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Board of Selectmen Minutes 8-28-06

Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, Vice Chair Paul Parker, Selectmen Gerry McCArthy, Marty Gilman and Bill Tsiros.

At 6:00 PM, Chairman Proulx called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegience. Chairman Proulx  then welcomed Bill Tsiros to the Board.

Norman Russell approached the Board and stated that in regards to comments made by Randy Orvis at the prior meeting, he agrees with him that the town roads are in bad condition but does not feel the blame should be placed on the current Public Works Director Joel Moulton. He stated that most town roads were constructed to poor standards, undergo added traffic and are deficient in road base; you cannot grade an insufficient road base. The roads need substantial reconstruction and/or maintenance. We need the transportation plan completed to reach our objectives and goals. Chairman Proulx stated that the Selectmen will be meeting with the Planning Board to discuss sidewalks and will address this issue as well.

Town Hall Sprinkler System: Shawn Bergeron came before the Board to discuss his proposal for technical services for the sprinkler system at the Town Hall. Bergeron stated that the proposal still stands; the project has been pushed back; he has received a retainer check from the Town and expects to proceed in late September. He asked how the Town would like to proceed but suggested that they seek bids far and wide. Marty stated that he would like to see a local installer get the contract. Gerry stated that we should expand statewide to gauge the bids and Paul agreed stating that we should publicize statewide. Shawn stated that we could advertise in Construction Summary and Dodge Construction Reports. He said that if we require bonding, it would cut a significant amount of bidders; companies that can bond generally have financial stability and are established. Shawn told the Board that the estimated cost to install the system would be $80,000 to $100,000. The denial of the original proposal by the Fire Marshals office has increased the cost. The Board was originally told it would cost $60,000 which was the amount budgeted and approved at Town Meeting. Gerry stated that it is not a big task to combine the alarm system to the sprinkler system; the labor is being donated cutting the original estimate of $35,000 to $9,400. Bill asked Bergeron why he received a retainer check if the Town has not signed the contract. Shawn replied that the previous Board gave the ok, he has maintained an amicable relationship with the town to this point. Paula stated approval of the proposal is not in the Selectmen’s minutes. Gerry stated that we know what we have to do to occupy the Town Hall, we don’t have $80,000-$100,000 budgeted; we would have to go to Town Meeting for additional money. We need to know how much money we will need so we should get the bids in now. Gerry asked Shawn if he would complete #s9,10,11 & 12 of his proposal and
Shawn stated that he would not bail out on the Town. Marty stated that in the beginning, we were told that we didn’t have to do it all in one year. Maybe we could spread the work over a 2-3 year period. Shawn stated that he believes if the Town shows a good faith effort, the Fire Marshall’s office would work with us. Gerry asked if we could get zone bids and Shawn answered that it could be divided into 3 zones: attic, main and lower. Gerry stated that we should now bid out for one zone and the infrastructure. Marty stated that the rep from the FMs office that denied the proposal has never seen the building. Paul Parker asked if we could appeal to the FM to reconsider their decision. Bergeron stated that the Department of Safety is not unreasonable; he believes that the decision was based on a letter delivered to him which was not received well. Shawn stated that the Town Hall was a building worth saving and recommended going back to the FMs office for reconsideration of the original proposal. Paul Parker motioned to have Chief Richard Fowler contact the Fire Marshals office and schedule a walkthrough of the Town Hall request an  appeal of their last decision and reinstate the original Life Safety Code Plan. Marty seconded the motion. All in favor. Bergeron stated that he would hold the retainer check while the proposal is still up in the air. Rich Fowler will be the point of contact regarding this issue.

Eagle Scoutt proposal for improvements to the CAP office: Boy scout Marc Gullison came before the Board to discuss his proposal. He stated that he would like to install cubbies and shelving for supplies and clothing, put curtains up in the front room, patch and paint the walls and shampoo the carpets. Bill Tsiros motioned to endorse the proposed project by Marc Gullison. Marty seconded the motion. Paul Parker asked what color Marc intended on painting the walls, as it is a historical building. Marc stated that he would paint them the same white color. Marc explained to Paul the he would like to attach the cubbies to the wall so that they do not fall down on people. He has gotten the approval form Cap but still needs to go before the Eagle Scout Committee for final approval. This project will not cost the Town anything. Bill amended his proposal to include subject to approval by the Eagle Scout Committee. A vote was taken, All in favor.

At 7:05 PM the Board adjourned for a recess and reconvened at 1:15PM.

Town Administrator Search Program: Gary Stenhouse Director of Programs for Primex, approached the Board and stated that Primex has a program which assists companies and municipalities in the hiring process. The program includes the design and placement of an ad, a job description and assistance with the interview process. It does not include calling potential candidates or categorizing resumes. The only cost to the Town would be to pay for the Synergy Tool, which is $800.00. Each Board member would have to complete the Human Factors program, which would help identify the qualities we are looking for. The Board told Mr. Stenhouse that they would consider his proposal.

Funding for the Preservation Guild: Director Cyndi Paulin came before the Board and stated that in 2005 the Preservation Guild was granted $15,000 in CDBG funds and entered into a contract with the Town. She sent an invoice for $11,863 to the Town in November 2005 and received the funds. She sent an invoice for the 2005 balance of $3,136.60 in May 2006. She was told that the money was not there and was appropriated for the Town Hall project at 2006 Town Meeting. There was an assumption that because the money was there that it was an encumbrance and it was not known that the money was owed to the PG. Gerry stated that the Guild has to be paid for what the Town voted. The Guild was also approved by vote at Town Meeting, another $15,000 for this year. Paula asked if the money could be extracted form the Town Hall funding or transferred from some other source. Bill stated that the Town operates on a fiscal year; the fiscal year has ended so he doesn’t know if we can legally re-appropriate the funds. He asked Cyndi why she did not invoice the 2005 balance until this year. Paul stated that this should have been looked at when the budget was being done; they should have questioned this encumbrance. Bill recommended looking into encumbrances, CDBG then General, and if there are any encumbrances, go to the Budget Committee. Paula will check with Pam on encumbrances and notify the Budget Committee.

Encroachment on Town Property: Developer David Dejagger came before the Board to discuss a home he built on Trotting Park, which encroaches onto Town property by about 7 feet. Dave would like to purchase the piece of land and give an easement of his property to the Town. He is open to negotiations. He got an assessment of $0-$3,000. He tried to purchase a piece of land from the owners across the street but they were not willing to negotiate. Paul Parker asked if this adjustment were made, would the setback requirements of 15 feet be met? Dejagger stated that he could apply for a variance from the ZBA. His building is more compliant than the previous one. The road is currently graded to 30 feet and encroaches on the property across the street.  Dejagger told the Board that he would provide easements for sidewalks on his side of the road. Paula stated we need to know the square footage of the piece of property in question. Dejagger statd that it is 18 feet from his house to the shoulder of the road; 20 feet to the road. Marty asked if he could move L9 back (see map attached) which would increase the width of the corner. Parker also stated that the Towns assessment team should look at this. Paula told Dejagger that the Board will review this information and asked Dejagger to get the square footage for the Board and consult with Joel Moulton.

Emergency Operations Plan: Lee Kimball was not able to attend the meeting. Paul Parker motioned to table this discussion until Wednesday, September 13. Bill seconded the motion. All in favor.  Megan will call Deb Lee and Lee Kimball to see if they can attend.

Town Administrator Job Description: The Board reviewed a job description drafted by Paula Proulx which was based on the existing one which was adopted in 1977 and last revised in 1998. The Board discussed some changes including adding in the first paragraph: under the direct supervision of the Board; under other qualifications, adding next to computer skill’s: Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word; deleting “with a clean driving record” and adding “this position will require a contractual agreement”. Paul Parker motioned to accept the proposed job description drafted by Chairman Paula Proulx with the above mentioned amendments. Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. All in favor.

Hiring procedure review: The Board discussed the hiring procedure from the Town of Farmington Employee Handbook. Paula stated that it is in conflict with the Town Policy. Bill stated that the Board of Selectmen should have the final say in the hiring and firing procedure. The Board further discussed the hiring policy and the town policy. Paul Parker motioned to amend Section 21, Recruitment and Job Posting of the Employee Handbook, with the recommendations of Attorney Laura Spector in a memo dated 7-17-06. Bill Tsiros seconded the motion. All in favor.

Town Policy document: The Board discussed section 1-3-6. Paula stated that the wording made it sound like the Town Administrator had the final say in hiring and firing. Gerry stated that the Board couldn’t sit as an appeal Board. The Board will revisit this issue.

Town Hall Roof Repair: Marty stated that Hall Bros Roofing took a look at the roof a while ago. He has not seen a proposal from them. Paul Weston put together some bid specs. Marty will call Hall Bros. He would like to get this fixed ASAP so that the balcony inside can be repaired. Bill Tsiros motioned to allow Marty Gilman to contact Hall Bros and to have bids ready for the Board as soon as possible. Marty seconded the motion. All in favor. Megan stated that she remembers Hall Brothers saying that they could not do this job, it was a carpenter’s job and Gerry agreed.

Town Administrator Ad: The Board reviewed the costs from various newspapers and websites for posting the ad. Paul Parker motioned to not advertise in the Portsmouth Herald, the Boston Globe and, to continue advertising in the Fosters, Union Telegraph, Concord Monitor and the various free websites. Marty seconded the motion. All in favor. Paul asked for pricing from the Portland Press.

Update of Streetlights: Paul Parker stated that he would like to see the different costs between switching to Metal Halide and Sodium High Pressure and combination of the two. He previously asked for a list of Towns that have switched. He wanted to know the difference in longevity and brightness/color. Paula Proulx stated that she will talk with Jack Schelling of PSNH to get some costs; we have to make a decision. She will ask what the savings payback would be for a combination of lights, get a cost for an individual lights so they can make a decision on adding lights, annual savings, payback period and conversion cost. The Board would like to like to know the cost for putting the metal halide lamps in the Downtown area starting at the Bridge on Main Street up to Bay Road, Union Street, Summer Street, and Paulson Road for the Boys and Girls Club.

Dubois Closing: Paula told the Board that the closing went smoothly.

Holiday switch request: Paula had a request form Joel Moulton for his crew to make up the two hours missed because of the labor Day holiday by working two extra hours this week. They will be back to a five-day workweek November 1. The Board agreed to the request.

Per Diem Firefighters: Paula stated that Rich Folwer informed her that he has four Per Diem Firefighters ready to go but needs the confirmation of the Board. Gerry stated that they should follow the hiring policy and meet with the firefighters for final confirmation. They will check with Rich to see if they can meet Wednesday the 30th.

Strafford Dispatch: Gerry stated that at the previous meeting, Fowler expressed dissatisfaction with Strafford Dispatch. We are paying for this service and should look into it. He suggested that we meet with the Sheriff to address this issue. This is not the first time this has been brought up.

Legal service expenditures & budget concerns: Marty stated that the Town has expended $39,000 to date for legal services and there is $48,000 budgeted. There are two court cases this year and we will be going to court. A call to the attorney can cost $200 to $300. He said that department heads should check with the Selectmen before contacting the attorneys. Bill stated that any dispersement of funds should get Selectmen approval. Paul Parker said that often the Planning Board has legal questions. Marty stated that the highway budget in arrears but the $108,000 budgeted for road repair has not been touched. He added that before any bills are sent to FEMA, the Board should review them. Paula Proulx stated that they have received a check for $45,000 from FEMA. Bill Tsiros said that if a department head wants to contract outside services, they should inform Paula Proulx . Marty asked about the government 12% reimbursement from the state and Gerry answered that it has not been passed by the State yet. Bill will check with the State Rep on the status.

Update on landfill Fees: Paula told the Board that to date, $11,00 has been collected for construction debris. Bill stated that an employee has to be bonded to collect these fees; they are taxes. Rochester calls them tipping fees for this reason. Megan will check with the Town clerk on this question. Gerry stated that he received a complaint by someone who was charged for disposing a bureau. There is some confusion on what and when these new charges are in effect. Bill stated that the public reaction has not been good; it is double taxation. The Board will revisit this in 90 days. Bill also stated that an advantage of issuing building fees for roofing and siding is that we have proof that the debris is coming from Farmington. Gerry stated the landfill still has a burn pile and is looking into a shredder.

Building permits clarification: Paula referred to a memo form Planner Paul Esswein dated 8/24/06. In it he asks several questions to clarify the motion made on 8-21-06, which waived building permits and fees for roofing and siding. Gerry clarified that it means shingles, siding, roofs; no permit, no fee for residential properties; it is maintenance. Bill stated that it is maintenance if there is no square footage added to the structure. Gerry stated that the appraisals in are a four-year cycle and they will assess the repairs then.

Approval of Minutes: 8-21-06: After one addition by Bill Tsiros, Marty motioned to accept as amended. Gerry seconded the motion. 4 in favor, Bill abstained. 8-21-06 Non Public: Paul Parker motioned to accept as written. Marty seconded the motion. 4 in favor, Bill abstained. Paul Parker motioned to amend the approval of the 8-21-06 minutes to remove a sentence. Gerry seconded the motion. All infavor.

Discussion: Paula stated that Rich Fowler is planning on attending a training session at a cost of $1600 which will come out of the EMS and Fire budgets. The Board Okd the request. The Board agreed that they do not need to get an updated budget each week but rather monthly. Gerry stated that all fuel lines are over expended. Bill speculated it might be an error; maybe the amount from a previous spreadsheet was carried over in the budget.

At 11:00PM, Gerry McCarthy motioned to adjourn the meeting. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.

____________________    ______________________
Chairman Paula Proulx   Vice Chairman Paul Parker

____________________    _______________________
Gerald McCarthy         Martin Gilman

William Tsiros