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Board of Selectmen Minutes 10-31-05
October 31, 2005

Present:        Chairman Joan Funk, Vice-Chairman Paula Proulx, Selectmen Paul
                Parker, George Meyer, Matt Scruton; Town Administrator Paul Weston
                Police Chief Scott Roberge, Assistant Welfare Director Walter Mills,
                Town Clerk/Tax Collector Kathy Seaver

At 6:00 Chairman Joan Funk called the meeting to order and invited all present to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Minutes:  The minutes of October 3 were approved as written.  The minutes of October 17 were reviewed, revised, and accepted

Town Hall Renovation Project:  Chairman Funk opened discussion on this project to clarify some items.  Mrs. Thayer has graciously offered to provide substantial dollars to do substantial renovations to Town Hall.  The Recreation Department will function much like it has in the past, except that men’s basketball will be relocated.  Only kick ball will be eliminated, as it will not be compatible with the new lights and other furnishing on the renovation.  The community should rest assured the Rec Department will continue to function and the Director, Kimberly Brackett, is on the Committee and has already provided her input.  Chairman Funk made a motion to gratefully accept the gift from Mrs. Thayer contingent upon the Fire Marshall aspect being funded.  Selectmen Parker, Scruton, and Proulx all expressed support for the project, but also expressed concern we did not know what all of the fire egress requirements would be, the cost of doing the renovations, and the source for funding from the Town.  Selectman Meyer stated this was a good cause, we should not wring our hands at this offer, we have a professional in Marty Gilman developing cost estimates, and funding concerns would be taken care of. Selectman Scruton made a friendly amendment to the motion on the table that the gift be accepted contingent upon the cost of upgrading fire egress and finding suitable sources of funding.  The motion as amended was voted unanimously, 5 to 0 in favor.

Snowmobile Trail and Management of French Property:  Chairman of the Conservation Commission Randy Orvis came before the Board to seek approval to extend the Powdermill Snowmobile Club’s trail network across the Town owned French property (tax map lots R-50 and R-59, lot 9).  The Club has permission from the adjacent private landowners, this would be the last link in the trail and the installation would improve access during all four seasons.  Mr. Orvis also requested that the Conservation Commission be granted management responsibility of the property.  In response to a request from Chairman Funk to clarify what that would entail, Mr. Orvis responded that the Conservation Commission would undertake the management of the property (A Forest Management Plan has been prepared by NH Soil Consultants), with the goal to have the property open for public use and maintain 3 acres for open filed habitat (brush is encroaching.  Some selective cutting would be done, however he did not feel there are enough trees present to support commercial harvesting.  In response to a question on liability for snowmobiling, Mr. Orvis responded the Club is under the State liability coverage in the amount of $2 million if the trail is a part of the State network, and this trail is a part of that network.  Permission to use Town land would be granted for five years, at which time the Club must return to repeat the request.  Chief Roberge added that this Club is a professional Club, the last thing they wish to do is upset landowners, trails are posted to keep machines out of wetlands, and gates are placed to keep folks on the trail.  The Chief requested a map of the property with the snowmobile trail shown which will allow the Department to respond efficiently to any emergency.  A motion was made to grant the Powdermill Snowmobile Club a trail right of way across the French property for snowmobile use, contingent upon the Conservation Commission providing a map to the Police Department for emergency response purposes.  The vote was 4 – 0 in favor, with Mr. Meyer abstaining.  A second motion was made to grant to the Conservation Commission management of the property.  The vote was 4 – 0 in favor, with Mr. Meyer abstaining.  Mr. Scruton clarified the Conservation Commission should not do any extensive clear cutting beyond the Fish & Game easement.  

Town Administrator Weston, with the Board’s permission, requested the Conservation Commission respond to a request to trap muskrat and mink on wetlands north of Main Street across from the golf course on Town owned land.

Police Department Vehicle Replacement:  Chief Roberge was in to report the 200 Ford Expedition went to the Town Garage last week and found to have numerous severe rust holes and other rot problems.  This was a surprise as the vehicle was to have been in the fleet until 2007.  The Chief requested permission to purchase a left over 2005 Crown Victoria under a State bid price of $22,000. with source of funds coming from the Police Contract Buyout fund (Approx. $14,900.), Outside Detail fund (approx. $2,000.), with the balance coming from funds remaining in the 2005 Department operational budget. Chief Roberge stated he would do everything possible to limit expenditures for the remaining weeks here in 2005, however he could not guarantee that an overdraft would not occur.  Something could come up to cause a large expenditure. The Chief explained repairs would be done to the Expedition and operate it for 4 more months.  The new Crown Vic would immediately replace the Chevrolet Impala, and funding for a new 4 x 4 vehicle would be sought within the 2006 budget.  Also, $10,000. is available for “Car 54” lights and communication technology is still available from a Federal/State grant to equip the new cruiser. A motion was made to proceed to purchase the new cruiser to replace the Chevrolet Impala cruiser as outlined, with the new Ford Expedition to be placed into the 2006 budget for Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee review.  The vote was 4 – 1, in favor, with Selectman Parker opposed.  Mr. Parker explained he was not against the purchase and the need to improve emergency vehicles within our fleet; he needed to know where the money is coming from.

Construction on Scruton Road (Class VI road):  Mr. Tom McGlaughlin came before the Board seeking permission to purchase and construct with a friend two houses on Scruton Road.  Selectman Scruton announced he wished to recuse himself to avoid the perception he had a conflict of interest, as these purchases are adjacent to family owned land.  Mr. McGlaughlin stated he does not own the parcels at this time, and had been to the Planning Board who did not make any decisions, as a building permit had not been sought at this time.  Logical access to the properties would be via Strafford (approximately 1300 feet in Strafford, 7 to 800 feet in Farmington); he will upgrade the road to 22 wide; and bring in electrical power.  Town Administrator Weston explained the RSA 231:50 relieved the Town of all obligations to maintain, and all liability damages incurred in the use of, discontinued highway or highways discontinued as open highways and made subject to gates and bars.  If Mr. McGlaughlin were to build, he would be asked to sign an agreement reliving the Town of any responsibility for bus transportation, plowing, or emergency response.  A letter was distributed from Town Attorney Spector of the subject.  After much discussion, it was suggested Mr. McGlaughlin return to the Planning Board for further review.

Welfare Office:  Assistant Welfare Director Walter Mills appeared before the Board to discuss the functioning of the Welfare Office.  He stated he attempts to take the client load off from Megan Taylor by coming in three days per week, 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM. This clearly is not enough hours to serve the demand, and he has stayed as late as 10:30.  He personally is not seeking a fulltime position, but felt strongly a fulltime welfare director is needed.  (See memo attached to these minutes).  Town Administrator Weston and Mr. Mills were asked to meet with Megan Taylor and return to the Board with a proposed course of action.

Website Enhancement:  Website Coordinator Ed Mullins wished to discuss with the Board a possible useful enhancement of the Town’s website.  Presently we contract with Virtual Town Hall under the basic contract, and Mr. Mullins and Town Administrator Weston recommended we purchase annually the capability to have various Town permits and application posted on the web to be electronically submitted.  This enhancement would cost $250. to install and $250. annually thereafter.  It would save staff time and join Farmington into the electronic age.  Selectman Scruton stated there are many ways to communicate with the Town, electronic submissions are subject to legal ramifications, and we should collect such items in traditional ways.  The Selectmen requested further research and this item be brought back at another meeting.

Noise Ordinance:  Chairman Funk inquired if we have a noise ordinance on the books that could assist in quieting down a house blasting music after hours.  Town Clerk Kathy Seaver stated the Police Chief in the spring informed her we have an old unenforceable ordinance, and the Police could only take action under a disturbance of the peace law.  Town Administrator Weston was asked to do research.

Fences:  Upon inquiry if we had a fence provision, Ms. Seaver stated we have a fence requirement for swimming pools only.

A five-minute break was taken.

Non-public Session:  A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously – Funk, yes; Scruton, yes; Meyer, yes; Proulx, yes; and Parker, yes – to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A: 3, Section Two, Parts (c) & (a) to discuss consideration of properties which are up for tax deeding from the Tax Collector and to discuss the compensation of the Assistant Welfare Director.  Initially Walter Mills joined the Board in the non-public session, and later Town Clerk/Tax Collector joined the Board.

At 10:00 PM the Board voted to come out of non-public session and adjourn the meeting by a 5 – 0 vote in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

R. Paul Weston, Town Administrator
Town of Farmington

Approved November 7, 2005

Date signed: ______________

  _______________________              _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton