________________________
Chairman Gerald McCarthy                Vice Chairman Martin Gilman

___________________________     __________________________
Selectman Paula Proulx          Selectman Joan A. Funk

Selectman Joel R. Chagnon