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Board of Selectmen Minutes 6-26-06

Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, Vice Chairman Paul Parker, Selectmen George Meyer, Gerry McCarthy and Marty Gilman. Also present, Town Administrator Paul Weston, Public Works Director Joel Moulton

At 6:00 PM Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.


John Wingate approached the Board with a Right to Know request for information regarding written record of Town funding for legal council for the Lawsuit of Russells et. al. V Town of Farmington.

REVIEW OF MINUTES: 6-12-06 Public: Paul Parker motioned to approve the minutes as written seconded by George Meyer. 5 in favor. 6-12-06 Non Public: Paul Parker motioned to approve as written seconded by George Meyer. 5 in favor. Paula Proulx reminded Weston that the 6-5-06 Non Public still needed to be reviewed; they were tabled at a previous meeting.


Update on Life Safety Code compliance at Town Hall: Shawn Bergeron joined the Board. Bergeron began by stating that he did not approve of a recent letter sent by the Town to Governors Lynch’s Office complaining that the Fire Marshals Office has not responded to the town’s request for approval for a Life Safety Code for the Town Hall. Bergeron expressed concern that this will affect his relationship with the Fire Marshals Office. Gilman stated that he supports the letter and that it has been long enough for the Marshals Office to respond. McCarthy agreed stating that we are trying to get this project completed. Bergeron stated that they got a verbal ok on the plan initially from John Southwell when he visited the Hall but later were told otherwise via a voicemail on 5-2-06 from Fire Marshal Degnan. The Town has not received anything in writing at this point. Shawn believes that most likely they will get a waiver for voice announcement. The preference is to have an alarm system thru-out the building, smoke detectors and sprinklers connected to a monitored alarm system though the panel (there needs to be contacts in the panel). Bergeron stated that he believes they can sprinkle the whole building and complete the improvements and stay within the budget. Paula Proulx stated that we need something in writing from the FM Office. McCarthy stated that the Town can sign a waiver even without the FM approval. The Farmington Fire Chief can make that decision. He should be involved in the process and be a representative in the negotiations. There was $98,000 appropriated at Town Meeting and $66,000 from other sources, with $105,000  for fire suppression and alarms.  Bergeron will draft a letter to the Fire Marshals Office and request a response in writing either approving or denying the plan and reasons for decision. He will forward the draft to Paul Weston who will forward it to the Selectmen for approval. The letter should go out by the end of the week. Gilman will check with the alarm company to see if the existing panel has contacts for a flow device and the capability to make voice announcements.

Campground Permit renewal, Beaver Pond: Owner Larry Zampierri approached the Board. He stated that he was not given enough notice to gather the information required by the Planning/Codes department. The Planning Board is requesting that Mr. Zampierri provide them with an updated list of tenants having long term occupancy and records of registration that contain the name of tenant, date of occupancy for all tenants and guests and their permanent address of residence. They are also requesting that Mr. Zampierri place a post in front of each lot with the corresponding address number on it. Mr Zampierri stated that he thinks numbering the RVs themselves is sufficient. He is working on putting up street signs with directional arrows. Paul Weston stated that the request for numbered posts is so that the Fire and Police can find each lot in case of an emergency. There are 25 out of 50 lots with year round residents. Current ordinances do not allow this but these residents are grandfathered in. Paul Parker motioned to give Mr. Zampierri more time to comply with the requests of the Code Enforcement Office and to continue this discussion at the next Board of Selectmen Meeting.  Marty Gilman seconded the motion. 5 in favor.


Presentation by S.W Cole Engineering on pavement management. Representative Kevin Hanscom approached the Board and presented a power point presentation on pavement management. He estimates that a plan developed by their company would cost about $12,900 for the first year assessment and then about $35,00 each year to maintain the plan. The Board thanked Mr. Hanscom for his presentation.

Request to waive building permit fees for Habitat for Humanity homes in Farmington: Burl Short came before the Board to make this request. Mr. Short explained the application process and mortgage arrangement for prospective habitat homeowners. Gerry asked if Farmington residents have preference over other applicants and Mr. Short stated that they do not; the selection is based on need and ability to afford the home. Paul Parker motioned to waive the $704.00 building permit fee for Habitat for Humanity. Motion failed for lack of second. The Board agreed that they might consider a waiver if it was presented that the Town would be reimbursed upon profit from sale of the home.


Appointment of Fire Chief. Paul Weston officially announced the appointment of Richard Fowler as full time Farmington Fire Chief. He will begin his employment on July 10 with a salary of $48,000 with an increase of $52,000 upon successful completion of a 6 month probationary period. Rich Fowler could not be present at the meeting. Paul Parker motioned to appoint Richard Fowler as Farmington Fire Chief seconded by Marty Gilman. Discussion: Gerry stated that for the record he will vote against the appointment. He stated that his decision is not a reflection on Mr. Fowler but because policy was not followed in the appointment procedure. Parker responded that this was a promotion from within and does not require external advertisement. Paula responded that she researched the policy and did not find a policy for hiring.  The Town Administrator has the authority to hire department heads. At Town Meeting Article 10 was passed which states that the Board of Selectmen will appoint a full time Fire Chief. A vote was taken, to confirm appointment of Richard Fowler to the fulltime position of fire chief. Proulx, Parker, Meyer and Gilman in favor, McCarthy opposed.


Review of revisions to Landfill fees for construction and bulk wastes: Joel Moulton came before the Board with a draft proposal for new and revised fees for bulky waster disposal. Joel stated that bulky items take up air space in the landfill resulting in the long run less volume for household trash. Another concern is that contractors are taking advantage of the landfill and in some cases are dishonest and bring in items from out of town, which they are charging their customers for. Paul Parker stated that last year Dale Sprague brought a proposal before the Board with similar concerns. Parker stated that he remembers Dales proposal was based on cubic feet compared to town bag space.  Paula stated that she thought Dales proposal was more confusing. Gerry said that we should be careful not to charge too much; we may start seeing items left along side of the road. The Board asked Joel to revise the list and to re-present it to the Board at a later date.

Storm Update: Paul Weston reported that Mike Culligan of FEMA met with him and department heads last week. The Town expects to be reimbursed for payroll for hourly and overtime response to the storm, and materials used. Pam Merrill, Finance Administrator has prepared a list of materials, pay and other storm related expenditures. The Town has received a verbal assurance that it will be reimbursed for these things and can expect a written response shortly. FEMA will pay 75%; the state is expected to pay 12.5% leaving the Town with 12.5%. The State expects another 7.5% of funds to go into mitigation. Gerry asked where the money is coming from. Weston answered that $108,000 was appropriated for roads this year at Town Meeting plus the $21,000 coming for crushed gravel. Some of the paving, which was planned for this year, will have to be put on hold. Weston said that the Town may apply for CDBG funds for sidewalks and sewer lines.

Request for July 3 off: Joel asked the Board to consider allowing the highway crew to take July 3 off in exchange for working Friday the 7th and an extra half hour each day that week. The Board discussed the request and were concerned that this would be unfair to the other employees and that this should be presented when the holiday calendar is being scheduled. Paul Weston stated that there was a request to close the municipal offices but it did not get approved. Gerry McCarthy motioned to grant the highway crew July 3rd off in exchange for making up the hours on July 7 and an extra half hour this week. George Meyer seconded the motion. 5 in favor.

Discussion on daytime water shut off in downtown area: Joel stated that it would cost $400 a week or $150 per night to rent nighttime lights with a generator. Paula said that it is a major problem for businesses to loose water during business hours and the work should be done a t night. Unless it is an emergency, work will be scheduled for night.

Ambulance bids:  The Town received 4 sealed bids for the 1989 Ford Econoline Ambulance. Paul Parker motioned to accept the highest bid from Asian Auto Services Inc of Plaitstow for $932.12. Marty Seconded the motion. Gerry stated that a certified check or cash only would be accepted. 5 in favor.

Correspondence File:

·       Masonry Unlimited has completed the chimney repair at the Municipal Building.
·       Farmington’s Boston Cane recipient Pearl Grey will be honored on June 29, 2006 at 3Pm at the Rochester Manor.
·       In July and August, the Trained Youth Mappers will be visiting Farmington businesses. The Economic Development Committee will be notified.
·       The Downtown committee will be meeting on July 6 at 4PM at the Municipal Center.
·       Pam Merrill states in a Memo that that there is a projected balance of $11,014 in the budget for Municipal Building repairs. Proposed improvements include repairing the threshold, installing a handicap front door, rugs, paint. Marty stated that the threshold needs to be removed and replaced.  Weston will get bids for the door and threshold.
·       Weston presented a first draft of proposed bid specs for the repairs needed to the Town Hall Roof.

At 9:45 PM Paul Parker made a motion to go into Non Public Session RSA A:3 (a)(b). Meyer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Proulx – yes, Parker –yes, Meyer – yes, McCarthy – yes and Gilman – yes.

·       Discussion on the hiring of an equipment operator for the Public Works Department.

·       Other Personnel Issues discussed.

The Board of Selectmen voted to come out of Non Public Session at 10:35 PM. A roll call vote was taken: Proulx – yes, Parker –yes, Meyer – yes, McCarthy – yes and Gilman – yes.

A motion was made by Mr. Parker, seconded by Mr. Gilman, and approved by a 5-0 vote in favor to appoint Ernest Morgan to the position of Equipment Operator/laborer with the Public Works Department, per recommendation of Town Administrator Weston and Public Works Director Joel Moulton.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 upon a motion of Mr. McCarthy and a second by Mr. Parker and a 5-0 vote in favor.

Signed this _______ day of  _________, 2006

__________________      ____________________
Paula Proulx                    Paul Parker

__________________      ____________________
George Meyer                    Gerry McCarthy

Marty Gilman