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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 3-13-06
Town of Farmington
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2006

Present: Board of Selectmen: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Matt Scruton and George Meyer, Town Administrator R. Paul Weston, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague, Police Chief Scott Roberge and Municipal Secretary Megan Taylor taking minutes.

6:00 P.M. Chairman Joan Funk called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Public Input:

Janet Kalar of Middleton approached the Board and stated that she recently spoke with the Attorney General’s Office regarding air quality at the Henry Wilson Memorial School. According to Janet, the School Department has commissioned an Air Quality Committee which will be holding Non-Public sessions to discuss certain students. The meetings will not be posted. Janet stated that this was not legal without the consent of the parents and without the parents present during discussion. Joan explained that the Board has no jurisdiction over the School Department but will check with legal counsel on this issue.

Paul Turner a homeowner on Pleasant Street for 31 years approached the Board to discuss the sidewalks on Summer Street. He stated that the sidewalks are only one inch above the road surface now that the road has been re-paved 3 times. He expressed concern that the children attending ball games at the Boys and Girls Club were in danger as there was virtually no sidewalk for them to walk on so they end up walking on the street. The sharp corners at Green and Summer and Pleasant and Summer Streets are especially dangerous. The Board agreed that this was a concern will have the matter looked into.

Review of Minutes:  
1/16/06: After corrections, Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes as corrected. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.
1/18/06: After an addition and a correction, Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes as amended. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.
2/14/06: After one correction, Joan Funk made a motion to accept the minutes as amended. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.
2/27/06: Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes as written. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

Joan Funk read a card from Beulah Thayer thanking the Selectmen for the dedication to her in the 2005 Town Report.

At 6:35 P.M. Chairman Funk motioned to go into Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:# (b) personnel Issues. . A roll call vote was taken: Joan Funk – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, George Meyer – Yes.

Police Chief Scott Roberge approached the Board to discuss the hiring of new Police Officers.

At 7:00 P.M. Joan Funk motioned to come out of Non-Public Session. A roll call vote was taken: Joan Funk – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, George Meyer – Yes.


1.      Report on Soil Vapor Recovery System – Cardinal Landfill: Dale Sprague approached the Board and stated that he and Joel Moulton met with Molly Stark and John Regan from NHDES on March 7, 2006 to discuss the letter from DES regarding soil vapor sample test results, which showed higher levels of TCE than previously detected. (Copies of the memo from Dale and Joel and letter from DES will be attached to the final copy of these minutes). Dale stated that he got the impression from DES that they are on top of this issue. There was a higher level of TCE detected close to the mobile home park. Dale stated that testing is performed quarterly. In winter, water vapor gets into the lines and freezes causing shutdown of the soil vapor system. Paula stated that she is concerned testing is not followed through in winter and asked if DES could take recourse on Collins and Aikman for not performing adequate testing. Paul Parker stated that the Town would be ultimately responsible. Dale stated that currently Bioremediation is not running, he will check with DES on enforcement to restart bioremediation.  DES is in negotiations with C&A and looking into the Pump and Treat method for cleanup. George Meyer stated that the Town should look into the possibility of making Textron pitch in on the cleanup. He added that the Town should  ‘go after everybody’. Paul Weston will check with legal counsel on how to pursue enforcement of the cleanup.

2.      Welfare Director’s Office Location: Tabled for next meeting.


1.      Proposal of the grading at the Sarah Greenfield Business Park: Paul Weston outlined a proposed plan of action presented by the Economic Development Commission for the grading of the slopes in the Sarah Greenfield Business Park. The Town’s highway crew will go in and lessen the slopes to a 3 to 1 contour. They will then seed the slopes with a desert mix grass seed, which will stabilize the slopes and keep the sand from blowing.  The crew will rent a bulldozer and a backhoe for one month for this project (please see proposal attached to final copy of these minutes). The best quote for rental equipment is $8,400.00; Dale has not received back a quote for grass seed. Because sand blows from the slope to the west of the daycare, that area will require grass seed as well. Paul Weston suggested moving forward on this issue as soon as possible because the seeding must be done within the first two weeks of May. The highway crew would be able to work during the month of April on this project. Currently there is $86,418.00 in the Sarah Greenfield Account. The Economic Development Committee is also working on a marketing plan for the sale of the lots and is in discussion on the landscaping plan and signage for the Park as well. Matt Scruton motioned to table this issue until the next meeting. Paul Parker seconded the motion. Discussion: Paula Proulx asked that this issue be addressed at the next Board of Selectmen Meeting on the 27th as the timing is critical. All in favor.

2.      Joan Funk suggested that the money donated by the High School Honor Society towards the Town Hall Project could be used to purchase new flags and suggested that a plaque be placed by the flags naming the Honor Society as the donors. The 5-member board was in favor of this suggestion.

