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Board of Selectmen MInutes12-11-06
Monday, December 11, 2006

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman, and William Tsiros
Selectman Excused:  Gerald McCarthy

Public Present:  Dorothy Bean, Dale Sprague, Pam Merrill, Cynthia Copeland, John Quinn, Deborah ChristieJulie LaBranche, Jean Savenhan, Sharon Glidden,Charlie King, Sylvia Arcouette, Rebecca Howard, Cyndi Paulin, and Fire Chief Richard Fowler

Meeting called to order by Chairman Paula Proulx at 5:42pm, Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.a and b., Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), and Paul Parker (yes).

Bill Tsiros moved to come out of non-public session, Marty Gilman seconded.  Roll call - Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), and Paul Parker (yes).

Acceptance of Minutes:Marty Gilman moved to accept the 12-4-06 public minutes as amended, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to accept the 12-4-06 non-public minutes as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Public Input:
Dorothy Bean expressed her gratitude to Bob Park, Mike Park and Marty Gilman for moving the urn.
Charlie King provided a packet of information on the file of Ledge Rock Construction, LLC regarding the Cherub Drive and Holly Lane.  The packet included a letter to the selectman as to what he felt still needed to be resolved at this location.  He also strongly suggested that the town send notice by registered mail to all landowners of Cherub Estates of the Required Homeowners Association and that the Association holds responsibility for the safe passage and maintenance of Holly Lane and Cherub Drive.
Paul Parker moved to have the Planning Board hold a compliance hearing on Cherub Estates, Bill Tsiros seconded with the amendment to add the town send the afore mentioned registered letter to all Cherub Estate landowners.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Marty thanked the Fire Chief and Fire Department for their assistance during the very successful Nutcracker play on Saturday night.

Discussion with Pam Merrill, Finance Administrator:
Town Workers Insurance - Pam handed out surveys last week to see what the workers would like for medical insurance plans, she received 8 back.  Pam suggested going with the opinion of the eight and have an 11% increase.  This would be about a $10 a week increase in what comes out of the employee’s checks each week.  Bill Tsiros moved to adopt the $10 increase plan and to resurvey the employees this week for any drastic opinions, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
ICMA - Bill Tsiros moved to adopt the ICMA plan, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Fitness Room - Pam is on a newly created wellness committee and they are looking into establishing a fitness room in town for town employees.  Chief Fowler offered part of the upstairs of the fire station for a fitness room and town employees would donate all the equipment.  The committee has insurance waivers from Primex.  The BOS (Board of Selectman) were in concensus that this sounds like a good idea and they would encourage Pam to create a written proposal for such a fitness room.
Discussion wtih Fire Chief Richard Fowler:
Capital Outlay - The Chief had some prospects for fire equipment purchase but asked to table the discussion until next week when Selectman McCarthy was present since he was the one that initiated the Chief to search this avenue.  BOS in consensus to table until next week.
Ambulance Billing - The Chief reported that Comstar is doing a great job at recovering the ambulance fees and that they recommend that Farmington increase their charges to Medicare costs plus 30%.  Marty asked the Chief to get a comparison of what similar towns charge and Paula asked him for a document that listed the current charges with the proposed increase in charge listed beside.
Goodwin Library Proposed Budget:
Deb Christie brought forward the 2007-08 budget for the Goodwin Library.  Most all line items were consistent with last year except for the increase in salaries, and insurance and a  $10,000 line to remove the lead based paint from the exterior and repaint the library.
Revenue Donations:
The BOS went over the donations that have been traditionally given in the past and were in agreement to continue the donations to the VNA, Sexual Assault Services, Juvenile Court Diversion, American Red Cross, and the Homemakers.  Community Partners brought forth a new request and the BOS will look into it, also their has been no request from the Homeless Center.  The Greater Wakefield Res. Center requested $1500 but the board would like to ask Kim Brackett if residents come to Wakefield for meals before making any decisions.
Loring Ave. Discussion:
Marty has reconsidered his vote from the last meeting to waive the connection fees for Ms.Arcouette because after careful thought he does not believe the rate payers should be responsible for the fee.  Paul added that it also does not solve the long-standing problem of the road placement either.  It was discussed to put this item on next week's agenda, when Gerry McCarthy would be present (so there is a full board).
1.  Paula reported that Kathy Seaver is looking into grants to possibly fund the front door replacement needed for the municipal building.  Paula also informed the board that the generator has been encumbered for the town hall and that Joel Moulton has been "playing phone tag" with Rachel Tibbetts but did call the McKenney's to let them know he was working on getting an answer for them.
2.  An invoice came in from COAST bus for $15,817 (the same as last year).  Paul Parker moved to continue funding the COAST bus at the current rate of $15,817, Marty Gillman seconded.  Motion passed with Bill Tsiros opposed.
3.  The Preservation Guild requested monies again this year.  Paul Parker moved to continue funding for the Preservation Guild, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Doreen Hayden received the revised and complete E911 mapping from the State of NH.  Paul Parker moved to accept the mapset provided by E911, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to accept and sign the data release agreement for E911 provided by the State of NH, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
5.  Paula informed the Board that Scott Roberge has been training the police dog every Monday but would like to attend a 1 on 1 training with the dog starting in January.  The cost is about $800, but could be reimbursed from the Police Station's Annual Basketball fundraiser.  By attending this training on his own time, Mr. Roberge would have the dog ready for full service 4-6 weeks earlier than planned.
6.  Paul Parker received a complaint about a rotting guardrail on Tappan Street from Central St.  Paul stated that Joel is aware of the issue and has plans to take care of it.
Paul Parker moved for a five-minute recess at 8:22pm, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Chairman Paula Proulx reconvened the meeting at 8:33pm.
Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.c., Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Paul Parker (yes).

