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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 12-05-05
DECEMBER 5, 2005

Present: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chairman Paula Proulx, Selectmen George Meyer, Matt Scruton and Paul Parker; Town Administrator Paul Weston, Police chief Scott Roberge, Town Clerk/Tax collector Kathy Seaver, Superintendent of Water/Waste Water Dale Sprague, Fire Chief Richard Fowler, Highway Agent Richard Page, Highway Mechanic John Radcliffe, Marty Gilman, Parks and Recreation Director Kimberly Brackett and Selectmen’s Secretary Megan Taylor taking minutes.

The meeting conveyed at 6:05 pm in the Selectmen’s Chambers at 356 Main Street. Chairman Joan Funk called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of minutes: 11-21-05: Paul Parker made a motion to approve the minutes as written. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor. 11-28-05: Joan Funk motioned to approve the minutes as written. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

Public Hearing on a proposal to increase fees for water and sewer connections to new structures. Dale Sprague joined the Board to discuss the proposed changes. (please refer to the memo regarding this proposal which will be attached to the final copy of these minutes). The wastewater connection fee will go from $1000.00 to $3220.00 per equivalent dwelling unit and the water connection fee will go from $1000.00 to $2910.00 per equivalent dwelling unit. The current costs have been in place since 1987. Dale stated that these increase were reasonable and justifiable. Paul Parker stated that there should be plan to adjust the costs on a more consistent basis. There was no public input on this hearing. Matt Scruton motioned to accept the proposed fee increases for water/waste water connections for new construction. George Meyer seconded the motion. Discussion on effective date: It was determined that it would be effective immediately and any new construction that has already paid the current rate will not have to pay the increase. It was also determined that the charge is incurred when the occupancy permit is issued. A vote was taken. All in favor.

Discussion regarding language and fees for new accounts: (please see attachment on installation fees with the final copy of these minutes). Paul Parker motioned to accept the language for the water/waste water connection fees as written. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

Discussion on proposal to charge for new water meters: (a copy of this information will be attached to the final copy of these minutes). Dale discussed the costs of installing a water meter. Currently, the cost for a meter is $314.00. The process includes installation, inspection, re-mapping of water lines and recording of installation, which are all included in the fee. After a brief discussion of the fees, Matt Scruton motioned to accept the language for the fees for new water meter accounts. George Meyer seconded the motion. All in favor.

Request for a  water billing abatement: Augusto and Christine DeSousa of 52 Skyview Drive claim that their water bill was unusually high this summer. Dale tested the meter and found it to be in sound working order. Mark Fillion of RSA also tested the meter and said it was accurate. It was determined that the bill reflected water actually consumed at the location. Three other accounts in the subdivision had comparable water usage. Dale stated that he had no definitive answer and the DeSousa probably used more water than they though they did. They have a new lawn and watered it this summer. Matt Scruton motioned to deny the request for the water bill abatement. George Meyer seconded the motion. Paul Parker expressed concern that the complainants should have the opportunity to state their case. Dale stated that they had been notified and this was their opportunity. Paula Proulx voted in favor but added that it should be  looked at again if the complainants appeared before the Board to state their case. A vote was taken. Paula Proulx, Joan Funk, George Meyer and Matt Scruton in favor. Paul Parker opposed. Motion passed.

Joan Funk called for the meeting to go into Non Public Session RSA –91 A:3.  Matt Scruton stated that he would like to see Non Public Session occur at the end of meetings. A roll call vote was taken. George Meyer – yes, Paula Proulx- yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Joan Funk – yes.

Scott Roberge joined the Board to discuss the hiring a new Police Officer. Scott stated that he thought this part of the process of hiring a Police officer was not necessary and that he should be allowed to offer a candidate a conditional offer of employment prior to the Board giving their final approval. The Board agreed stating that they did not know what qualifications to look for in a Police officer and that the chief was more knowledgeable and qualified to hire someone. Scott stated that he spends at least 10 hours with a prospective candidate. The chief then gave a brief summary of the candidate before he brought him in to meet the Board. The Board briefly interviewed the candidate. Matt Scruton motioned to extend a conditional offer of employment to Reginald (Andy) Carone. George Meyer seconded the motion. All in favor.

