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Board of Seelctmen Minutes 1-5-06
Town of Farmington
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
January 5, 2006
Selectmen’s Chambers, 356 Main Street

Present: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chairman  Paula Proulx, Selectmen Paul Parker, Matt Scruton and George Meyer. Also present Town Administrator Paul Weston, Water Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Police Lieutenant Kevin Willey, Fire Chief Richard Fowler, and Finance Administrator Pamela Merrill

6:00pm Chairman Joan A. Funk called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Minutes: 12-05-05: After one grammatical correction, Joan Funk motioned to approve the minutes as amended seconded by Paula Proulx. All in favor. 12-19-05: After one grammatical correction, Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes as corrected. Matt Scruton seconded the motion. All in favor.

Town Administrator Paul Weston reviewed the Timeline for the Municipal budget adoption as well as the Timeline for the Annul Meeting. (A copy of each of these schedules will be attached to the final copy of these minutes available from the town Clerks Office).

Paul Weston reviewed the Tax History Chart. Last year the Municipal Tax Rate was $6.51. The operational school budget is down .53 cents for the coming year. Mr. Weston discussed the equalized tax rate and explained that local values are equalized by the state to focus on the full value tax rate. Farmington is in the middle compared to others municipalities in the area.

Police Budget: Police Chief Scott Roberge approached the Board to discuss the Police Department Budget. The proposed budget includes the hiring of 2 new officers, a cost of living increase for all employees, a special adjustment pay plan for the department secretaries and a new cruiser. Scott explained that the bottom line in the proposed budget of $809,820 (up 13%) does not reflect what would be coming back in grants. Scott stated that the statistics from the federal government suggests there should be 15 officers for Farmington’s population. There are now 12 officers including the school resource officer (who is not paid by the Town). Scott stated he did not believe the last census reflects the true numbers in Farmington. He stated that to hire a new officer would be less money than paying overtime. Matt Scruton disagreed stating that with all the perks added it would exceed overtime pay. Paul Weston stated that he did not think the salary for a new officer would exceed overtime pay. Matt Scruton suggested cutting the cruiser from the budget and to keep the rest if the stipends were removed. The Board agreed to delete item #6 (new cruiser) from the budget. There was discussion of the cost of fuel. Add $3,000 to the cruiser maintenance. Paul Parker suggested buying fuel at the pump. Scott stated that having fuel available at the station was necessary in case of an emergency situation. Scott stated that he felt the hiring of two officers was crucial to the Town. There is a liability to the Town if the department is deficient.

Fire Department Budget: Fire Chief Richard Fowler approached the Board. Chief Fowler started by saying that weekend coverage of 2 EMT’s has been deleted from the budget. Rich recommended putting the weekend coverage back in. Regarding Comstar, Rich stated that in 2005, roughly 70% was collected which is better than the year before. Rich explained that the new software budgeted expands the present package and has more capabilities. The budget is up 1.75% as presented. Joan stated that the $275,000 to replace the 1979 fire truck needs to come out of the budget. Paul Parker stated that they need a plan for replacement. Paul Weston stated that there should be a CIP plan.  

Encumbrances: ( A copy of this list will be available as an attachment to the final copy of these minutes). Dale Sprague approached the Board to review the list with input from finance Administrator Pam Merrill. Matt Scruton made a motion to encumber items 1-10 contingent upon a legal and auditor review before final approval. Joan Funk seconded the motion. All in favor.  

Preservation Guild Funding: George Meyer and Joan Funk both agreed that the Town had only committed to one year of funding for the Guild. Paula Proulx stated that the employee is actively involved with the community and invoiced the Town for all work done and helped with the transportation grant. George questioned the Town’s relationship with the guild and cautioned getting involved. Matt Scruton stated that the main focus the first year has been educational. He said that you couldn’t judge the program after just one year. Paula stated that it is a partnership not a contract. Joan agreed that Cyndi Paulin has done a good job but was concerned that the Town had only committed to one year of funding and that grants could support the program in the future. Paul Parker motioned to fund the Farmington Community Preservation Guild $15,000 and to add this to the budget. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. Matt Scruton, Paula Proulx and Paul Parker in favor. George Meyer and Joan Funk opposed. Matt added that this still has to go before the budget committee for review.

Mosquito Control: Paul Weston, in response to a request form Paul Parker obtained a quote for mosquito control. Mr. Parker stated that this request was to insure that the town had the knowledge of this potential threat and that the staff had the training in case of an outbreak. Municipal Pest Management Services quoted $48,000. The Board did not agree to contract this service at this time.

Water and Wastewater Items Superintendent Dale Sprague came before the Selectmen and discussed provided the Board with a memo on the proposed water rate increase and the final water fund balance.  He also will provide the Board with a memo on the transfer of salaries from his accounts to the landfill account, as he will no longer be responsible for supervising the landfill.

Non-public Session with the Police Chief It was motioned to go into non-public session with the Police Chief to discuss staffing issues, per RSA 91-A: 3(b) & (c).  A roll call vote passed 3 to 2, Mr. Scruton and Ms. Proulx voting no, and Mr. Parker, Mr. Meyer, and Chairman Funk voting yes.  The Board went into non-public at 8:38 PM and came out of non-public at 9:03PM.  Upon motion, and a second, and a unanimous vote in favor, the Board of Selectmen voted to authorize the Police Chief to hire a new officer (to replace an officer that is out ill and not expected to return to work) and promote a Patrol Officer to Corporal.

Budget Review – 2006 Municipal Budget The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing in detail various departmental proposals within the 2006 Municipal Budget.

Adjournment The meeting was adjourned upon motion, second, and a unanimous vote at 10:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Megan Taylor

Signed this date of _____________________

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton