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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 9-18-05
SEPTEMBER 18, 2006

At 6:00PM, Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

At 6:05 PM, Paul Parker motioned to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 (c). Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

Discussion with Public Works Director Joel Moulton on a personnel issue.

At 6:30 Pm, Paul Parker motioned to come out of Non Public Session. Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.


Packy Campbell of RSA Development approached the Board to discuss the new water/sewer connection fees. He stated that he spoke with his lawyer and was told that legally he was not obligated to pay the new fees per RSA 674:21. The Board requested Mr. Campbell to submit a letter to the Board stating his concern and reasons. The Board will then discuss consulting with Town Counsel on this matter.

Marty Gilman stated that he has given a list to Primex of the Town Hall updates. He motioned that the Board send a letter of thanks to Mrs. Thayer for her contributions to the Town Hall project. Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. All in favor.

Gerry McCarthy reminded the Board to write a letter of congratulations Seneca Machine and Bill Tsiros suggested making a  to plan a visit to the business.

9-6-06 Public: Bill Tsiros motioned to accept as written. Gerry McCarthy seconded the motion. Paula Proulx asked for discussion. After one amendment by Paul Parker, Bill Tsiros amended his motion to accept the minutes as amended. Gerry McCarthy seconded the motion. All in favor.
9-6-06 Non Public: Paul Parker motioned to accept as written. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.
9-11-06 Public: After several adjustments to the minutes, Paul Parker motioned to accept as amended. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.
9-11-06 Non Public, after one addition, Paul Parker motioned to accept as amended. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.

Request for Public Hearing for CDBG Grant: Dennis McCann of Strafford Economic Development Corporation and Janine Lewis and Brad Morse of Samco approached the Board. Mr. McCann stated that Samco would apply for a CDBG grant, which would be sub granted to SEDC who will write the grant applications. They will also write a $15,000 grant to cover administrative fees. Gerry asked if there would be exposure to the Town if the business went bankrupt. Dennis answered that by sub granting the funds, it passes responsibility for overseeing the funds. The Town acts as a vehicle for the grant. Dennis stated that Samco needs the money to keep its present employees and to hire 20 new employees. Half of the current employees are Farmington residents. Three hearings are required. Dennis will send draft copies of the hearing notices and once approved, will post the final notices. Marty Gilman motioned to proceed with the Public Hearings on October 2, 2006. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.

Road Maps: Public Works Director Joel Moulton came before the Board to discuss plans for road, sidewalk and bridge repairs. He outlined a plan for proposed work and funding. (a copy of this plan will be attached to the final written copy of these minutes). The Board discussed the plan. Joel explained that the repairs to Bunker and Civic Streets were from flood damage. The $45,000 from FEMA would be used for this work. FEMA would like to see the work accomplished with a couple of months. In regards to hiring an engineer to inspect the bridges, Paula explained that the State inspectors do not look at the structural end of it like an engineer would. We need to know what the priorities are so that we can budget, we need direction. We need long term planning and justification for monies budgeted. On the subject of striping, Joel stated that it would be done according to DOT specs. He is seeking quotes. Scott Roberge interjected that this will mean that the stripes will be illuminated for visibility. Joel is proposing subcontracting for paving Ten Rod Road, Meeting Hill House Road, Paulson Road. Joel’s crew can concentrate on the repairs to Bunker and Civic. Paula stated that, if we do not fix the roads before winter, we could loose them. Joel stated that the sidewalks will be paved and Paul Parker stated that paved sidewalks do not last as well as cement. Joel stated that we have safety issues so they need to be addressed now, they can be re-addressed in the CIP in the future. Bill Tsiros motioned to go ahead with the proposed schedule and to authorize the Road Map proposal from start to finish. Paul Parker seconded the motion. Paula requested that Joel submit a report at the end of each week on the progress. Gerry stated that he has concerns with engineering fees and would like to see the quotes that come in. A vote was taken. All in favor.
Paul Parker made a motion to grant the bid for swale and sidewalk work for $41,250.00 to Salmon Falls Paving . Bill Tsiros seconded the motion and stated that Joel should oversee the project and withhold payment if not satisfied. All in favor.
Bill Tsiros motioned to approve Salmon Falls proposal for paving for roadway repairs with the contingency that they provide their own traffic control. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

Marty asked Joel if he thought there was any time he and his crew could volunteer some time and equipment to the playground committee for the playground renovations. Joel said he would look into it.

Nextel Bills: Police Chief Scott Roberge came before the Board and stated that a former Town Administrator gave him the task of ordering the Nextel phones. He does not authorize the ordering and each department is responsible for maintaining usage of their phones. Marty stated that after reviewing the bills, he noticed there was excessive use of some of the the phones and the bill was very high. Scott monitors his own department’s use of the phones. He uses the e-mail feature on his phone, which he feels is a necessary tool. Paula stated that if the Town is audited, any personal calls made on the Towns Nextel’s should be taxed. Paula asked Megan to send a memo to department heads to get a list of phone numbers and users then we can look at the needs.

Animal Control Officer: Scott explained that the current Animal Control Officer is putting in a lot of hours and is only getting about $75.00 per week. Most cases are initially handled by the Police Department and the ACO follows up. The Town currently budgets $5,000 per year for ACO and does not supply a vehicle. The current situation is just a band-aid to get thru this year, the Town needs to re-approach this issue and address the needs for an ACO.

Update on Town Hall Roof Repair: Marty stated that he is still waiting for some bids.

Fire Department Commercial Drivers License: It is mandatory for drivers except if responding to an emergency. The cost for a CDL is $70.00 and then $10.00 per year above the cost to renew a regular license.

Americorps Grant: Rich will met with the Budget Committee on 9-20 to discuss this issue. The Board would like to post a meeting to meet with Rich on 9-21 at 4:30 to discuss the outcome.

The Fire Marshall will be meeting with Chief Fowler at the Town Hall on 9-28-06 at 1:45 PM. Bergeron will not be asked to attend.

Ambulance billing: Chief Fowler will look into placing liens on homeowners in Farmington who owe for ambulance billing. The billing company would like to write off the eligible ones on a monthly basis. Paula asked rRich to put together an approach and a plan.

Cell Phones: Rich stated that he is canceling the Nextel’s in the Fire Department and would like the Board to consider paying him a $50.00 monthly stipend towards his own cell phone.

Annual Inspections: Chief Fowler stated that some property owners with properties that require a yearly inspection either refuse the inspection or do not pay. Gerry stated that if it is a rental and they refuse the inspection, the Town could pull their occupancy permit; the Town does have some liability. Bill suggested that Rich call other Fire Departments and find out what their approach is on this issue.

Update on ladder truck: Chief Fowler told the Board that he has not been able to find a truck repair that has the equipment to do a compression test. Gerry stated that he spoke with an insurance broker and was told that the ISO rates should not be affected by not having a ladder truck. Rich said that is not what he was told. Marty stated that if we take the truck out of service, we are not liable. Gerry stated that we can either put the $22,000 into repair or purchase a new one for $425,000 out of Capital Reserve. We would have to have a Special town Meeting to purchase a new one. Paula stated that we couldn’t rely on Mutual aid permanently. Rich said there are three options: 1: fix the truck for $22,000 but it will still need $100,000 worth of repair to meet NFPA standards. 2: buy a new truck for $425,000 out of CR or lease purchase for ten years for $53,000 per year or 3: replace three trucks with new ones for $782,000 at $42,370.00 per year after down payment of $450,000 out of CR. Gerry stated that it would add up to $100,000 of interest. Paula stated that with option 3, we would save money in the repair line and Bill stated that he sees this as a great savings to the Town in the long run. Marty stated that it would not sit well with the taxpayers to purchase three new trucks. Gerry stated that we could buy a combination ladder and pumper truck and he was opposed to buying three new trucks. Paula stated that there is a liability to the Town; we have to make sure we have the proper equipment. Rich stated that he needs an answer; he has to make contingency plans and create a strategy and tactics in any case. Paula stated that it would cost about $500.00 in administration fees to hold a public hearing then to petition the court to hold a special meeting. Bill Tsiros asked if it could be done with a Ballot vote. Paula will check with Kathy Seaver on the procedures.

Department Head Budgets: Paula stated that we need to schedule with department heads to review their budgets. Gerry asked that the budgets be ‘0 based’ (start from scratch).

Planning Board application from Ed Weagle: The Board agreed to table this discussion until the meeting on the 25th when the Planning Board will be present.

Town Administrator Search: Marty stated that the Manchester Times is having a special employment section coming up. Paul Parker stated that we should look at what we have and Bill agreed. Paul Parker asked if they would be using the assistance of Primex and Gerry stated that he didn’t think we needed their services.  Paula stated that we could ask Ray Bauer for assistance. The Board agreed to review the resumes in Non Public Session on the 25th.

At 11:10 PM, Paul Parker motioned to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3 (a) (d). Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

Fire Chief Richard Fowler was present to receive his 2-month evaluation. Each Board member gave a verbal evaluation.

The Board discussed another personnel issue.

At 12:00AM. Paul Parker motioned to come out of Non Public Session. Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

At 12:00AM, Gerry McCarthy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.

_________________________       _________________________
Chairman Paula Proulx           Vice Chair Paul Parker

_________________________       _________________________
Gerald McCarthy                 Martin Gilman

William Tsiros