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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 3-27-06
 Town of Farmington
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes

Present: Selectmen Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, George Meyer and newly elected Selectmen Gerry McCarthy and Marty Gilman, Town Administrator Paul Weston, Public Works Director Joel Moulton, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague, Code enforcement Officer Dennis Roseberry and Selectmen’s Secretary Megan Taylor taking minutes..

Paula Proulx opened the meeting and asked everyone to join her in the pledge of Allegiance.

Organization of the Board of Selectmen.

George Meyer made a motion to nominate Gerry McCarthy for Chairman. Gerry McCarthy declined the nomination.

Gerry McCarthy motioned to nominate Paula Proulx as Chairman. Paul Parker seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Marty Gilman motioned to nominate Paul Parker as Vice Chairman. Gerry McCarthy seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Appointment of liaisons to the various Boards and Committees:

Ed Mullen, Community Television and Website Coordinator, approached the Board with a proposal to establish a Community Television and Website Committee. The Committee would meet quarterly to discuss ideas, improvements and to receive external input from the public through a liaison of the Selectmen. Police Lieutenant Kevin Willey and newly elected treasurer Kristie Marquis have expressed interest in joining this Committee. Gerry McCarthy motioned to establish a Community Television and Website Committee. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. Discussion followed on the need for resurrection of the Downtown Committee. A vote was taken. All in favor to establish a Community Television and Website Committee.  The Board will decide on a liaison for this committee at the next meeting and Paul Weston will look into advertisement for the two committees

It was determined that per an RSA, a Board of Selectmen’s term as liaison to the Planning Board was concurrent with his/her term as a selectman.  Paul Parker made a motion to nominate Gerry McCarthy as liaison for the Conservation Committee. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Paul Parker motioned to establish a Capital Improvement Plan Committee consisting of 5 to 7 members. Gerry McCarthy seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor. Paula Proulx suggested advertising for members and appointing a liaison at the next meeting.

Gerry McCarthy motioned to nominate Marty Gilman as the Board of Selectmen Liaison on the Town Hall Renovation Committee. George Meyer seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Marty stated that the gift portion of the renovations from Mrs. Thayer was almost completed. The fire escape improvements are scheduled to be completed before May 1st and the smoke and fire system are in progress. John Southwell of the State Fire Marshals office is scheduled to meet with Town representatives on 2-28-06 to review and approve the Shawn Bergeron report on Life Safety. Paul Weston requested permission to seek bids for the sprinkler system when the report is approved; Paul Parker expressed concern that the Board should not approve anything before all the facts were in. A vote was taken to appoint Marty Gilman as liaison to the Town Hall Renovation Committee. All in favor. Paula Proulx made a motion to allow Town Administrator Paul Weston to engage the service of Shawn Bergeron, if there are no variances in the Bergeron report, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen at the next meeting. Marty Gilman seconded the motion.  4 in favor, Paul Parker opposed. Motion passed.

Paul Parker motioned to appoint Paula Proulx as liaison to the Farmington Economic Development Committee. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. All in favor.

The Board discussed the Public Works Building Committee. Paul Weston stated that the function of this committee is to oversee the progress of the project; the big decisions are left to the Board of Selectmen. Members of the committee include Barry Elliott and Butch Barron who volunteer their time and lend their expertise to the project. Gerry McCarthy motioned to maintain the Public Works Building Committee and continue the existing members. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor. Paul Parker motioned to appoint Marty Gilman as liaison to the Public Works Committee. George Meyer seconded the motion. All in favor.

New Business:

Review of Town Projects:

The Public Works Building Project was discussed. The Committee, Public Works director and Town Administrator recommend this project be bid out to pre-selected qualified firms. Paul Parker stated that according to Town Policy, the project should be put out to public bid. Paul Weston stated that if it was put out to public bid, a firm in steel fabrication may bid lowest but not put out a quality product. Joel Moulton stated that if opened to the public, the Town would  need to hire an architect and a full time Clerk of the Works, which could add $20-30,000 to the project and delay the project to July or August. Paula Proulx asked why this wasn’t brought up before Town Meeting. Barry Elliott stated that it is typical practice to seek pre-qualified contractors for bids. You could get unqualified contractors otherwise. Gerry McCarthy stated that since this is only a $350,000 project, most large steel companies would not be interested. The Board agreed that the Public Works Committee should seek 10 pre-qualified firms to bid on the project.

Confirmation of Town Policy Document. Paul Parker motioned to re-approve the Town Policy Document adopted in 2004 with the addition of the Code of Ethics Document adopted in 2005. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Approval of 3-13-06 Minutes: After one addition, Paul Parker made a motion to accept as amended. George Meyer seconded the motion. George Meyer, Paula Proulx and Paul Parker in favor. Gerry McCarthy and Marty Gilman abstained.

Old Business:

Sarah Greenfield Business Park. The Economic Development Commission is seeking approval to move ahead with grading and seeding the slopes at the park. Public Works Director Joel Moulton presented a quote for the rental of equipment and Dale Sprague presented a quote from Cameron’s for hydro-seeding the slopes. (Copies of the quotes will be attached to the final copy of these minutes available from the Town Clerks Office). Two men from the public works crew will begin grading the slopes in April and the hydro-seeding will begin the grading within the first two weeks of May. Gerry McCarthy expressed concern that certain roads in Farmington needed immediate attention and that the loss of manpower might affect the progress of the roadwork. Joel Moulton stated that the road-work would not be affected. He added that the rental equipment will be available for road work also. Paul Parker motioned to approve the request for the improvements to the Sarah Greenfield Business Park for the rental of a bulldozer and excavator from Nations Rent for $8,4000 to grade the slopes and the hydro-seeding by Cameron’s for $5,000.00 totaling $13,400.00 to be drawn from the Sarah Greenfield account. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

Steve Dean approached the Board to request $400.00 to fund the purchase of an American flag to replace the current flag downtown. He has a volunteer who will sew the seams for reinforcement to prevent fraying. Gerry McCarthy made a motion to seek $400.00 in the budget to fund the flag. The five members of the  Board agreed. Paul Weston will proceed with this request.

New Business:

Request to make improvements to Hay Wagon Road (class VI road): Property Owner John Huckins approached the board with a request for approval to upgrade a portion of Haywagon Road for easier passage. Mr Huckins explained that he is planning to build a home and farm on his property bordered by Meadorboro and Haywagon Road. Mr. Huckins outlined some of the improvements he wished to make to the road. Paul Parker stated that this request should go before the Planning Board for recommendations before this Board could make a decision. Mr Huckins explained that Planning Director Paul Esswein advised him that that it was in the jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen since it was a town road. The Board agreed that this issue should be put before the Planning Board and that Paul Esswein should be present when it is presented back to the Board of Selectmen.

Renewal of Junkyard licenses.

Randy Lapierre, 68 Milton Road: Mr Lapierre, Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Roseberry and Frank Blany, potential buyer of the property, approached the Board. Dennis Roseberrry stated that he could not find any records indicating the procedure for inspections conducted by past inspectors. He contacted DES to determine a basis for inspecting junkyards. Dennis shadowed DES inspector Diana Morgan on the junkyard inspections. DES made a list of observations and requests for each junkyard. (Copies of the insoection reports will be attached to the final copy of these minutes available from the Town Clerks Office) Mr. Lapierre has agreed to comply with the requests. Paul Parker motioned to approve the renewal for Randy Lapierre for 68 Milton Road on the condition that there is follow up on the recommendations of DES including draining the fluids from the cars which are to be crushed, construct a cement drain pad and test the well on the property. If there is a red flag, this license must come back for discussion and the inspections are to be moved back to June. This license will be good until June 2007. Marty Gilman seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Bill Baxter, Junkyard at 1139 Ten Rod Road: This property was inspected last September by DES and Mr. Baxter has made some improvements towards the recommendations. Paul Parker motioned to approve the renewal of Bill Baxter’s Junkyard license for 1139 Ten Rod Road though to June 2007 as long as he continues to comply with the recommendations by DES. George Meyer seconded the motion. All in favor.

Steven McDuffee, Junkyard at 371 N.H. Route 11. Dennis Roseberry stated to the Board that Mr. McDuffie’s property did not fit the category of “junkyard” and had been approved in 2003 as an Auto Retail Facility. Mr. McDuffie wishes to retain his Junkyard permit as well as Auto Retail. The Town requires that he comply with the fencing requirements. Marty Gilman motioned to accept the junkyard renewal for Steven McDuffie for 371 N.H. Route 11 with the fencing requirements. George Meyer seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Projects and Priorities:

Paul Weston reviewed a list of Town projects. (A copy of this list will be available with the final copy of these minutes from the Town Clerks Office. Item #2, Transportation Plan, Paul Weston stated that the Public Works Department will be drafting a plan in the near future. Paula commented that the Master Plan addresses the transportation plan and the uses and maintenance of the roads in an in-depth way. In regards to item #4, bridge work, Gerry McCarthy stated that if you go through the state to receive the 80% grant and hire an engineer it could cost more money than hiring a local contractor who could do the work for much less than the 20%. Some of the “bridges” are actually only culverts. He added that the Town was issued a list from the State on bridge assessments. Paul Weston stated he would research this issue. Regarding street lighting, Paul Weston told the Board that he was working with Kathy Lewis of PSNH and looking into energy efficient sodium streetlights for the town.

Item # 11, Purchase of a Dump Truck. Joel Moulton stated that he received six bids for two truck purchases. For the ¾ ton pickup truck the bids were $26,488 for a GMC ¾ ton with a plow from Diprizios in Middleton, a Ford ¾ ton pickup with a plow for $28,000 from Grapone Ford in Concord and a GMC ¾ ton truck with a plow from Coast GMC/Pontiac in Portsmouth for $33,470.00. $32,000 was appropriated at Town Meeting. Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the purchase of the GMC ¾ ton pickup from Diprizios for $26,488. George Meyer seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor. Joel received three quotes for an International 2007 7600 series 10 wheeler cabin chassis. Diprizio quoted $98,244, Liberty in Manchester quoted $ 98,466 and Rochester Truck $99,080. For the sander and hydraulic plow and body for the 10 wheeler, Howard Farfield in Penbrook quoted $58,802, EW Sleeper in Concord quoted $58,941 and Tenco in Berwick quoted $59, 471. $161,000 has been appropriated. The ¾ truck could be picked up Tuesday; the 10 wheeler would be available in June/July fully equipped. Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the purchase of the 10 Wheeler from Diprizios for $98, 244 and the sander and plow and body from Howard Fairfield  for $58,802 Paul Parker seconded the motion. A unanimous vote in favor.

Other items briefly discussed: # 15, Cross Country appraisals: 1/3 of the parcels are evaluated a year for 2006, 2007 AND 2008. New values will be created in the 2009 tax year. There will be no changes unless the Town fails to comply with State assessing standards. The 4th year there will be a revaluation of new figures. Item # 17, Dubois Land Purchase: The state will conduct an environmental assessment and title work for no charge. The Town is looking for a lesser price for the land survey. Drew/Orvis has quoted the lowest price at $12,000. Dubois had a partial survey. The Center for Land Conservation will contribute a grant of $3,000. Item #18: Municipal Center improvements: Paul Weston is looking into installing handicap accessible front doors, repairing the threshold, repairing the chimney and will seek pricing for painting the buildings’ exterior and interior. The money will come out of the rental income from the school ($35,000). Paul stated that there is a reserve fund available for emergency repairs such as the chimney repair.

Appointments to Boards and Committees: Hiram Watson, Barry Elliott and Charles Wibel attended the meeting to review their applications with the Board. Gerry McCArthy stated that according to policy, certain information should be available such as an attendance record. George Meyer stated that the applicants had been waiting and should be given the chance to have their applications reviewed. Barry Elliott withdrew his application. Gerry McCarthy stated that Board applications should be at the front of the agenda so that applicants do not have to wait around and the other board members agreed. This issue is tabled until next meeting.

Signature file:
Jones Brook: Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve naming two Streets in Jones Brook  Labrador Road and Whitetail Lane. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.

Jim Thomas of DES wrote to Paul Weston and stated that the Cardinal Landfill re-sampling in well SG308 in October had been compromised in the lab and further testing showed that the well was in compliance with requirements.

The Town received a $6,952 premium return check  from Primex. The Safety Committee is looking into developing a safety incentive program for the Town employees.

At 9:15 pm, Paula Proulx motioned for the Board to go into Non Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (a) (c). Paul Parker seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, George Meyer – yes, Marty Gilman – yes and Gerry McCarthy – yes.

“Illegal Junkyards” and options for action towards the owners was discussed

Personnel Issue with Town Administrator.

At 9:45 Paula Proulx motioned to come out of Non Public Session. Paul Parker seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, George Meyer – yes, Marty Gilman – yes and Gerry McCarthy – yes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm.

Signed this day of  _________, 2006

_______________________         ________________________
Chairman Paula Proulx           Vice Chair Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Marty Gilman                            Gerry McCarthy

George Meyer