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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 2-21-07
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker and Gerald McCarthy.
Public Present:  Stephen Dean, Ann Titus, Charlie King, Kathy Seaver (Town Clerk)
Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:15pm.

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the Public Hearing on proposed Warrant Articles 5 and 6.  Paula stated that these funds have no monies in them and are no longer needed, but a town vote is required to get rid of them.  Charlie King asked what the current status of the septic lagoons is?  Paula stated that the lagoons are closed.  Charlie King asked if the fire inspection fees will still be collected if the warrant passes and Paula stated yes but the fees will go into a general fund because we don't have a fire inspector position to expend.

Public hearing closed at 6:21pm.

MAAP issues with Town Clerk:  Kathy Seaver (Town Clerk) reported that in order to get the her office trained in time for the April 26 start date of MAAPs she would like to start advertising for the part-time position the town will vote on in March.  Kathy will not hire any person until after the town vote.  Gerry McCarthy moved to allow Kathy Seaver to advertise for the part-time clerk, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Public Comment:
1.  Stephen Dean asked what was happening with the pulleys and rope for the downtown flag pole.  Paula will check with Marty to see what he has found.  Mr. Dean also questioned if the Selectman have looked into getting rubber boots from PSNH for the high tension wires by the flag.  Paula responded that the Board is meeting with PSNH next Monday and will discuss it with them.  Lastly, Mr. Dean stated that the striping on the crosswalk from the American Legion is almost gone and wanted to know if it could be restriped.  Paula responded that she will talk to Joel Moulton about this.
2. Kathy Seaver asked what is happening with the inside doors at the Old Town Hall that are suppose to be up before Town Meeting.  The Board was in concensus that they thought Marty was looking into this but it will be put on the agenda for next Monday night.

SEDCO Grant:  Paula reported that the grant was awarded to the Town but we are currently waiting for the grant director from the Community Development Finance Authority.  Paula is going to make some calls on Thursday to see what can be done to move the process a long.
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Request from Water/Wastewater Department:  Dale Sprague requested permission to tear down the roof on the sledge drying beds.  Board was in concensus that it would be okay to remove the plywood roof from these beds as long as the actual structure was left in place.

Road Acceptance Policy:  Paul Parker received comments from Strafford Regional Planning Commission on the drafted Road Acceptance Policy.  The suggested changes included grammatical changes to make the policy read more clearly.  The board was in concensus to send the marked up copy over to legal for advice before making a final draft.  Paula will fax to legal.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2., Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Roll Call - Paula Proulx (yes), Paul Parker (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Gerry McCarthy moved to adjourn, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:26pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

_____________________________           _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                                  Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

___________________________                     _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros

Gerald McCarthy