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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 6-12-06

Present: Chairman Paula Proulx, Vice Chairman Paul Parker, Selectmen George Meyer, Gerry McCarthy and Marty Gilman, Water Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague, Parks and Recreation Director Kim Brackett.

6:00 PM Chairman Paula Proulx called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC INPUT: There was no Public Input.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 6-5-06 Public: After one correction and one addition, Paul Parker motioned to approve the minutes as amended. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. 5 in favor.
6-5-06 Non Public: Paul Parker motioned to table the 6-5-06 Non Public minutes until Non Public Session. Marty seconded the motion. 5 in favor.


Review of Proposal for Hydrant fees: Dale Sprague approached the Board and stated that the object of the proposed fees is to enhance the water department’s revenue. Dale is proposing $25.00 for each public hydrant and $300 for each private hydrant with a start date of January 1, 2007. There are currently 135 public hydrants, which would bring in an annual total of $3,375.00 and 23 private hydrants, which would bring in an annual total of $6,900. The projected revenue from hydrant fees would be used for hydrant replacement and maintenance. There is a benefit to some property owners with a hydrant within a certain distance of their property, which may lower their insurance premium. In the past there was a $1200 yearly revenue to the water department but it was cut out of the budget several years ago. We have been budgeting each year for hydrant replacement and repair. Dale outlined the range of hydrant locations; they do not extend to the agricultural section of Farmington. Paul Parker stated that this issue should be discussed at a public hearing and addressed at budget season in 2007. The Board agreed that private hydrants should be assessed a fee but not the public hydrants and that both should be presented at a public hearing. Gerry asked who owns the water service inside a private development and Dale answered that it belongs to the development but the Water Department is responsible for the water quality. The NHDES states that the superintendent of the water department is responsible for all free flowing taps in Town. Paul Parker motioned to schedule a Public Hearing on August 14, 2006 for both public and private hydrant fees as proposed by Dale with an effective date of January 1, 2007. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. After a brief discussion, Paula, Paul and Gerry voted in favor. George and Marty abstained.

Monitoring Wells: Paul Weston stated that he received a letter from DES requesting further testing on contaminates from Collins and Aikman. Weston met with Jim Thomas and            . They toured the locations for two new testing wells at the Greenfield property. C&A will be installing these new wells at the suggestion of DES per an agreement for remedial action. Weston suggested having a meeting with DES, Attorney Greg Smith, C&A reps and the Selectmen. There are currently 5 wells on the Greenfield property and two more will be installed. Gerry asked if C&A reported test results to the Town as required in the agreement. Dale stated that the reports are not regular, maybe three times a year. Gerry stated that the stipulations for removing gravel at the park are to test for contamination. Dale stated that there is a push by DES, because treatments by C&A is not capturing the plume at the Greenfield property. Contaminants have escaped into the bedrock. If contaminants are found with testing, they  will have to be extracted. The activity that caused the contaminants does not exist any longer, it is residual. Weston will research the agreement and look into arranging a meeting.


Town Hall Use Policy: Kim Brackett approached the Board and discussed a draft proposal for fees and stipulations for the use of the Town Hall. She has been receiving many requests for the use of the hall. There are currently several Farmington Non Profit organizations that have been using the Town Hall. The Board discussed the fees. Paul Parker stated that he did not feel Farmington Non Profit agencies should be charged. Kim stated that during an event, a staff member would need to present to oversee the Hall and to operate the sound and/or movie equipment. The fees would be used to pay the staffs salary and for maintenance to the Hall. Gerry stated that a new key/keycard system needs to be put in place. Too many people have keys to the hall. Kim stated that the regular Non Profit groups could be trained to use the equipment. A letter will be sent to these agencies to set up a training session. Paula suggested asking for a security deposit to cover any damage or maintenance to the hall or equipment. The Board agreed that only public events would be allowed at the hall. Private functions such as weddings and parties would not be permitted. Marty will look into installing a programmable thermostat to regulate the heating. The Board will delegate the facilities use to staff with denials appealable to Board of Selectmen. Requests will be looked at on a case-to-case basis. The Board agreed that Farmington Non Profit agencies will not be charged as long as they are trained to use the equipment. Non Profit agencies will only be charged if they choose to have a staff member man the equipment.

Roof leak: Paul Weston reported that the Town Hall has a roof leak at the front of the building near the facade. David Swett of Hall Brothers inspected the roof and stated that it requires carpentry work rather than roofing. Marty will look at the problem. Marty stated that there is also a leak coming in through the antennae. The Board members all agreed to have the antennae removed and the roof repaired.


Flood Damage: Paul Weston and Joel Moulton attended a FEMA briefing last week. Farmington has been assigned a FEMA inspector who will be arriving in the near future. Weston and Moulton also met with a representative from CMA Engineers who will be assisting with road and bridge repair. We have not received a report from DOT at this time. All roads, except for Paulson Road, are safe and passable. Further inspection is needed to determine a course of action. We need an engineering solution. A NHDES permit to remove impact wetlands near the bridges for repair had been submitted and approved.

Town Attorneys: Town Attorneys Mitchell and Bates sent a letter stating that they are increasing their hourly rates. The hourly fee for Walter Mitchell and Tim Bates will increase from $155 to $165 and the hourly fee for Laura Spector will increase from $140 to $150. Gerry McCarthy motioned to seek proposals from other Municipal Attorneys. Marty Gilman seconded the proposal. 5 in favor.


·       Paula inquired on the progress of the Housing and Maintenance Codes revision. Paul Weston stated that the revision would be completed before the Town has to go to court on any junkyard issues.
·       Larry Zampierre will attend the 6-26 BOS meeting to review his campground license renewal.
·       Paula Proulx asked Paul to look into the Dave Dejaegger encroachment on Town property issue.
·       The septage lagoons are closed again. They were re-opened for septage disposal during flood emergencies.
·       Paul Weston has been in contact with Shaun Bergeron. We have not to date heard from the fire marshals office.
·       Paula stated that she heard the Town will not be granted the Transportation Grant. Paul Parker said he received a letter, they do not have enough funds.
·       Chimney Repair: Paul Weston stated that four bids have been received. The lowest bid, from Ed Brown for $2,650 and the highest bid came in at $21,500.The specs include lowering the chimney and capping it with bluestone. Paula questioned the range between the bids and stated that it was an unusual difference. She would like Paul to check the references for Ed Brown and proceed if it checks out.
·       An animal control Officer has been hired in Farmington in cooperation with the Town of Middleton.


·       Master Plan: The EDC will look at chapters 4 & 5, a final draft is expected in July, then a public hearing will be convenened. Protocal will be followed.
·       Transportation Improvement Plan: A private consulting/engineering firm proposal will be brought in.
·       CIP: Paul Weston proposes to get this underway, discuss the organization of a committee; a centerpiece will be the Public Safety Building.
·       Streetlights: Still waiting for information from Kathleen Lewis of PSNH.
·       Police Patrol Officers have been hired.
·       The advertisement for an assessing clerk is in process.
·       A meeting with Lee Kimball is tentatively scheduled for July 13 to discuss the Emergency Management Plan. Department Heads will review the plan before adoption.
·       Sarah Greenfield Park: There has been a lot of progress done at the park.
·       The water department truck has been purchased
·       The public works new pickup truck is in use and the wheeler in on order.
·       The contract for the public works garage has been signed.
·       Life safety code: Marty stated that he would like to setup a meeting with the Fire Marshal. This has gone on long enough. Rich Fowler asked to give a week and he can’t make any progress to pursue a meeting. The Board agreed.
·       Gerry McCarthy asked if there has been any progress in adding a crosswalk on Main Street in front of the legion. Paul Weston stated that he is awaiting approval from the DOT.
·       Gerry stated that he would like to see the policy to use in town contractors whenever possible be re-emphasized.
·       FEMA: the Town will be reimbursed for gravel used for road repairs and equipment usage. Joel Moulton has been documenting all information; payroll records, pictures. The State legislature may add another 12.5%. Another 7.5% may be added for mitigation measures.
·       Boston Post Cane: A recipient has been selected and will be announced soon.

8:35 PM Paul Parker motioned to take a five-minute recess. Marty seconded the motion. 5 in favor.

At 8:48 PM the meeting reconvened and the Board voted per RSA to go into Non Public Session (Roll Call vote: Mr. Gilman yes, Mr. Meyer yes; Ms Proulx yes and Mr. McCarthy yes)

Discussion on Recruitment of a new Fire Chief and other personnel issues.

At 9:49 Pm the Board voted to come out of Non Public Session. (Roll Call vote: Mr. Gilman yes, Mr. Meyer yes; Ms Proulx yes and Mr. McCarthy yes)

Upon motion of Selectman Paul Parker, seconded by Selectman Gerry McCarthy, and a unanimous vote in favor, Joel Moulton was removed from probationary status and appointed as a regular fulltime employee, with corresponding increase in salary from $53,000 to $56,000 annually.

The meeting was adjourned at 10;00 PM upon a motion of Selectman Paul Parker, seconded by Selectman Marty Gilman and a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Megan E. Taylor

The meeting was adjourned at 10:00PM.

Signed this day of ___________, 2006

__________________________      __________________________
Chairman Paula Proulx           Vice Chairman Paul Parker

__________________________      _________________________
George Meyer                            Gerry McCarthy

Marty Gilman