3.      Discussion on Water/Wastewater items: Dale Sprague approached the board to discuss a request for water/sewer abatement by property owner Scott Vigue. Dale stated that he firmly believes the meter readings are accurate and that the charges should stand firm. Mr. Vigue disputes the charges ($75.00 sewer charge) stating that no one has not lived at the property since the end of August 2005. He has only been back to do some cleaning and used little water since. They repaired a leak in October and shut the water off completely at that time. Dale stated that the sewer charges are based on water usage. The Board unanimously rejected the request for the abatement.

4.      Review of Town Meeting Preparations: The Board reviewed several of the warrants. Paula referred to Article 14 and the requirements for using money leftover from a bond. Paul Weston stated that Kathy Seaver checked with the State and was informed that the RSA required a 2/3 vote. The Towns Attorney and DRA reviewed this article. Paul Weston stated that this is the third time the money has been re-appropriated starting with Bridgework, to the elevator at the Town Hall and now to Town Hall Renovations. In regards to Article 16, Paula suggested there should be more information on what has been put into the Conservation Commission each year and what has been collected. It should be mentioned that the $5000 appropriation would be deleted if approved. If it does not pass, the percentage would stay at 75%. Paul Parker in regards to article 27 stated they should be watchful for articles that work together (#s 27,28 & 29). Paul Weston stated that he met with Town Meeting Moderator and reviewed the articles with him. In regards to Article 10, the petitioners themselves will speak on the matter.

Matt Scruton referred to a news release from Coast Bus announcing that unless the Town pays more to Coast Bus, they will reduce their service to the Town by 41%. (Please see a copy of this news release attached to the final copy of these minutes). Matt stated that he did not see why the Town should subsidize transportation. Joan stated that the bus service was important, it provides transportation for people to get to work, it would add to the Welfare budget if people could not get to work. Paul Parker stated that he would like clarification of the usage of the bus service including a pattern of usage. Paul Parker motioned to table this issue until the next meeting. Joan Funk seconded the motion. All in favor.

Paul Parker requested to see the minutes for the Town Hall Committee Meetings and for the Public Works Building Committee Meetings. He stated that these subcommittees of the Board of Selectmen and should follow proper procedure, post notices and record minutes. Paul Weston will check with legal to find out what the requirements are for these subcommittees.

Correspondence File: Paul Weston stated that the three things needed for the Dubois Property purchase are title work, a survey, and an environmental assessment. He recently spoke with Betty McNaughton of New Hampshire Fish and Game and was informed that  NHF&G does not have money to fund a survey. He has received two quotes for a survey; one from Land Tech for $14,400 - $17,593 and one from Dorset for $24,061.00. According to Dubois, a partial survey was done on some of the boundary lines. The state recommends a survey but does not require it for the $75,000 grant. There is currently not enough money in the CC fund but it is anticipated that there will be more funds available this year. Tim Bates stated that it was best to discuss this on Town Meeting Floor and inform the public. DES can perform the environmental assessment at no charge. Debois has told Paul Weston that he was not aware of any degradation to the property.

In spring roads will be posted with an 8-ton limit. Exceptions may be allowed with permission from the Town.

Paul Weston received a letter from William Lambert of DOT regarding a request by Gina Bailey over concerns of the intersection of Routes153 and 11. The DOT has stated that the markings will remain as they are.

The  Town has received $3,068 back from the DOT for overpayment of this project.

Water/Wastewater Connection Fees: Dale Sprague approached the Board to discuss connection fees for RW Real Estate an RSA Developers. (Please see copy of memo from Dale dated 3/13/06 attached to the final copy of these minutes). Both builders obtained building permits prior to the connection fee increase effective 12/05/05. Neither paid their connection fees which must be paid before a certificate of occupancy is obtained. The Board discussed this issue and agreed that the regulations for payment of connection fees should be firmed up. Matt Scruton motioned to charge RW and RSA the old connection fees with no interest. Paula Proulx added a friendly amendment stating that the Planning Board is encouraged to standardize a schedule for collection of fees. George Meyer seconded the motion. Paula Proulx, Joan Funk, Matt Scruton, George Meyer in favor, Paul Parker opposed.

At 8:30 pm Joan Funk motioned to go into Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (b). George Meyer seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk –yes, Paula Proulx – yes, George Meyer – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paula Proulx – yes.

The Board discussed personnel matters with the Town Administrator.

At 9:30 pm, Joan Funk motioned to come out of Non-Public Session. . A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk –yes, Paula Proulx – yes, George Meyer – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paula Proulx – yes.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Signed this day of ____________,2006

________________________        ______________________
Paula Proulx, Chairman          Paul Parker, Chairman

________________________        _______________________
George Meyer                            Gerald McCarthy

Marty Gilman