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Selectmen Minutes 10-03-05
October 3, 2005

Present: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chairman Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, Matt Scruton and George Meyer.

Also Present: Dale Sprague Superintendent of Water/WasteWater and Landfill, Ed Leonard and Pete Atherton of Wright and Pierce, Director of Planning and Community Development Paul Esswein, and Planning Board Chairman Charlie King,

6:15 pm Chairman Joan Funk called the meeting to order and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance,

APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9-26-05. After a few changes were made, Joan Funk motioned to accept the minutes as amended. George Meyer seconded. All in favor.


Victor LaPierre approached the Board to address several questions that came up at the previous Board meeting regarding the proposed private septage treatment plant. He stated that the private septage treatment plant in Pittsfield is a temporary structure and has a two-year contract with that town. The proposed plant in Farmington would be state of the art. For the Town to build one it would cost 2 million dollars. The Town may be able to own the plant after the contract expired.


Workshop session with Superintendent of Water/Sewer Dale Sprague and Wright- Pierce Engineering consultants Ed Leonard and Pete Atherton.
Dale Sprague opened the discussion stating that the purpose of the workshop was to gain some different perspectives from various sources to help with the future plans for the wastewater facility and the direction of where the sewer lines need to be in the next 20 years.

Ed Leonard presented a slide show outlining a wastewater facilities evaluation. A copy of this presentation will be available as an attachment to these minutes from the town Clerks Office. Wright - Pierce projects that the population will grow to be about 8000 in year 2015, a rate of 1.8% per year. The existing treatment plant is 30 years old; it has decreased in efficiency and liability. It has the capacity to treat 350,000 gallons a day. Currently the rate is 225,000 gallons per day. It can do the job but is limited under certain conditions for 10-15 days per year (summer). Eventually an alternative method for sludge disposal will be needed when the landfill closes.

Charlie King asked if there has been any review of infill build out and, how much new development will be serviced by sewer. Norm Russell pointed out that in the urban areas there has been a lot of single homes converted into multifamily homes. Ed Leonard stated that from 1990-1999, 310 permits were issued (approximately 54 requested sewer) and from 2001-2004 307 permits were issued (approximately 52 requested sewer). Matt Scruton stated that the sewer network should not be expanded; let the developers pay for septic; keep it simple.

Paula Proulx stated that the Planning Board was looking at the Master Plan in regards to the implementation process and build out analysis. Randy Orvis stated that while he did not think it was best to push the sewer lines out, the land over the aquifers should be protected. He stated that he thought the private septage facility was a good idea because it would keep septage removal affordable for people and therefore keep pollution down.

The issue of zoning industrial/commercial areas was discussed and if sewer would be expanded into these areas. The cost for new sewer lines is one million dollars per mile.

Ed outlined 7 options for future treatment. Paul Parker suggested that lagoons should be considered as an option as they were a natural process. Ed stated that more studies are needed such as finding a site, hydro-geological testing and demonstration that the groundwater would not be contaminated. He said he would look into lagoons as an option.

Regarding the proposed private septage treatment plant, Ed stated that if considered, the Town could negotiate a contract to protect its interests, maximize revenue, and be protected against liability. Norm Russell expressed concern over the monitoring of what would come into the plant. Paula Proulx stated that more information was needed to prove the benefits to the Town. Matt agreed saying that he wanted to see the risks and benefits. Pete stated that it was the burden of the private company to provide information

Dale Sprague stated that a build-out analysis is needed, as it is a key to this issue. He hoped to have more questions answered at this workshop. The Board asked Dale to come up with specific questions to be addressed at another workshop.


1.      Police Chief Scott Roberge approached the Board with a request to approve the purchase of a new copier for the Police station. He stated that the new copier would have the ability to produce quality digital photos, scan and fax. The cost of the copier is $12, 263.00 with the option to have a 5-year plan at $251.00 a month from Conway Copy Center. This new copier would cost less money to purchase than it costs to maintain the current copiers and equipment. There is also the option to lease. The money needed now is in the PD budget. After some discussion and questioning, George Meyer motioned to approve the purchase of a new copier for the Police Department. Matt Scruton second. After more discussion, Joan Funk added an amendment stating that the chief was authorized to proceed with the purchase of the copier and the purchase agreement must be brought to the board for final approval. Paula Proulx, Matt Scruton, Joan Funk, George Meyer in favor. Paul Parker opposed.
2.      Confirmation of hiring a new Rec Program Director. Paul Weston stated that out of five candidates, Brain Deveau will be hired as the new Rec Program Director. Joan Funk motioned to confirm the hiring of Brian Deveau as Recreation Program Director contingent upon the background check. Matt Scruton seconded the motion. All in favor.

The Board discussed the Public Works Director Job Description. They agreed that this position should oversee both the Highway Department and Water/Sewer. Paul Weston will return with three new job descriptions: Public Works Director, Water/Sewer Superintendent and Highway Foreman.

Correspondence File:
1.      EV Tech Certification Program for the Highway Mechanics. Matt Scruton stated that he wanted to make clear that he was not questioning the mechanics ability to inspect the emergency vehicles….
2.      There will be a meeting later this week regarding an incident with a Boy Scout meeting and the Fire Department.
3.      Next Board of Selectmen Meeting will take place on October 17.

There was no Non Public Session at this meeting.

9:05 Matt Scruton Motioned to adjourn. George Meyer seconded. All in favor.

Meeting Adjourned at 10:00 pm.

Approved on October 31, 2005

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton