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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10-16-06
OCTOBER 16, 2006

Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, Vice Chair Paul Parker, Selectmen Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman. Bill Tsiros joined the Board at approximately 6:30.

Also Present: Planning and Community Developer Paul Esswein, Planning Board Chair Charlie King, Norman Russell, Sylvia Aroquette.

At 6:05 PM, Chairman Proulx called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Review of minutes: Paul Parker motioned to seal the Non Public Minutes of 10-11-06 seconded by Gerry McCarthy. The 4 Board members present all voted in favor.
Paul Parker motioned to table review of the 10-11-06 Non Public minutes to Non Public Session seconded by Marty Gilman, 4 in favor. Paul parker motioned to accept the 10-11-06 Public minutes as written. 4 in favor.

Public Input:
Charlie King came before the Board and requested the documents that Norman Russell handed out at the meeting two weeks ago.
Norman Russell came before the Board and stated that his purpose of giving the Selectmen the information was strictly for informational purposes and hopes that the Selectmen will take the time to read it. He stated that in an  e-mail to Chris Northrop he asked if any of the cases had been overturned and was told that they had not been. Mr. Russell stated that he feels Mr. Tsiros has a conflict of interest on the subject of water/sewer connection fees as he was promised a reimbursement when connections are made; he has no business discussing this issue. Paula asked Charlie if the Planning Board is given any case law or other informative documents and Paul Esswein stated that each new Planning Board member is given a handbook, which includes an annual summary of case law.

First round of draft budgets:
Planning Department: Paul Esswein came before the Board to discuss his draft budget. He stated that he based it on last years budget. There is a $15,000 encumbrance which is going towards the ladder truck repair. (At this time Selectman Bill Tsiros seated himself with Board.) In regards to the fee paid to Strafford County Regional Planning, Esswein stated that to get the full benefit, you have to participate, the Town needs two reps. Gerry asked why the money for consultants has not been used as well as staff training and Paul Parker suggested trimming them on next years budget. Gerry added that we are going to do 0 based budgeting this year. Tsiros asked about the Charrett and Eswein responded that it was discussed at a recent EDC meeting, looking at what the options available are in the Downtown area; SCRP is obligated to provide technical services to the community, there would be a charge if they acted as consultants. The intent is to have outside input and it helps to have trained facilitation. The Board brought into question the completion and adoption of the Master Plan and the need for it in order to proceed with a CIP and transportation plan. Gerry stated that he would like to see the amounts paid out in each department to Social Security, Health Benefits and retirement.
Police Department Budget: Police Chief Scott Roberge came before the Board to discuss the PD draft budget. He stated that most items are level funded. We may see a spike in gas and office supplies. Scott explained that some files are currently being kept in the basement and have become moldy to the point where his secretaries have to wear masks to use them. The Board discussed several options for optional storage space. Gerry asked how the payment for the prosecutor is divided up with the other Towns since the prosecutor has his office in Farmington and we pay his heat and utilities. Scott explained that the other towns have bought his copier, computer and paper. Scott will get the breakdown of what is paid to the prosecutor by the other towns for the Board.  Marty expressed his concern over the high phone bills and Scott explained that he has no control over the other departments Nextel phone usage, he has canceled the e-mail service for two of the PD phones and is getting credit back from Nextel ($250.00 and then $900.00). The new bill is $500.00 down from $900.00. The Town gets a 15% discount on the Government plan. There is a jump in the crossing guard and traffic control payroll. He is putting in for a new cruiser at a cost of $27,000, which will be offset by a grant for $11,000. Chief Roberge is proposing to use the old SUV for the Animal Control Officer; Scott also proposes in his budget a higher salary paid to the ACO. In regards to the crosswalk in front of the American Legion and the Town Hall, Scott is in support of Gerry stated that technically Scott can make the decision. Gerry McCarthy motioned to go forward with the crosswalk in front of the American Legion crossing over to the Town Hall. Marty seconded the motion. All in favor. Gerry suggested that the Chairman call the DOT. Scott explained that some of his lines were over expended causing him to be cautious in other lines. Scott explained that it has been a tight year due to the Arson case, the flood etc. The juvenile court is moving to Dover which will cause a bigger expense in mileage next year. The mileage reimbursement is based on state rates. The Board discussed a space study for the  Town Hall and the other Town buildings. Scott is hopeful to have a new Public Safety building in 2010 for the PD and FD. It would be beneficial to have a shared building and office equipment and staff.

At 8:30 PM, Paul Parker motioned for a recess seconded by Gerry McCarthy. All in favor.

At 8:45 the meeting reconvened.

Paula informed the Board that Chief Folwer would have his draft budget for a future meeting. The Board agreed that they would meet every Monday with Department Heads to discuss budgets. Paul Parker stated that they need to have a plan for expenditures. Paula stated that if any lines are changed or deleted to inform Pam.

Organization of Planning Board: Chairman Proulx informed the Board that she has accepted the resignation of Planner Paul Esswein effective November 3, 2006 and now the Board needs to come to a decision as to where they want to go with this. Charlie King spoke up to say that before there was a full time Planner, an outside consultant was hired for plan reviews, assistance with preparations of Town Warrants, postings and Public Hearings. The cost was equal to a full time position salary. The Board can ask Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Roseberry what his comfort level is with Zoning Ordinances and signing applications. Bill Tsiros motioned to contact Municipal Resources for information on a part time planner and for the Planning Chairman to continue the business of the day. Motion died for lack of second. Paul Parker stated that he feels it is critical to hire a planner and Gerry added that we could get someone on Board now temporarily and then look at hiring a full time later. The requirements would be to attend the TRC meetings, plan reviews, assistance with preparations for Town Meeting Warrants, attend Planning Board meetings once a month, zoning change proposals, ordinance interpretation (maybe Dennis?). Charlie feels that someone would be needed approximately 15-25 hours per week. Parker stated that next we should look at a job description for a Planner and Gerry added that originally he was hired to develop the Master Plan and the Transportation Plan. Paula stated that this needs further discussion to look at the big picture. The Board agreed that Chairman Proulx would call MR, LGC and SRP to get costs.

Public Road request: Packy Campbell submitted a request for Sky View and Whippoorwill Drives to be taken over by the Town. A copy of this request will be attached to these minutes. Gerry stated that the Board of Selectmen has the authority to accept land as a gift to the Town but added that it should be up to the legislative body, the voters, at Town Meeting. Bill Tsiros added that it should be accepted only  if it is a benefit to the community. There has to be a petition and then presented as a warrant at Town Meeting. Gerry questioned if it could be on a paper ballot. Charlie spoke up to say that we should look at developing a policy for accepting Town roads. He also added that it would mean that the Town would take over the responsibility of the water and sewer and pumps under the roads. Paul Parker motioned to deny the request by Packey Campbell to accept Sky view Drive and Whippoorwill Drive as public ways. Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. All in favor.

Update on ladder truck: In a memo from Joel Moulton, (attached to minutes), he states the conditions observed by Dover Motor Mart. Paula stated that we are hopefully still in cost range we were originally quoted. The truck should be back next week. $15,000 will come out of the planning budget and $10,000 will come out of the PD resource officer line.

Employee handbook amendment: Bill Tsiros motioned to approve the amendments to section 2 seconded by Paul Parker. All in favor.

Chairman Proulx let the Board know that the LEOP workshop will be held on November 15 in the evening. We are waiting for a final time from Deb Lee.

FEMA: So far the Town has received checks for $178,000, $45,000 and $5,000.

Silvia Arquette spoke to the Board regarding her recent request for the Town to stop encroaching on her property on Vernon Road. It came into question if the road is private and if the Town maintains it. Charlie interjected that if the Town maintains a road for over five years, we own it. Paula will ask Joel to look into it.

Marty updated the Board on the Town Hall Lintels repair. He told the Board that the roofers are scheduled for November 6 7th and 8th. Paul Parker reminded him that Election Day is the 7th so Marty will call to reschedule.

Paul Parker motioned to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 (a,c & d) seconded by Bill Tsiros. A roll call vote was taken: Paula Proulx-yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

The Board discussed several issues.

Paul Parker motioned to go out of Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 (a,c & d) seconded by Bill Tsiros. A roll call vote was taken: Paula Proulx-yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

At 11:30 PM, Bill Tsiros motioned to adjourn the meeting seconded by Paul Parker. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Taylor
Selectmen’s Secretary

__________________________`     __________________________
Chairman Paula Proulx           Vice Chairman Paul Parker

____________________________    ____________________________
Gerald McCarthy                 Martin Gilman

William Tsiros