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Board of Seelctmen Minutes 2-26-07
Monday, February 26, 2007

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman,Gerald McCarthy and William Tsiros

Public Present:  Public Works Director Joel Moulton,Chairman of the Planning Board Charlie King, Town Clerk Kathy Seaver, David Connolly, Charles Wieble, John Huckins, Cheryl Huckins, Cathy King, Janine Lewis, and PSNH rep. Kathleen Lewis.

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Public Input:  Mr. Wieble asked if the Selectman would be approving the nominations for the Strafford Regional Planning Commission tonite.  He stated that himself and John Law were nominated by the Planning Board and now have to be approved by the Selectman.  Paula stated it is not on the agenda for tonite and since Mr. Wieble will be unavailable next Monday it will be on the agenda in two weeks.

Conservation Commission Application:  Resident, David Connolly applied for a seat on the conservation commission, he believes he will be an asset to the commission with his strong interest and knowledge in conservation and outdoor recreation.  Bill Tsiros moved to appoint David Connolly for the position that is open on the Conservation Commission, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Intent to Cut Procedure Discussion:  Public Works Director, Joel Moulton and Code Enforcement Officer, Dennis Roseberry would like the Selectman to consider a change in procedural requirements for "intent to cut applications and approvals."  These changes would include requiring applicants to apply for a driveway permit (cost $25), having Joel take pictures of road conditions before start of project, and posting a bond to cover any possible damage to town roads.  Paula questioned if Joel has seen similiar policies in other towns.  Joel replied that he has not see them but he has heard of them and can certainly do some research to locate towns that have such procedures.  The Selectman were in concensus that the driveway permit and the photo taking were great ideas but were unsure of the posting of bonds.  Kathy Seaver offered to look up what other town's have for such policies.

Updates from Joel Moulton:
1. Joel reported that the rear end of the 1989 loader at the landfill broke and will cost $4447.59 to repair.  He is going to repair this but wanted to make the Board of aware of the costly expenditure.
2. Joel said he spoke with NH DOT on behalf of Sharon McKenney and due to lack of funding they will not be able to assist her with her failed slope.  Joel plans to speak with Randy Orvis of the Conservation Commission to see what his thoughts or ideas are, Gerry added Joel should look into NH Fish and Game as well.  Joel also stated that he would like to draft a letter to NH DOT letting them know in writing that if the trees fall due to the failing slope they could potentially take out the Tappan St. bridge.  The Selectman were in agreement Joel should write this letter and copy should be sent to some of the state and federal government officials as well.

Town Warrant Final Approval:  Paul Parker motioned to move this item further down the agenda before Town Policy, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Revisit Request for Hay Wagon Rd.- John Huckins came before the Board to ask for permission to upgrade Hay Wagon Rd.  Town Policy reads that the road would need to be 16 feet wide with 2 foot shoulders on each side if a third house is built on the Class VI road and that Mr. Huckins would need the Board's permission to do so.  Gerry stated that he believes there is no building permits allowed on Class VI roads.  Charlie King cited RSA 678:41 and believes that Mr. Huckins has the legal access to use, maintain, and build.  Mr. Wieble added that he was on the Planning Board when this initial discussion came forward and one of their concerns was that if the road upgrade was not completed, it could make the road impassable to the residents who already have homes on the road.

Paul Parker moved for a 5 minute recess, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  7:16pm.  Meeting reconvened at 7:31pm.

Continuation of discussion of Hay Wagon Rd:  The Selectman would like to research to see what SRPC and legal have to say about this request and what the town's responsibility would be on the road if upgrades were allowed.  Bill Tsiros moved to let the previous decision of the Board stand, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with 4 in favor and Paul Parker opposed.

Meeting with PSNH to Discuss Street Lighting:  Kathleen Lewis, PSNH Community Relations Manager brought a breakdown of costs for changing the street lights over to Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium lights.   Paula stated that the Board agreed for 19 downtown metal halide lights with the rest being the high pressure sodium.  PSNH would be willing to do this combination of lights and would just need to meet with someone from town to identify the 19 downtown lights and then figure the numbers for the change.  Right now the town rents the fixtures and buys the service from PSNH with this EOL plan the Town will see savings because they will own the fixtures.  Paula asked if a light bulb was to go out what would happen, Ms. Lewis stated that PSNH will change the bulb at no cost to the town.
There are two payment plans available, the first one would be to use 100% of the savings towards the purchase and the seconded would be only applying 75% of the savings.  The Selectman had discussed at a previous meeting it would be better to use the 100% and pay of the debt quicker (about 5 years).
Bill Tsiros brought up particular pole safety concerns he has in town that need to be checked by PSNH, Kathleen took note and will look into them.  Gerry questioned if the

Town could get rubber boots for the high tension wires downtown by the flag pole.  Kathleen stated she was unsure but would look into this as well.  Bill Tsiros moved to have Gerry McCarthy meet with a PSNH representative to identify the 19 poles for halide, with Marty Gilman as the alternate, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  PSNH will schedule a time with the Town Secretary, Megan Taylor.  Lastly, Mr. Wieble added that if the town would like to get rid of a pole they are welcome to take down the one on Cross St. by his home.