Paul Parker moved to come out of non-public session, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Paul Parker (yes).

Marty Gilman moved to adjourn, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros

Gerald McCarthy

Monday, December 11, 2006

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman, and William Tsiros
Selectman Excused:  Gerald McCarthy

Public Present:  Dorothy Bean, Dale Sprague, Pam Merrill, Cynthia Copeland, John Quinn, Deborah ChristieJulie LaBranche, Jean Savenhan, Sharon Glidden,Charlie King, Sylvia Arcouette, Rebecca Howard, Cyndi Paulin, and Fire Chief Richard Fowler

Meeting called to order by Chairman Paula Proulx at 5:42pm, Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.a and b., Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), and Paul Parker (yes).

Bill Tsiros moved to come out of non-public session, Marty Gilman seconded.  Roll call - Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), and Paul Parker (yes).

Acceptance of Minutes:Marty Gilman moved to accept the 12-4-06 public minutes as amended, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to accept the 12-4-06 non-public minutes as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Public Input:
Dorothy Bean expressed her gratitude to Bob Park, Mike Park and Marty Gilman for moving the urn.
Charlie King provided a packet of information on the file of Ledge Rock Construction, LLC regarding the Cherub Drive and Holly Lane.  The packet included a letter to the selectman as to what he felt still needed to be resolved at this location.  He also strongly suggested that the town send notice by registered mail to all landowners of Cherub Estates of the Required Homeowners Association and that the Association holds responsibility for the safe passage and maintenance of Holly Lane and Cherub Drive.
Paul Parker moved to have the Planning Board hold a compliance hearing on Cherub Estates, Bill Tsiros seconded with the amendment to add the town send the afore mentioned registered letter to all Cherub Estate landowners.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Marty thanked the Fire Chief and Fire Department for their assistance during the very successful Nutcracker play on Saturday night.

