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Board of Selectmen Minutes 1=16=06
JANUARY 16, 2006

PRESENT:        Chairman Joan Funk, Vice-Chairman Paula Proulx, Selectmen Matt Scruton, George Meyer, and Paul Parker; Town Administrator Paul Weston, Finance Administrator Pam Merrill, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague

MINUTES:   After one revision, the minutes of January 5, 2006 were approved.  The minutes of January 12 were approved as written.  Both votes were unanimous in favor.

TRUSTEE OF THE TRUST FUNDS REPORT:  Kathy Tsiros, Chairman of the Trustees of the Trust Funds, came before the Board to update activities for 2005 and provide us with a year-end report (see attached written report attached to minutes).  Ms. Tsiros reported $20,000. from the Leon Hayes Trust Fund has been authorized by the Trustees to be used for the renovations at the Town Hall/Opera House. The principal amount will be untouched, only the interest will be tapped into to.

TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE PLANNING:  Dale Sprague presented to the Board a proposal to borrow funds from the NH DES revolving loan fund (1% interest) for the planning and engineering associated with efforts to make improvements to the old wastewater treatment plant.  The goal is to have enough funds to comply with new EPA and DES discharge permitting which has changed recently.  EPA is no longer waiting for DES to complete the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) discharge into rivers in New Hampshire. Discussed were: total amount to be borrowed ($400,000 - $500,000 range); grant availability (30% from DES, approximately 30% from Rural Development, other Federal grants via our US senators); fund balance in the Wastewater Fund ($386,410), and the tight timetable to get this item onto the town meeting warrant.  Mr. Sprague hoped to have further clarification from the engineers (Wright-Pierce) in the very near future.

FIRE HYDRANT FEES:  Mr. Sprague presented to the Board a memo on proposed fire hydrant fees for public and private hydrants.  This item was tabled

FLAT RATE BILLING FOR WATER & WASTEWATER SERVICE:  Mr. Sprague presented a memo outlining who currently is billed a flat rate for water and wastewater services.  Upon motion, a second, and a unanimous vote in favor, the Board of Selectmen directed Mr. Sprague to go to metered billing for the Wastewater Facility, Public Works Garage, Town Hall/Police Station, Fire Station, Municipal Center, and the Old Courthouse building.  The following shall continue to be billed a flat rate quarterly:  five churches and the Boys & Girls Club.  The Municipal Budget will be adjusted per this vote.

CONNECTION FEES:  Mr. Sprague explained past practice is to allocate 75% of the connection fees for water and wastewater collected to the Capital Reserve Funds and 25% to the water of wastewater Enterprise Funds.  Upon motion, a second, and unanimous vote in favor, 100% of connection fees, effective immediately, shall be deposited into the Capital Reserve Funds.

PENDING WATER RATE INCREASE:  Mr. Sprague suggested notifying customers with this quarterly billing that a rate increase is pending.  Selectmen decided it was best to hold the Public Hearing and increase the rates in a subsequent billing – no retroactive billing will be done.

DISCHARGE MONTHLY REPORTING:  Upon motion, a second, and a unanimous vote in favor, Mr. Sprague was authorized by the Selectmen to sign the Discharge Monthly Report (DMR), which is forwarded to the NHDES.

WALDRON WOODS EASEMENT:  Because the Conservation Commission has been unable to have a quorum present due to non-attendance, the Board was asked to sign acceptance of a Conservation Easement for the Waldron Woods development.  The Town Administrator was asked to attempt to convene the Conservation Commission to accomplish this, and to clarify the legality of having the Board sign, bypassing the Conservation Commission.

APPOINTMENT TO THE ROCHESTER VISITING NURSES ASSOCIATION:  Upon motion, a second, and a unanimous vote in favor, Robert Moriarty was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Rochester Visiting Nurses Association for a 3 year term from 6/24/05 to 6/24/08.

SANDING OF PRIVATE STREETS AND PAYMENT:  The Town Administrator was asked to clarify with the Town Attorney whether it is appropriate to sand private streets adjacent to a fire scene, and whether the Town can charge for such service.

WELFARE DIRECTOR REIMBURSEMENT:  The Board clarified that the new incoming Welfare Director will not be paid 20% of moneys collected as reimbursement from welfare clients.

NON-PUBLIC SESSION:  At 8:45 PM upon motion, a second, and a roll call vote the Board of Selectmen went into a non-public session per RSA 93 – A: 3 (a) and (e) to discuss salaries and pending litigation.  At 9:25 PM after discussing salaries Selectmen Paula Proulx and Paul Parker were excused as the Russell, et al vs. Town of Farmington case was to be discussed.   At 9:26 PM Selectman George Meyer excused himself so as not to appear to have a conflict of interest in this matter.  At 9:31 the Board came out of non-public session.

ADJOURNMENT:    At 9:32 the meeting was continued to Wednesday, January 18, 2006 at the Selectmen’s chambers. The Board of Selectmen will continue to review the 2006 Municipal budget.

Respectfully Submitted,

R. Paul Weston, Town Administrator

Approved on March 13, 2006

Signed this ____________ day of ____________, 2006

________________________        _____________________
Chairman Joan A. Funk           Vice Chairman Paula Proulx

________________________        ______________________
Matt Scruton                            Paul Parker

________________________        ______________________
George Meyer