Samco Grant Proposal for Grant Administrator:  The Town has an add in the paper for a grant administrator and notified interested parties of the opening.  Paula will keep Janine Lewis, of Samco, up to date with what is happening with the process.

Town Warrant Final Approval:  Bill Tsiros moved to approve the 2007 Town Warrant as a whole, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Town Policy:  Bill Tsiros motioned to table this item until next Monday's Selectman meeting, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

1.  Marty stated that the granite fences at the two parks that were broke need to be replaced.  Paula will look into getting these ordered.
2.  Marty reported that the pulleys on the downtown flag pole are in working order right now, but that the pole needs to be painted.  He suggested purchasing a replacement rope of about $100 and painting the pole and replacing the pulley in the spring.  The Board was in concensus to purchase the rope and Paula will talk with Keith to have the rope changed.
3.  Marty stated that he was unable to locate the former quotes he got for the doors at the Old Town Hall in the Town Administrator's files but received to new quotes and they are very similiar.  Granite State Glass quoted $3388.00 as a total price for both doors and installation and with a promise to have them in before the Town Meeting.  The funds for this project are to come from the money encumbered out of the Town Hall Renovations.  Gerry McCarthy moved to move ahead with Granite State Glass for the doors of the Old Town Hall, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Other Business:  John Terriault originally was the one who asked to be on the agenda for the Cherub Estates road acceptance discussion a few weeks ago but was unable to attend the meeting.  In reading the minutes, Mr. Terriault wanted it stated for the record that he did receive a letter from the town that he was suppose to be part of a homeowner's association but did not agree with it.  He also noted to safety concerns without the roads in Cherub Estated being public roads with the first being that the school bus has to turn around at Cherub Estates because it is not allowed down the roads and secondly that him and his fellow neighbors may not be able to get emergency services in the event of heavy snow, fallen trees, etc.  The Selectman took Mr. Terriault's concerns into consideration.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.d and e, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Paul Parker (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Bill Tsiros moved to adjourn, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                                  Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker
___________________________                     _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros
Gerald McCarthy

Monday, February 26, 2007

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman,Gerald McCarthy and William Tsiros

Public Present:  Public Works Director Joel Moulton,Chairman of the Planning Board Charlie King, Town Clerk Kathy Seaver, David Connolly, Charles Wieble, John Huckins, Cheryl Huckins, Cathy King, Janine Lewis, and PSNH rep. Kathleen Lewis.

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.

Public Input:  Mr. Wieble asked if the Selectman would be approving the nominations for the Strafford Regional Planning Commission tonite.  He stated that himself and John Law were nominated by the Planning Board and now have to be approved by the Selectman.  Paula stated it is not on the agenda for tonite and since Mr. Wieble will be unavailable next Monday it will be on the agenda in two weeks.

Conservation Commission Application:  Resident, David Connolly applied for a seat on the conservation commission, he believes he will be an asset to the commission with his strong interest and knowledge in conservation and outdoor recreation.  Bill Tsiros moved to appoint David Connolly for the position that is open on the Conservation Commission, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Intent to Cut Procedure Discussion:  Public Works Director, Joel Moulton and Code Enforcement Officer, Dennis Roseberry would like the Selectman to consider a change in procedural requirements for "intent to cut applications and approvals."  These changes would include requiring applicants to apply for a driveway permit (cost $25), having Joel take pictures of road conditions before start of project, and posting a bond to cover any possible damage to town roads.  Paula questioned if Joel has seen similiar policies in other towns.  Joel replied that he has not see them but he has heard of them and can certainly do some research to locate towns that have such procedures.  The Selectman were in concensus that the driveway permit and the photo taking were great ideas but were unsure of the posting of bonds.  Kathy Seaver offered to look up what other town's have for such policies.

Updates from Joel Moulton:
1. Joel reported that the rear end of the 1989 loader at the landfill broke and will cost $4447.59 to repair.  He is going to repair this but wanted to make the Board of aware of the costly expenditure.
2. Joel said he spoke with NH DOT on behalf of Sharon McKenney and due to lack of funding they will not be able to assist her with her failed slope.  Joel plans to speak with Randy Orvis of the Conservation Commission to see what his thoughts or ideas are, Gerry added Joel should look into NH Fish and Game as well.  Joel also stated that he would like to draft a letter to NH DOT letting them know in writing that if the trees fall due to the failing slope they could potentially take out the Tappan St. bridge.  The Selectman were in agreement Joel should write this letter and copy should be sent to some of the state and federal government officials as well.