Discussion with Pam Merrill, Finance Administrator:
Town Workers Insurance - Pam handed out surveys last week to see what the workers would like for medical insurance plans, she received 8 back.  Pam suggested going with the opinion of the eight and have an 11% increase.  This would be about a $10 a week increase in what comes out of the employee’s checks each week.  Bill Tsiros moved to adopt the $10 increase plan and to resurvey the employees this week for any drastic opinions, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
ICMA - Bill Tsiros moved to adopt the ICMA plan, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Fitness Room - Pam is on a newly created wellness committee and they are looking into establishing a fitness room in town for town employees.  Chief Fowler offered part of the upstairs of the fire station for a fitness room and town employees would donate all the equipment.  The committee has insurance waivers from Primex.  The BOS (Board of Selectman) were in concensus that this sounds like a good idea and they would encourage Pam to create a written proposal for such a fitness room.
Discussion wtih Fire Chief Richard Fowler:
Capital Outlay - The Chief had some prospects for fire equipment purchase but asked to table the discussion until next week when Selectman McCarthy was present since he was the one that initiated the Chief to search this avenue.  BOS in consensus to table until next week.
Ambulance Billing - The Chief reported that Comstar is doing a great job at recovering the ambulance fees and that they recommend that Farmington increase their charges to Medicare costs plus 30%.  Marty asked the Chief to get a comparison of what similar towns charge and Paula asked him for a document that listed the current charges with the proposed increase in charge listed beside.
Goodwin Library Proposed Budget:
Deb Christie brought forward the 2007-08 budget for the Goodwin Library.  Most all line items were consistent with last year except for the increase in salaries, and insurance and a  $10,000 line to remove the lead based paint from the exterior and repaint the library.
Revenue Donations:
The BOS went over the donations that have been traditionally given in the past and were in agreement to continue the donations to the VNA, Sexual Assault Services, Juvenile Court Diversion, American Red Cross, and the Homemakers.  Community Partners brought forth a new request and the BOS will look into it, also their has been no request from the Homeless Center.  The Greater Wakefield Res. Center requested $1500 but the board would like to ask Kim Brackett if residents come to Wakefield for meals before making any decisions.
Loring Ave. Discussion:
Marty has reconsidered his vote from the last meeting to waive the connection fees for Ms.Arcouette because after careful thought he does not believe the rate payers should be responsible for the fee.  Paul added that it also does not solve the long-standing problem of the road placement either.  It was discussed to put this item on next week's agenda, when Gerry McCarthy would be present (so there is a full board).
1.  Paula reported that Kathy Seaver is looking into grants to possibly fund the front door replacement needed for the municipal building.  Paula also informed the board that the generator has been encumbered for the town hall and that Joel Moulton has been "playing phone tag" with Rachel Tibbetts but did call the McKenney's to let them know he was working on getting an answer for them.
2.  An invoice came in from COAST bus for $15,817 (the same as last year).  Paul Parker moved to continue funding the COAST bus at the current rate of $15,817, Marty Gillman seconded.  Motion passed with Bill Tsiros opposed.
3.  The Preservation Guild requested monies again this year.  Paul Parker moved to continue funding for the Preservation Guild, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Doreen Hayden received the revised and complete E911 mapping from the State of NH.  Paul Parker moved to accept the mapset provided by E911, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to accept and sign the data release agreement for E911 provided by the State of NH, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
5.  Paula informed the Board that Scott Roberge has been training the police dog every Monday but would like to attend a 1 on 1 training with the dog starting in January.  The cost is about $800, but could be reimbursed from the Police Station's Annual Basketball fundraiser.  By attending this training on his own time, Mr. Roberge would have the dog ready for full service 4-6 weeks earlier than planned.
6.  Paul Parker received a complaint about a rotting guardrail on Tappan Street from Central St.  Paul stated that Joel is aware of the issue and has plans to take care of it.
Paul Parker moved for a five-minute recess at 8:22pm, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Chairman Paula Proulx reconvened the meeting at 8:33pm.
Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.c., Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Paul Parker (yes).

Paul Parker moved to come out of non-public session, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Paul Parker (yes).

Marty Gilman moved to adjourn, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros

Gerald McCarthy

Monday, December 11, 2006

Selectman Present:   Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman, and William Tsiros
Selectman Excused:  Gerald McCarthy

Public Present:  Dorothy Bean, Dale Sprague, Pam Merrill, Cynthia Copeland, John Quinn, Deborah ChristieJulie LaBranche, Jean Savenhan, Sharon Glidden,Charlie King, Sylvia Arcouette, Rebecca Howard, Cyndi Paulin, and Fire Chief Richard Fowler

Meeting called to order by Chairman Paula Proulx at 5:42pm, Pledge of Allegiance recited.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.a and b., Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), and Paul Parker (yes).

Bill Tsiros moved to come out of non-public session, Marty Gilman seconded.  Roll call - Paula Proulx (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), and Paul Parker (yes).

Acceptance of Minutes:Marty Gilman moved to accept the 12-4-06 public minutes as amended, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to accept the 12-4-06 non-public minutes as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Public Input:
Dorothy Bean expressed her gratitude to Bob Park, Mike Park and Marty Gilman for moving the urn.
Charlie King provided a packet of information on the file of Ledge Rock Construction, LLC regarding the Cherub Drive and Holly Lane.  The packet included a letter to the selectman as to what he felt still needed to be resolved at this location.  He also strongly suggested that the town send notice by registered mail to all landowners of Cherub Estates of the Required Homeowners Association and that the Association holds responsibility for the safe passage and maintenance of Holly Lane and Cherub Drive.
Paul Parker moved to have the Planning Board hold a compliance hearing on Cherub Estates, Bill Tsiros seconded with the amendment to add the town send the afore mentioned registered letter to all Cherub Estate landowners.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Marty thanked the Fire Chief and Fire Department for their assistance during the very successful Nutcracker play on Saturday night.

