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Board of Selectmen Meeting MInutes 1-29-07
Monday, January 29, 2007

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman, William Tsiros,and Gerald McCarthy  

Public Present: Charlie King, Sylvia Arcouette, Rebecca Howard, Steve Dean, JoAnn Doke, Lorraine Meyer, Jean Pease, David DeJagger, Joel Moulton (Public Works Director), Pam Merrill (Finance Admin.) Fire Chief Richard Fowler and Ann Titus.

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.

Review of Minutes from 1-13-06, 1-17-06 and 1-22-07:  
1.  Paul Parker moved to accept the public minutes from 1-13-06 as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
2.   Marty Gilman motioned to table the 1-13-07 non-public minutes until the non-public session of the night's meeting, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with Paula Proulx abstaining.
3.  Paul Parker moved to accept the 1-17-07 public minutes as amended, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Paul Parker moved to accept the 1-17-07 non-public minutes as written, Marty Gilman seconded motion passed with all in favor.
5.  Paul Parker moved to accept the 1-22-07 public minutes as amended, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion carried with Bill Tsiros abstaining.
6.  Paul Parker moved to accept the non-public minutes of 1-22-07 as written, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion carried with Bill Tsiros abstaining.
7.  Paul Parker moved to seal the first paragraph of the non-public session from 1-22-07, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with Bill Tsiros abstaining.

Public Input:  
Lorraine Meyer questioned when the new COAST Bus shelter will be erected.  Joel Moulton, Public Works Director, explained that the shelter is very difficult to put together and will take a minimum of 3 working days to construct.  He needs to go to PEASE and photograph their shelter and then him and his crew will work as fast as they can to get the shelter up.

Jean Pease expressed concern that the Selectman are not taking action in regards to the Collins and Aikman bankruptcy.  Gerry McCarthy read to Mrs. Pease the 1-22-07 non-public minutes that concerned the attorney being hired to go to the hearing to represent our best interest and that we are waiting for his court report.  As the Selectman get information they will share it as soon as possible with the public.

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Fire Department-
Chief Fowler stated that asbestos was found in the linoleum in the kitchen of the town
owned Catalfo house on Perkins Ave.  The cost to remove the asbestos is $1500.  Marty Gilman stated he believed the asbestos can be removed and then buried and recorded at the landfill.  Joel Moulton will check with Dale Sprague on the feasibility of burying the asbestos. It was also stated that though traps have been set to catch any rodents in the home, thus far none have been captured. Gerry McCarthy moved to have the home on Perkins Ave crushed and brought to the landfill or burned by next Monday, which ever is the most cost effective, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion carried.

Public Works -
Bridge report- John Wilson, Engineer from Edwards and Kelcey, gave an overview of the report he created that tells us the state of each bridge and the short and long term work that should be done on each.  Mr. Wilson explained that the state is currently working on allocations for 2012 for bridge replacements so it will be a few years before we would receive any assistance.  He went on to explain that DOT commends the Selectman for making the decision to get this report to plan for the future of our bridges instead of waiting for an emergency.  He also explained that the estimates for costs of replacements and repairs on bridges in the report are a rough estimate and reflect a 3% increase per year to show inflation.
Paula Proulx asked what would happen with the monies already granted from the state for bridge replacement for FY2007 if the town can not come up with its portion of $160,000.  Mr. Wilson explained the town would potentially lose the funding but could reapply for funding for 2012.  Joel Moulton will bring forward a proposal to the Selectman by next Monday as to what he believes would be the best possible solution concerning bridge work so that if an article needs to be created it can be done next week.
Highway updates -               
1.   Joel Moulton stated that the State would like additional work done at the garage where the gasoline spill was as a result of unauthorized use, but is willing to potentially fund it.  Joel is waiting to hear and will keep the Selectman up to date.  Also the State is looking to prosecute the person who created the spill.
2.  Joel also stated that he sent a letter to Ms. McKenney updating her on what is happening and she has been put on the agenda for the next Selectman meeting.
3.  Joel presented estimates for replacing the fence on the Tappan St. Bridge that was vandalized.  The broken fence he feels is a safety hazzard and would like to fix it as soon as possible.  The Selectman were in concensus that the fencing definately needed to be fixed but that maybe replacing the missing boards and stabalizing the fence that was there would be the better route for now.  The Selectman seem to remember that the State was interested in turning the road over to the town 3-4 years ago after they fixed it up.  Joel will look into this.
4.  Joel received a letter from the State recognizing that the sidewalk had been put in on Main Street by the American Legion and stating that they would be restriping the crosswalk.

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5.  Joel would like to sit down with Paul Parker and Charlie King (Chairman of the
Planning Board) to go over the drafted Road Acceptance Policy to make sure nothing was missed and then send the draft to legal for a final look over.  The Selectman were in concensus to have Joel oversee this project.

Continued discussion on encroachment on Town property on Trotting Park Rd. -
Mr. David DeJagger asked the Board of Selectman to reconsider their asking price of $12,000 for the town property his development is encroaching on.  The Selectman were in concensus that Mr. DeJagger has had ample time to respond to the offer and they feel the price was more than fair.  Mr. DeJagger requested to have until the end of February to come up with the money.  Bill Tsiros moved to give Mr. DeJagger until February 28, 2007 to come up with the money for the purchase of the property, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Paul Parker moved for a 5 minute recess, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  

Meeting called back to order at 8:43pm.  

Budget Follow-Up:
Bill Tsiros moved to accept the final appropriation budget of $6,312,544 out of which $3,092,042 is to be raised by taxes, which will have a projected 14 cent tax increase impact., Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Town Report Update:
1.  Selectman in concensus to include the deaths only from the vital statistics.
2.  Selectman in concensus that Paula can do a combined Chairman/Town Administrator report.
3.  Selectman in concensus that should be no memoriam to people who did service to the town and passed away.
4. Yvette Martin would like to include a student drawing of the church on Main Street in her report the Selectman agreed that would be okay.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA91-A:3.2.b,c and e, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Roll call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Paul Parker (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Marty Gilman (yes).

1.  Gerry reminded Paula to have maintenance replace the light on the town clock.
Bill Tsiros moved to adjourn, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 11:16pm.

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Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                                  Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros

Gerald McCarthy

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