7:00 pm Joan Funk called for the meeting to come out of Non Public Session. A roll call vote was taken. George Meyer – yes, Paula Proulx- yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Joan Funk – yes.

The meeting convened after a ten-minute break.

Town Hall Project: Rich Fowler joined the Board to discuss the findings of a walkthrough he conducted that day at the Town Hall. (a memo from the chief on this subject will be attached to the final copy of these minutes). The Chief found several violations that need to be addressed immediately including the absence of fire extinguishers, safety lights (which either are broken or need new bulbs) and no smoking signs. The ladies dressing room is filled with combustibles and there are no smoke detectors in there. The chief stated that often the occupancy allowance is exceeded in which case a fire watch should be put in place. Kim Brackett later stated that there are never more in the building than the occupancy permit allows. Marty Gilman joined in the discussion. Marty discussed a list of items for the Town Hall renovation in order of importance. (A copy of this list will be attached to the final copy of these minutes). He stated that if the project proceeds, the occupancy permit will increase. He stated that they should start with the chief’s recommendations and then move on with Mrs. Thayer’s portion. Paul Weston suggested a motion to say that the $20,090.00 from the CDBG funds and the $12,457 in three trust funds (clock tower and 2 Thayer funds) (with more funds possible available from other funds) totaling $32,546.00 be made available to proceed with the project with the conditions that the project coordinates with the recreation department’s schedule, that bids are sought and that the contractors provide certificates of insurance and that the Town Hall Committee provide monthly updates to the Board of Selectmen on the progress of the project. Joan made the motion. George Meyer seconded the motion. Discussion: Matt Scruton cautioned the trustees to utilize funds for what they were specified for. Paul Parker stated that since these were public funds it should be put out to bid. The project will be divided into piece mail. They are looking at the ADA compliances as well as safety codes. Marty stated that they will have a better idea of what needs to be done when Shawn Bergeron submits his report. Paula Proulx commented that she was uncomfortable with agreeing to anything without a complete plan. A vote was taken. Joan Funk, George Meyer, Matt Scruton, Paula Proulx and Paul Parker in favor.

Proposal to change Town employees Group Health Insurance Plan. Paul Weston explained that the current plan is covered under Mathew Thornton through HealthTrust The new rates total $332,604. Primex, a competing health group, is proposing a similar and even better plan for $323,476.00. Primex would further extend a savings of $6530.00 for workers compensation (which the Town currently holds with them).  Paul asked employees if their current health providers would accept the new insurance and he has not heard any negative feedback. If we switch to Primex, we would not be able to return to HealthTrust for three years. The employee’s rate would remain the same. Paul recommended the effective date be February 1, 2006.  Matt Scruton motioned to accept the Primex proposal. George Meyer seconded the motion. All in favor.

Tax waiver in exchange for conservation easement. A letter from Attorney David P. Azarian who represents Wayne Mason, proposes to exchange a piece of the property owners’ land in exchange for a tax waiver. Matt Scruton motioned to allow the Town Clerk to proceed with negotiations with the property owner and his lawyer for the conservation easement. Joan Funk seconded the motion. All in favor.

Appointment of Ed Mullen as an alternate to sit on the Welfare Appeals Board. Selectmen’s Secretary and Welfare Director Megan Taylor asked the Board to appoint Ed Mullen as an alternate. Ed was not present at the meeting but previously agreed. Joan Funk motioned to appoint Ed Mullen as alternate on the Welfare Appeals Board. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.

2006 Municipal Budget Review
The Board of Selectmen reviewed the following accounts within the proposed 2006 Municipal Budget:  Town Clerk/Tax Collector (with Town Clerk/Tax Collector Kathy Seaver); Parks and Recreation (with Rec Director Kim Brackett); Public Works Department (with acting Public Works Director Rich Page).  

Upon motion, a second, and unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM

Respectfully submitted,

Megan Taylor, Municipal Secretary

Signed this date of _____________________

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton