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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 12-14-05
DECEMBER 14, 2005

PRESENT:  Chairman Joan Funk, Vice-Chairman Paula Proulx, Selectmen Matt Scruton, Paul Parker, and George Meyer; Fire Chief Rich Fowler; Town Administrator Paul Weston.  

UPDATE ON TOWN HALL/OPERA HOUSE PROJECT: Marty Gilman, Clerk of the Works on this project, came to the meeting to clarify questions that have arisen concerning progress on the Town Hall/Opera House project.  The attached weekly update was submitted.  Selectman Scruton began the discussion expressing concern that a complete plan with cost details was not in hand. Selectman Meyer expressed frustration that each week we had attempts to shut the project down.  Selectman Proulx stated before we go any further we should have a plan to bring the building to code. Selectman Parker stated we should understand that time is of the essence here.  Selectman Scruton responded we are not attempting to shut down the project, and we have approved Mr. Gilman’s list of 1 through 17, but he did not initially understand the bleachers were being removed.  Such items should be addressed because they will affect the future use of the building and should be addressed here at a Selectmen’s meeting.  Betty Morrass stated we should stop giving Marty the run around. Larry Parent wished to go on record stating the Thursday evening basketball often has only 3 or 4 participants, and often Maine plates are observed.  He has 23 years of presence in theater activities within the building and many times he has thought how spectacular the structure really is. The building is a spectacular building architecturally and acoustically. We these improvements we can use it for theater, the arts, for the schools, and with this wonderful gift we can do this for a fracture of what Rochester has spent on their Opera House.  He urged the Selectmen to solidly get behind this project.  Selectman Scruton then stated that is correct, it is an historic structure, and Betty is right – we did vote on the 1 –17 list. I’m asking questions for clarification – I have no problems with 1 – 17, which address Life Safety Code violations.  However we need a plan it is best to wait to clarify the need and the Town’s overall financial commitment.  This should not be a hostile conversation.  Chairman Funk stated do not confuse hostility with frustration.  Should the private aspects of the project cease?  Selectman Parker stated the Bergeron report on the sprinkler system coming at the end of January would help put the overal plan together.  Chairman Funk stated the Town Hall Committee should meet in the near future and produce a report to clarify the project further.  Selectman Scruton state the Board of Selectmen should have the final say and have input.  We are working hard to find the answers and a feel for the overall direction and use of the building.  Mr. Gilman stated he could list all of the private items and he has someone interested in bidding on the bleachers.  The walls cannot be repaired without bleacher removal and the bleachers do not work properly now.  Chairman Funk stated again the Committee should meet.  Selectman Proulx emphasized we should price out items, and Selectman Parker stated these improvements would increase the occupancy of the building.

RENTAL OF FIRE ENGINE Fire Chief Rich Fowler came before the Board and submitted the attached memo that outlines his research on fire trucks that the Town could rent between now and Town Meeting.  At a previous meeting he informed everyone Engine 2 was out of commission due to problems that came to light during an inspection at Dover Motor Mart.  All three alternatives were reviewed.  Town Administrator Weston stated we all need more time to consider the alternatives – this item will be rediscussed Monday evening.

BUDGET REVIEW The Selectmen reviewed multiple accounts within the Municipal Budget with the Administrator.  Selectmen’s salaries were cut back to last year’s rate; the Administrator was asked to contact NHDOT to research installation of a traffic light downtown.  We should collect for welfare expenditures.  The transportation enhancement grant project for sidewalk improvements is pending and the Town’s matching funds should be encumbered.  Coastal Bus Executive Director should be invited to discuss funding with the Board.  

At 8:35 PM the meeting was adjourned upon motion, a second, and a unanimous vote in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

R. Paul Weston, Town Administrator

Signed this date of _____________________

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton