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Board of Selectmen Minutes 3-19-07
Monday, March 19, 2007

Selectman Present:   Martin Gilman, Joan Funk, Paula Proulx, Joel Chagnon, and Gerald McCarthy

Public Present:  Stephen Dean, Sharon McKenney and  Kathy Seaver (Town Clerk)

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Review of Minutes:  
Gerry McCarthy moved to accept the 3-5-07 public minutes as written, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion carried.
Gerry McCarthy moved to table the public minutes of 3-12-07, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk abstaining.
Marty Gilman moved to accept the non-public minutes of 3-12-07, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with Joel Chagnon and Joan Funk abstaining.

Public Comment:
1.  Stephen Dean reported that on 4/7/2007 there will be no Bean Supper at the American Legion.
2.  Sharon McKenney questioned if the letter from Joel Moulton about the slope failure had gone out to NHDOT yet.  Paula Proulx responded that it went out in the mail today and that Ms. McKenney should receive a copy in the mail as well.

New Business:
1.  Paula welcomed Joan Funk and Joel Chagnon as the new Selectmen.
2.  Paula Proulx motioned to nominate Gerry McCarthy for Chairman of the Board of Selectman, Joan Funk seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
3.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to nominate Martin Gilman for Vice-Chairman of the Board of Selectman, Joel Funk seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Joan requested that the Board return to the regular schedule of a 10pm curfew for meetings.  Gerry responded that though it would be nice he does not forsee that as a reasonable request at this time because of the lack of a Town Administrator.  Marty and Paula agree with Gerry response and Joel added that he will stay at meetings as long as it takes if they are being productive.

Proposals from Scott Lawson Group:  All the Selectman received a copy of the work proposal brought forth by the Scott Lawson Group for $7900 to clean the basement of the Municipal Offices.  Gerry and Marty stated that they went down in the basement and that there is a lot of items down there that need to be brought to the dump.  Marty knows of a couple of people who could come in over a weekend and clean out the basement as long as got the clear from the dump.  The proposal was tabled until the basement is cleaned of the excess "stuff."  Marty Gilman moved to have the basement cleaned out of excess
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"stuff" and then take a look at what needs to be cleaned, Joan Funk seconded.  Motion passed with Paula opposed.
1.  Ed Mullen reported that the School Board is meeting tonite and being filmed and will run on the cable channel on Wednesday.  He also stated that he is scheduling a meeting with the VP of Metrocast to discuss what can be done to get live feed at the high school or old town hall.

Joan Funk moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.b and c., Marty Gilman seconded.  Roll Call - Martin Gilman (yes), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Joel Chagnon (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, Paula Proulx seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:02pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Gerry McCarthy                                Vice Chairman, Martin Gilman

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Joel Chagnon

Joan Funk

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