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Board of Selectmen Minutes 9-6-06

Present:  Chairman Paula Proulx, Vice Chairman Paul Parker, Selectmen Gerald McCarthy, Martin Gilman and William Tsiros

At 6:00Pm Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Canine Officer proposal: Police Chief Scott Roberge, Strafford County Sherriff Wayne Estees and New Durham Police Chief Shawn Bernier were present to discuss this proposal with the Board. Roberge explained that the cost to purchase a working dog is $5,000.00. The Strafford County Sheriffs Office has offered to donate $2,000, Buelah Thayer has offered to donate $1,000 and the rest of the cost can come from fundraising. The only cost after that would be $750.00 per year, which would cover training, vet care and food. Sherriff Estees told the Board that vets treat working dogs in emergencies for no cost. Scott would be required to train with the Working Dogs Foundation 6 hours a week on Mondays for about 6 months until certification and then 12 hours a month. The dog that is available is a drug specialty dog, which Scott stated is greatly needed in this area. There will be no extra salary to the Town as Scott is a salaried employee. The Sheriffs Department would pay Scott if he is called to another Town. Scott stated that Farmington is his priority and this will not affect his availalbility. Gerry asked what the need for a canine handler in Farmington is.  Chief Bernier explained explained that there is an average of 30-40 calls per year in which a dog is needed in Farmington. A dog could be used to locate drugs or people in buildings and vehicles and assist in drug searches in the schools. Scott stated that he could think of at least 60 incidents this year in availability to Farmington. Bill Tsiros asked if this will affect the Towns insurance policy and Scott stated that it would not, it is considered a rider and is automatically covered. The dog and handler must be certified yearly. Paul Parker asked if the Town would be stuck with the dog for life, Scott said no and stated that if the dog does not work out, it would be replaced. The dog will live with Scott and he will be the only Farmington officer certified to handle the dog. Blue Seal Feeds has offered to donate collars, leashes and a bed for the dog. Paul Parker motioned to approve the proposal for a canine officer in Farmington. Bill Tsiros stated that he would like to run this by the Budget Committee. Scott stated that this needs to be addressed ASAP;there is only one dog available; there are enough funds this year and it can be budgeted for next year. Marty seconded the motion. Discussion: Tsiros stated that the weekly training is an expense since it takes Scott away from the Town for a day each week and Gerry stated that the PD recently had 2 officers put on and this will cost us in hours and scheduling. Scott responded that the Town will gain a product and a tool. A motion was taken: All in favor.

Paul Parker motioned to go into Non Public Session per RSA 91-A: 3 (b). Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCart6hy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

The Board interviewed three new Per Diem Fire Fighters. Bill Tsiros motioned to approve the three candidates as proposed. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.

Gerry McCarthy motioned to come out of Non Public Session. Paul Parker seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Gerry McCarthy – yes, Marty Gilman – yes, Bill Tsiros – yes.

Gerry McCarthy inquired on the status of hiring an Animal Control Officer. Megan Taylor stated that Michael Galamberti has been hired as the Animal Control Officer for Farmington and Middleton. Gerry asked what he is being paid. Bill asked if he is enforcing dog licensing. Megan will get the requested information from Chief Roberge.
Fire Department Grant: Fowler stated that the Fire Department has been granted a personnel grant from Americorps to fund the pay of 2 personal. The total cost to the Town for two Fire Department personnel for a minimum of 1700 hours a year  would be $12,000; this is for $80,000 worth of personal pay. Farmington is one of three communities in the State to receive the grant. Americorp will assist with the job description, advertising and interviews. Rich has $3,000 from the firefighters payroll and $3,000 from EMS payroll that can be used for this grant. He can budget the rest in next years budget. Marty stated that this should be presented to the Budget Committee. Rich stated that they have to have a candidate by October 16. He stated that the main function of the grant is to develop a program for recruitment and retention of volunteers. It is a good opportunity for a younger person to gain experience. He hopes to get someone local. Rich stated that this would help fill the gaps on the weekends. Gerry expressed concern that when the grant runs out, Town will be stuck with these two positions. Rich stated that he can apply for the grant each year and that he was assured that towns that have received the grant continue to receive it. He stated that the positions are not employees of the town but employees of Americorps. Tsiros stated that he is familiar with Americorps; it is a program that furthers education for young people. He would like to see a local person get the chance but there are strings attached. Gerry stated, why not increase the per diem on the weekends, it would be cheaper.

Bill Tsiros motioned to get a consensus from the Board on whether to take this request to the Budget Committee. Marty seconded the motion. All in favor. Fowler will call Budget Committee Chairman Arthur Capello to see if he can reschedule the September 27th Budget Committee Meeting to an earlier date.

Fire Department Budget: Chief Fowler requested that his salary be split between the Fire and the EMS budgets. He does both jobs. Bill Tsiros said it makes sense and all board members agreed. Chief Folwer then stated that the Department has become one department and should be all on one budget. Bill Tsiros thought there is a statute that defines the EMS as a different organization. Gerry McCarthy stated that he would still like to see separate reports for Fire and EMS, we would need this if it ever became privatized. Paul Parker asked why other departments keep the fuel budgets separate and Bill Tsiros said to keep track, but nobody keeps track anymore. Paula Proulx stated that it is not a problem to combine the Fire and EMS budgets as long as the reporting stays separate.

Fire Marshall: Chief Fowler stated that he got a message from the Fire Marshall’s Office stating that he would be able to come to Farmington to look at the Town Hall during the week of October 8. Fowler will call him to firm up a date and update the Board when more information is available.

Ladder Truck Update: Chief Fowler stated that he went through the budget to find money for the repair of the ladder truck and came up with maybe a few thousand dollars. Worst-case scenario to fix the ladder truck is $22,000 and best case scenario is $15,000. Dover Motor Mart wants an answer. Fowler stated that there is $450,000 in the Capital Reserve Fund. Gerry McCarthy stated that we would have to go to Town Meeting to withdraw money from the Capital Reserve Fund. McCarthy asked why the work cant be done at the Towns garage. Paul Proulx stated that she talked with Joel and he said that the mechanics are capable of doing the work, it is a matter of safety, time, not having the right tools and they are in the middle of inspections and getting vehicles ready for the winter. They would have to make allowances to bring the truck in and out of the garage. Gerry stated we just don’t have the money to fix the truck right now. Fowler stated that he has looked into different options, the first is would be to fix the truck, but keep in mind, it is a 22-year-old truck. In the next five years 2 other trucks will need to be replaced. Option two is to go to Town Meeting to buy a new ladder truck for approximately $425,000 out of Capital Reserve or lease purchase for approximately $52,000 per year. Option three is to replace all three trucks at a cost of $782,000, a balance of $332,000 after withdraw from Capital Reserve Fund and finance $42,000 per year for lease purchase for 12 years. Bill Tsiros asked how much is put into the CRF each year. Paula Proulx answered in 2003: $99,000, 2004: $134,000 and 2005:$137,000 and 2006: $127,000. There is not much trade value in the old trucks; they could be put out to bid or private sale. Marty stated that we should get two more bids for the repair of the ladder truck, maybe Rochester Truck or DiPrizios. Rich stated that the town mechanic looked at the truck and had the same opinion. New Durham, Milton, Rochester and Alton have ladder trucks but are not always available for mutual aid. Rich stated that there are at least 15 chimney fires each winter, and there were 6 structure fires. The ISO insurance rate would go from a 5.9 to 6.9 without a ladder truck. Paul Parker stated that we would have to have a Public Hearing and then go to Town Meeting or have a Special Town Meeting to authorize this. Gerry McCarthy emphasized that we should get another bid; he would never be in favor of purchasing three new trucks. Bill Tsiros stated this was win situation, we would save money in the long run, if we don’t use the CRF for this, it would be used for something not as needed. Gerry McCarthy stated that we do not have to put as much money into the CRF each year. Fowler will get the truck from Dover tomorrow and seek another opinion.

Evaluation: Chief Fowler stated that his two-month evaluation is coming due, would the Board consider doing it as there is no Town Administrator at this time. The Board agreed to do an evaluation for Chief Fowler in Non Public Session on the 18th.


Community Television Office: Community Television coordinator Ed Mullen came before the Board to request approval for the purchase of an air purifier. He stated that recently, his editor became ill from the mold in the office. The water pipes run through the office causing moisture and mold buildup. His office has since been cleaned, painted and the rugs replaced. The Board discussed various options including relocating his office, but Ed said there really is not another space available. Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the purchase of an air purifier for $119.00. Marty seconded the motion. All in favor.

The Board inquired as to the amount of resumes received for the Town Administrator. Megan stated that a total of 4 have been received. Bill Tsiros made a motion to appoint Chairman Proulx as acting Town Administrator, to conduct everyday operations, instruct Department Heads, employees and the duties and decisions with the jurisdiction of a Town Administrator. Gerry McCarthy seconded the motion. 4 in favor, Paula abstained.

Bill Tsiros stated there needs to be some radical changes with the fuel tank keys. A system should be implemented. There are requirements by the DES to track fuel usage. Paula Proulx stated that there is a dial on the top of the tank, which should be monitored at fuel delivery. This issue will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Marty Gilman stated that Nextel is not cheap and requested to see this months Nextel bill. Last year we spent $25,000 on phone bills. Bill Tsiros suggested we put the phone service out to bid and look for a cheaper service.

At 9:00 PM., Gerry McCarthy motioned to adjourn. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.

Signed this __________ day of 2006

________________________        _______________________
Chairman Paula Proulx           Vice Chairman Paul Parker

_________________________       _______________________
Selectman Gerald McCarthy               Selectman Martin Gilman

Selectman William Tsiros