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Board of Selectmen Meeting 11-13-06
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH
Public Minutes

Selectman Present:  Chairman, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Gerald McCarthy, Martin Gilman and William Tsiros.

Public Present: John Quinn, Sylvia Arcouette, Loraine Meyers, Steven Dean, Joan Funk, Charlie King, Rebecca Howard, Victor Lapierre, Gayle Willard, Jane Wingate, John Wingate, Norman Russell,Peter Atherton (Wright-Pierce), Ed Leonard (Wright-Pierce), JoAnn Doke, Doreen T. Hayden and Dale Sprague

Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:05pm

Public Input:
Gayle Willard questioned the board as to why she has not received any response from a letter she wrote to the Fire Chief and the Selectman about the response time to get to her home in an emergency.  Paul Parker responded that the Fire Chief did write her a letter in response explaining the breakdown of the response times to emergencies and she should receive it this week.  Gayle stated she will withhold comment until she receives the letter.

Joan Funk questioned if the search for a new town administrator has begun and if it has, was it widened?  Paula Proulx responded that because the advertising line is already in a deficit the board chose to wait to make any monetary decisions until this week when they have a full board.

Charlie King reminded the Board that he is in need of a copy of the Emergencies Operation Plan so that he can work on the Hazardous Mitigation Plan.  Paula responded that he can get a copy from Megan Taylor, Town Secretary.  Charlie then stated that on 11/16/06 there is a TRC meeting in which he is willing to administer in the absence of a town planner.  The Board was in concensus that Charlie could administer the meeting as long as he did not participate in the meeting.  Gerry reminded the Board that it needs to be mandatory for all department heads to be at the TRC meeting.  Paula asked Doreen Hayden, Planning Secretary, to send out a memo to the department heads.  Charlie went on to question the Board if it would be okay for him to assist Doreen and Dennis Rosenberry with interpreting the flood zone parcels on the GIS mapping.  It was discussed that Dale Sprague will look to see if he is capable of assisting Doreen and Dennis if he is not then the board will contact Strafford Regional Planning for assistance.  Lastly Charlie informed the Board that he received a letter of resignation from Edward Weagle from the Planning Board based on his wanting to be a full board member and his application taking so long to be approved.  Charlie asked the Board to consider appointing Mr. Weagle has a planning board member so that he might come back. Paul Parker stated that he was sorry

that the application slipped through but that he does not believe the Board can appoint someone who resigned.  Paul will call Mr. Weagle and see if he will consider rescinding his resignation.

Norman Russell stated that on 11/21/2006 Chapter 6 of the Master Plan will be reviewed and offered a copy to all the Selectman.  Norman promised to get a copy to Marty Gilman, Bill Tsiros and Gerry McCarthy.  Norman also added that he felt strongly the Board should take their time finding the right candidate for the town adminstrator position.

Jane Wingate agreed with Norman Russell on taking time to hire the right person and stated that Paula is doing a great job, no one is questioning Paula's integrity or skills and that all the town personnel seemed very pleased with Paula's work.

Slyvia Arcouette questioned if the monies needed for advertising for the town administrator could come from the payroll line that has not been expended for this position.

Approval of Minutes from 10-23-06 non-public and 11-6-06 public and non-public:
Bill Tsiros moved to table the approval of the 10-23-06 non-public minutes until the non-public portion of the night's meeting,  Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed.

Paul Parker moved to accept the 11-6-06 public minutes as amended, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with Bill Tsiros abstaining.

Paul Parker moved to accept the 11-6-06 non-public minutes as written, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed with Bill Tsiros abstaining.

New Business:
E-911 Maps Update - Doreen Hayden, Planning Secretary brought forward the new E-911 maps that were created by the State of NH, she had marked a few changes to street name endings (ie. rd, lane, street.) and a few changes from public to private roads.  The Board asked her to note the changes to the State and when she gets the maps back correct then the Board will sign off on them to acknowledge their acceptance of the maps.  Doreen also needed the Board to appoint someone to be the E-911 liaison and sign the paperwork.  The Selectman appointed Doreen Hayden.

Old Business:
Employee Benefits- Because Selectman have had many questions about the way the town employee benefits are broken down Pam Merrill came to answer any questions they may have.  Marty questioned if Pam has received what the increase in the health plan will be this year and Pam responded no, not yet.  Marty also asked how long it has been since the health insurance binder as been put out to bid.  Pam answered Primex just brought forward this contract last year and it is a three-year contract.

Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) - Discussion was held at what the COLA should be set at and how using a set percentage increase does not work out quite fairly to a person making $32,000 who is working incredibly well in comparison to someone who is make $70,000 and not quite meeting expectation.  The board was in agreement that this system needs to be looked at with more detail in the future.  Paul Parker moved to start the budgeting with the COLA set at 2.5%, Bill Tsiros seconded. Motion passed.

Questions for Pam Merrill- Gerry questioned Pam as to what needs to happen with the monies received from FEMA for the May flood work and damage.  Pam stated that a public hearing needs to be held to put the money in the budget to be appropriated.  A public hearing is tentatively set for 12/4/2006.
        - Paul questioned Pam Merrill as to why the Recreation Departments new trailer is not on the insurance inventory.  Pam responded that the list was generated by the department heads but she would ask Kim Brackett, Rec. Dept. Head about the trailer.
        - Gerry asked for a list of the enterprise funds.  Pam will forward to him.

Paul Parker moved for a short recess, Marty Gilman seconded.  Motion passed.

Meeting recessed at 7:30pm.

Meeting reconvened at 7:36pm.

Wastewater Facilities Evaluation by Wright-Pierce -Ed Leonard and Pete Atherton of Wright-Pierce presented the Wastewater Facilities Evaluation they completed.  An extra memorandum was given to the Selectman that will be included in a letter Dale Sprague needs to send off to NHDES by this Friday.  The Evaluation is attached to these minutes but a few notes were taken.  Notes include: On page 78, Table 7-1: Project Financing Scenario the projected costs does not include the money it would take to create new lines to connect new users to the system.  There is the ability to connect approximately 9 new single families homes to the system per year without expansion.  The major difference in cost between C-1 and C-2 is that a new building would have to be resurrected for the C-2 plan, though the existing plant does not have much room for expansion of such items like an additional clarifier.

The Selectman were all in consensus that C-1 looks to be potentially the best option for cost effectiveness with an option to move to land use in the future.  Paul asked for a breakdown of costs of option C-1 and Ed will forward this to the Selectman.  In consideration of strategies for updating the facilities, Victor Lapierre reminded the Board that the town has about 8 miles in clay pipe that would most likely have to be replaced.
Ed Leonard reported that the Infiltration/Inflow Study should be complete by the end of the month.  Also the new Wright-Pierce contract will be put on the agenda for next week so that Wright-Pierce can continue to represent the town in their licensing renewal endeavors.

Many times the discussion has been held as to if the Selectman should create a policy restricting wastewater connections outside the Village Center so as to not burden our current system any further.  Wright-Pierce stated that this would be a good idea but ultimately the town's decision.  Gerry McCarthy moved to call legal to find out the legalities of putting a moratorium on wastewater connections, Marty Gilman seconded.  Discussion followed to also about including connections that have already been approved like the Ridge's Phase 2.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Street Light Request - Last week the board voted to grant permission for a street light to put on Dodge Cross Rd at the homeowner's expense.  In further investigation it is not known if a pole already exists and if it does if it is on town property.  Marty Gilman moved to have Joel Moulton visit the sight to see if the pole is already existing and just where the light will shine, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Request from Joel Moulton - Joel would like permission to purchase tires for the town vehicles from the tire and 10 wheeler budget lines.  The BOS was in consensus to expend those lines.  Joel also asked the board (in writing) if he could pursue a grant from the Watershed Coalition that has no matching funds but does include town labor.   Bill Tsiros moved to okay Joel pursuing the grant, Paul Parker seconded. Motion passed with all in favor.

Other -  Bill reminded board of his question to Dale Sprague about him documenting the time he spends in Milton working.  Dale responded to Bill's question with a letter addressed to Bill that states he goes to Milton after his hours in Farmington and does not use the town vehicle.  Bill requested that Dale report to someone or on a log when leaving town during business hours for other business so that taxpayers are aware of his comings and due to liability issues.  BOS in agreement that there should be such a log just like any other job when you would leave to pick up something or go to lunch.

Gerry questioned why the 500 Boys and Girls Club is receiving water bills when he thought they were just suppose to be metered.  Discussion followed that there might not have been a clear decision on what was suppose to happen over time, but a good idea to keep the meter so that town can keep track of excessive water use due to broken lines or such.  Gerry McCarthy move to just meter the 500 Boys and Girls Club water use at both facilities and wave the fees, Paul Parker seconded.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Paul questioned if Marty knew if the lentil on the Old Town Hall is being fixed and if the chimney is any good.  Marty said that lentil is scheduled for work this week but the weather is not cooperating and that the chimney is solid but does have a crack that needs to be sealed.

Marty moved to send letters of recognition and thanks to Barry Elliot, Butch and Mary Barron, Jim Langis, for thier time and expertise in renovating the Town Barn,Gerry
McCarthy seconded.  Discussion followed that Marty should be included in that list.  Motion passed with all in favor.  Paula will ask Megan Taylor to create the letter.

Paul Parker moved to go in non-public session under RSA- 91A-a:3.2.b, Bill Tsiros seconded.  Roll call - Marty Gilman (yes), Bill Tsiros (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Paul Parker (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Moved into non-public session at 10:48pm

Bill Tsiros moved to come out of non-public session, Paul Parker seconded.Roll Call- Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Paul Parker (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

Other Business -  Paula reported that last Saturday the gas pumps broke down and Lt. Willey could not get a hold of Dale Sprague. Joel Moulton and John Radcliffe were called and they went down and got the pumps working enough to fill the police cars even though neither of them had keys to the pumps.  Paula stated that this is the second time this has happened where Dale has not responded to an emergency call and questioned if Dale's phone is shut off would the alarms for the water and wastewater be able to get through.  Paula stated that Joel is willing to take on the responsibility of answering the emergency calls but that would mean Dale would be getting paid for something he is not doing.  It was discussed that Dale's salary is based on him being dept. head to multiple departments when he is not anymore.  Paula will talk to Dale about his emergency response and if he would like to give this duty (and the money he receives for it) over to Joel.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, Bill Tsiros seconded. Motion passed with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 11:47pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

________________________________        _________________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                                  Vice-Chairman, Paul Parker

________________________________        __________________________________
Martin Gilman                                           Gerald McCarthy

William Tsiros