Discussion with Pam Merrill, Finance Administrator:
Town Workers Insurance - Pam handed out surveys last week to see what the workers would like for medical insurance plans, she received 8 back.  Pam suggested going with the opinion of the eight and have an 11% increase.  This would be about a $10 a week increase in what comes out of the employee’s checks each week.  Bill Tsiros moved to adopt the $10 increase plan and to resurvey the employees this week for any drastic opinions, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
ICMA - Bill Tsiros moved to adopt the ICMA plan, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Fitness Room - Pam is on a newly created wellness committee and they are looking into establishing a fitness room in town for town employees.  Chief Fowler offered part of the upstairs of the fire station for a fitness room and town employees would donate all the equipment.  The committee has insurance waivers from Primex.  The BOS (Board of Selectman) were in concensus that this sounds like a good idea and they would encourage Pam to create a written proposal for such a fitness room.
Discussion wtih Fire Chief Richard Fowler:
Capital Outlay - The Chief had some prospects for fire equipment purchase but asked to table the discussion until next week when Selectman McCarthy was present since he was the one that initiated the Chief to search this avenue.  BOS in consensus to table until next week.
Ambulance Billing - The Chief reported that Comstar is doing a great job at recovering the ambulance fees and that they recommend that Farmington increase their charges to Medicare costs plus 30%.  Marty asked the Chief to get a comparison of what similar towns charge and Paula asked him for a document that listed the current charges with the proposed increase in charge listed beside.
Goodwin Library Proposed Budget:
Deb Christie brought forward the 2007-08 budget for the Goodwin Library.  Most all line items were consistent with last year except for the increase in salaries, and insurance and a  $10,000 line to remove the lead based paint from the exterior and repaint the library.
Revenue Donations:
The BOS went over the donations that have been traditionally given in the past and were in agreement to continue the donations to the VNA, Sexual Assault Services, Juvenile Court Diversion, American Red Cross, and the Homemakers.  Community Partners brought forth a new request and the BOS will look into it, also their has been no request from the Homeless Center.  The Greater Wakefield Res. Center requested $1500 but the board would like to ask Kim Brackett if residents come to Wakefield for meals before making any decisions.
Loring Ave. Discussion:
Marty has reconsidered his vote from the last meeting to waive the connection fees for Ms.Arcouette because after careful thought he does not believe the rate payers should be responsible for the fee.  Paul added that it also does not solve the long-standing problem of the road placement either.  It was discussed to put this item on next week's agenda, when Gerry McCarthy would be present (so there is a full board).
1.  Paula reported that Kathy Seaver is looking into grants to possibly fund the front door replacement needed for the municipal building.  Paula also informed the board that the generator has been encumbered for the town hall and that Joel Moulton has been "playing phone tag" with Rachel Tibbetts but did call the McKenney's to let them know he was working on getting an answer for them.
2.  An invoice came in from COAST bus for $15,817 (the same as last year).  Paul Parker moved to continue funding the COAST bus at the current rate of $15,817, Marty Gillman seconded.  Motion passed with Bill Tsiros opposed.
3.  The Preservation Guild requested monies again this year.  Paul Parker moved to continue funding for the Preservation Guild, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Doreen Hayden received the revised and complete E911 mapping from the State of NH.  Paul Parker moved to accept the mapset provided by E911, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to accept and sign the data release agreement for E911 provided by the State of NH, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
5.  Paula informed the Board that Scott Roberge has been training the police dog every Monday but would like to attend a 1 on 1 training with the dog starting in January.  The cost is about $800, but could be reimbursed from the Police Station's Annual Basketball fundraiser.  By attending this training on his own time, Mr. Roberge would have the dog ready for full service 4-6 weeks earlier than planned.
6.  Paul Parker received a complaint about a rotting guardrail on Tappan Street from Central St.  Paul stated that Joel is aware of the issue and has plans to take care of it.
Paul Parker moved for a five-minute recess at 8:22pm, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Chairman Paula Proulx reconvened the meeting at 8:33pm.
Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA 91-A:3.2.c., Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Paul Parker (yes).

Paul Parker moved to come out of non-public session, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll Call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Paul Parker (yes).

Marty Gilman moved to adjourn, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros

Gerald McCarthy