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Board of SelectmenMeeting Minutes 12-07-05
DECEMBER 7, 2005

PRESENT:  Chairman Joan Funk, Vice-Chairman Paula Proulx, Selectmen Paul Parker, Matt Scruton, and George Meyer; Police Chief Scott Roberge, Lieutenant Kevin Willey; Town Administrator Paul Weston.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Funk with the Pledge of Allegiance at 6:00 PM.  

Clerk of the Works – Town Hall/Opera House Project
The Board of Selectmen discussed the need to formally appoint a Clerk of the Works for the Town Hall/Opera House renovation project.  Upon motion and a second, the Board of Selectmen voted unanimously to appoint Martin Gilman Clerk of the Works for this project at a rate of pay of $40.00 per hour, said appointment to be on an independent contractor basis.  Mr. Gilman will bill the Town for the public aspect of the work and will bill Mrs. Thayer directly for the privately funded aspects of the project.  He will assume liability for his own actions as an independent contractor and will provide the Town with a Certificate of Insurance before work begins.

The Selectmen reviewed in detail the proposed 2006 Police Department Budget with Chief Roberge and Lieutenant Willey.  

The Administrator was asked to clarify the balance within the Police/Fire Station (or the Public Safety Building) Capital Reserve Account. It was suggested the Chairman of the Trustee of the Trust Funds be asked to meet with the Board.

Selectman Scruton suggested lighting should be installed onto the Municipal Center sign.

The Administrator was asked to clarify the engagement of the auditor – is this on a year-to-year basis or has Paul Mercier been engaged for a multi-year commitment?

Upon motion and a second, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

R. Paul Weston, Town Administrator
Town of Farmington

Signed this date of _____________________

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton