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Board of Selectmen Minutes 1-3-07
Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Selectman Present:  Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Martin Gilman,Gerald McCarthy and William Tsiros
Dale Sprague, Joel Moulton, Pam Merrill, Charlie King, Sylvia Arcouette, Rebecca Howard, Richard Fowler.

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:04pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and a moment of silence was taken in remembrance of President Gerald Ford.

Review of Minutes from 12-18-06:  Paul Parker moved to accept the public minutes of 12-18-2006 as written, Mary Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved to table the non-public minutes of 12-18-2006 so that Megan Taylor can make corrections she is already aware of, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  

Public Input:  
Charlie King, Chairman of the Planning Board, reported that the planning board met last week and set a compliance hearing for the 1st Tuesday of February for Cherub Estates.  He would like to know if the Selectman want the Planning Board to notify each resident of Cherub Estates individually or if a posting would be sufficient.

Loring Ave. Discussion:  Paula Proulx and Joel Moulton, Public Works Director, had a phone conference with Attorney Tim Bates about the Loring Ave. situation.  As a result of the conference Mr. Bates suggested following through with the original motion made by the Selectman to install the lines and have a road easement drawn up so the Town controls the road.  Gerry McCarthy stated he agreed with that but wanted to make sure the legal created the appropriate easement so that the road stays the way it is now and forever.  Gerry McCarthy moved to go with the attorneys suggestion to follow through with the original motion and have the landowners draw up a legal document that considers the town keeping the road, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Collins and Aikman:  Paula reported that Collins and Aikman have reported that they will be closing their doors in 60 days unless they find a buyer and are sold.  Paula forwarded all correspondence to legal on this issue and is trying to schedule a meeting with Collins and Aikman to create a plan that will take care of any and all issues concerning the Cardinal Landfill.

Budget Follow-Ups:
Tax Collector's Office - Kathy Seaver came to the Selectman seeking approval to move ahead with the MAPS program she discussed with the board a few weeks ago.  By obtaining this program the town will be able to better serve the residents by offering more plates they use to have to turn to another town for, like boats, and overweight vehicles.  The State provides all the necessary equipment and training and maintains responsibility for the equipment as time goes by.  However, to support this program Kathy asked the Selectman to approve the hiring of a 1/2-time employee, this employee would not require benefits and would be funded through the extra income earned by the new services that will be available.  Paul Parker moved to allow Kathy Seaver to proceed with acquiring the MAPS program and hire the additional part time employee, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Kathy Seaver reported that the grant for $7500 has been approved and the shelving has been ordered for the safe.  Also, the third grant for the Municipal Office Building Repairs has been submitted and we just need to wait to hear if it was approved or not.

Water/Wastewater Dept.- Dale Sprague inquired if the Selectman would like the fencing for around the fuel tanks that was previously discussed put in the 2007 budget.  He did look into using the fencing that was donated by the 500 Boys Club but found it to need additional work to be used and would cost the same as putting up a new, taller fence with the appropriate gating so vehicles could still access the pumps.  Bill Tsiros moved to approve the allocation of $1400 that was quoted by Fences, from the 2007 budget and have Pam Merrill equally bill all the departments that use the pumps, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with Paul Parker opposed.
Dale also was looking for approval to put a line for $58,000 into his Wastewater Budget for the Land Based Discharge Evaluation and Infiltration/Inflow upgrades.  Bill Tsiros moved to allow the $58,750 on the 2007 budget for the proposed upgrades and work, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Fire Department - Fire Chief Rich Fowler presented to the board the costs of the different fire apparatus that is needed.  The cost of a 2007 Quint is $453,000 to $465,000.  He found a 2004 used Quint for $339,000 in which they will give $12,000 for trade for our ladder truck and a 1996 Rescue Truck with 30,000 miles for $87,500 (this price includes painting and lettering of truck).  Gerry suggested Rich look at the cost and feasibility of a 2007 box truck like plumbers purchase since the truck's purpose is to carry equipment.  The board was in consensus to send Rich and the town mechanic down to see the 2004 Quint and make a deposit if it is of quality.  It was discussed that Rich get in writing that the deposit be 100% refundable in case the town does not pass the warrant article.

Highway Dept. - The Selectman suggested that Joel create a budget based on maintenance for 2007 and then once a CIP Plan is created the next budget can address upgrades and such.  The Selectman were in consensus that Joel could add the excavator purchase to the 2007 budget and reduce the rental line.  Joel also brought forward a contract from Edwards and Kelcey for the bridgework.   Bill Tsiros moved to have the Chairman, Paula Proulx, sign the new contract with Edwards and Kelcey, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
Paul Parker moved for a 5 minute recess, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.  

Meeting recessed at 7:56pm.
Meeting called back to order at 8:11pm.  Bill Tsiros was excused from the remainder of the meeting.

Encumberences:  The following line items were discussed to encumber monies from the 2006 budget for the 2007 budget for items that were not fully expended or paid for yet though were received or started in 2006.
1.  Gerry McCarthy moved to encumber $14,097.39 from Highway Salt line and to have the Chairman sign the purchase order (PO) on behalf of the Selectman, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
2.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $91,638 for three purchase orders for asphalt, crack sealing and piping for road stability and to have the Chairman sign all three POs on behalf of the board, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
3.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $4,038.50 for contract sweeping and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
4.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $4,960.05 for crushed gravel and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
5.  Paul Parker moved to encumber  $24,361.79 for 4 separate POs for electrical, fences, materials for pole barn and asphalt for the renovations to the Highway Garage and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
6.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $762.46 for maintenance of the highway building to repair damage to door jamb and track and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
7.  Gerry McCarthy moved to encumber the backhoe lease payment of $2439 out of the Water and Wastewater bond principals and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
8.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $20,025 from Plant Upgrade line in the Wastewater Budget to pay the remaining balance on the Inflow/Infiltration contract and have the Chairman sign the PO, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
9.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $33,073.07 from the Water Dept. budget for Underwood Engineers for work that has been completed and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
10.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $1,053.37 from the Water Dept. budget to pay for the water meters that were just received and have the Chairman sign the PO, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.
11.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $2000 from rebind/repair old records in tax collector's budget and to have the Chairman sign the PO, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  It was discussed this money would be reimbursed by a grant.  Motion passed with all in favor.

12.  Paul Parker moved to encumber $98,285 from the Town Hall Renovation Fund for continued renovations and have the Chairman sign the PO, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

2007 Salaries:
The Selectman each received copies of the salary surveys and what the salaries and increases have looked like over the past several years.  The Chairman suggested they each take the time to look through the items and be ready to make a final decision on what increases should be given for 2007 on Monday, January 8.

Updates and Correspondence:
1. JoAnn Doke wrote a letter commending Emergency Personnel Mike Copp and Chris McDonald for the excellent job they did recently.  The Selectman were in consensus that they would like a letter of recognition given to these gentleman plus, Joe Cafiero who recently assisted the Capello's with their house fire and saved their house.

2.Planning Dept. received a request from RSA Reality name the road the nine units off of Mt. Vernon St. will be on.  Gerry McCarthy moved to accept the name of Ian's Way for the development, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

3. The service agreement from Strafford Regional Planning is complete.  Paula and Paul both stated that they did a thorough job at the planning board meeting Tuesday night.

4. The Selectman have been invited to Court of Honor for Eagle Scout, Daryl Smith on Jan. 13, 2007.

5. Paul Parker moved to accept the contract from Cross Country Appraisal for their assessing services for 2007, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Marty Gilman moved to adjourn, Gerry McCarthy seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:33pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

______________________________          _____________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

_____________________________                   _____________________________
Martin Gilman                                           William Tsiros

Gerald McCarthy