Town Warrant Final Approval:  Paul Parker motioned to move this item further down the agenda before Town Policy, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Revisit Request for Hay Wagon Rd.- John Huckins came before the Board to ask for permission to upgrade Hay Wagon Rd.  Town Policy reads that the road would need to be 16 feet wide with 2 foot shoulders on each side if a third house is built on the Class VI road and that Mr. Huckins would need the Board's permission to do so.  Gerry stated that he believes there is no building permits allowed on Class VI roads.  Charlie King cited RSA 678:41 and believes that Mr. Huckins has the legal access to use, maintain, and build.  Mr. Wieble added that he was on the Planning Board when this initial discussion came forward and one of their concerns was that if the road upgrade was not completed, it could make the road impassable to the residents who already have homes on the road.

Paul Parker moved for a 5 minute recess, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  7:16pm.  Meeting reconvened at 7:31pm.

Continuation of discussion of Hay Wagon Rd:  The Selectman would like to research to see what SRPC and legal have to say about this request and what the town's responsibility would be on the road if upgrades were allowed.  Bill Tsiros moved to let the previous decision of the Board stand, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with 4 in favor and Paul Parker opposed.

Meeting with PSNH to Discuss Street Lighting:  Kathleen Lewis, PSNH Community Relations Manager brought a breakdown of costs for changing the street lights over to Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium lights.   Paula stated that the Board agreed for 19 downtown metal halide lights with the rest being the high pressure sodium.  PSNH would be willing to do this combination of lights and would just need to meet with someone from town to identify the 19 downtown lights and then figure the numbers for the change.  Right now the town rents the fixtures and buys the service from PSNH with this EOL plan the Town will see savings because they will own the fixtures.  Paula asked if a light bulb was to go out what would happen, Ms. Lewis stated that PSNH will change the bulb at no cost to the town.
There are two payment plans available, the first one would be to use 100% of the savings towards the purchase and the seconded would be only applying 75% of the savings.  The Selectman had discussed at a previous meeting it would be better to use the 100% and pay of the debt quicker (about 5 years).
Bill Tsiros brought up particular pole safety concerns he has in town that need to be checked by PSNH, Kathleen took note and will look into them.  Gerry questioned if the

Town could get rubber boots for the high tension wires downtown by the flag pole.  Kathleen stated she was unsure but would look into this as well.  Bill Tsiros moved to have Gerry McCarthy meet with a PSNH representative to identify the 19 poles for halide, with Marty Gilman as the alternate, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  PSNH will schedule a time with the Town Secretary, Megan Taylor.  Lastly, Mr. Wieble added that if the town would like to get rid of a pole they are welcome to take down the one on Cross St. by his home.

Samco Grant Proposal for Grant Administrator:  The Town has an add in the paper for a grant administrator and notified interested parties of the opening.  Paula will keep Janine Lewis, of Samco, up to date with what is happening with the process.

Town Warrant Final Approval:  Bill Tsiros moved to approve the 2007 Town Warrant as a whole, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Town Policy:  Bill Tsiros motioned to table this item until next Monday's Selectman meeting, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

1.  Marty stated that the granite fences at the two parks that were broke need to be replaced.  Paula will look into getting these ordered.
2.  Marty reported that the pulleys on the downtown flag pole are in working order right now, but that the pole needs to be painted.  He suggested purchasing a replacement rope of about $100 and painting the pole and replacing the pulley in the spring.  The Board was in concensus to purchase the rope and Paula will talk with Keith to have the rope changed.
3.  Marty stated that he was unable to locate the former quotes he got for the doors at the Old Town Hall in the Town Administrator's files but received to new quotes and they are very similiar.  Granite State Glass quoted $3388.00 as a total price for both doors and installation and with a promise to have them in before the Town Meeting.  The funds for this project are to come from the money encumbered out of the Town Hall Renovations.  Gerry McCarthy moved to move ahead with Granite State Glass for the doors of the Old Town Hall, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Other Business:  John Terriault originally was the one who asked to be on the agenda for the Cherub Estates road acceptance discussion a few weeks ago but was unable to attend the meeting.  In reading the minutes, Mr. Terriault wanted it stated for the record that he did receive a letter from the town that he was suppose to be part of a homeowner's association but did not agree with it.  He also noted to safety concerns without the roads in Cherub Estated being public roads with the first being that the school bus has to turn around at Cherub Estates because it is not allowed down the roads and secondly that him and his fellow neighbors may not be able to get emergency services in the event of heavy snow, fallen trees, etc.  The Selectman took Mr. Terriault's concerns into consideration.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.d and e, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Paul Parker (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Bill Tsiros moved to adjourn, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 10:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                                  Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker
___________________________                     _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros
Gerald McCarthy

Board of Selectman - -2/26/2007 Public Meeting Minutes  - -  Page 4 of 4