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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 09-26-05

Board of Selectmen Present: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chair Paula Proulx, Paul Parker, George Meyer and Matt Scruton

Also Present: Town Administrator Paul Weston, Director of Planning and Community Development Paul Esswein, Water and Landfill superintendent Dale Sprague, Wright and Pierce Representative Ed Leonard, Fire Chief Richard Fowler

Chairman Joan Funk called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm and asked everyone to join her in the Pledge of Allegiance.  

Approval of Minutes:

9-12-05: After a few changes were made, Joan Funk motioned to accept the September 12, 2005 minutes as amended. Paul Parker second. All in favor.

9-12-05 Non Public Minutes:  After a couple errors were pointed out Joan Funk motioned to accept as corrected seconded by Paul Parker. All in favor.

Norman Russell asked the Board if Public Input would be permitted during the septage treatment plant presentation. Joan Funk said yes public comment would be allowed if respectful.

Victor LaPierre commented on the striping of roads in Farmington and stated that he was in favor of striping. It is money well spent.


1.      Authorization to purchase a new ambulance. Per the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen, an evaluation of ambulance #850 was conducted by Dover Motor Mart. (A copy of the evaluation and correspondence regarding this issue will be attached to the final copy of these minutes available from the Town Clerks office). To summarize, the evaluation indicates that the ambulance is in need of a new transmission, a new engine and other repairs totaling over $17000. The opinion of Todd Curry of Dover Motor Mart is that continued service of the ambulance is not recommended. In a letter from Chief Fowler to the Selectmen dated 9-21-05, he asks for approval to purchase a new 2005 Ford E450XL from Sugarloft Ambulance and Rescue Vehicles at a cost of $110,000. Delivery would be in March or April 2006. A loaner will be available at no charge by the end of September until the new one is available. Matt Scruton motioned to release the $110,00.00 to purchase the proposed new ambulance. Paul Parker seconded. Discussion followed. George Meyer recommended that a good preventative maintenance program should be implemented with this new ambulance. Rich Fowler stated that a program was in place and would be documented. Rich stated that the new ambulance would be rotated with unit #851which will also be regularly maintained and evaluated. Paula Proulx expressed concern that the highway garage had a different view of the condition of the ambulance in question. She stated experts should evaluate emergency vehicles. Joan Funk stated that the Towns mechanic has over 30 years of trusted experience in this field and holds a State Inspection license. It was decided to put the older ambulance out for auction. A vote was taken. All in favor of the purchase of the new ambulance. Paula Proulx motioned that all emergency vehicles should be sent to an emergency vehicle certified mechanic for yearly inspections. Paul Parker second. All in favor. It was suggested that the Town Mechanics receive training in emergency vehicle mechanics.
2.      Authorization to advertise for Public Works Director. The Board was given a suggested job description for a Public Works Director and relevant salary data from the 2004 NHMA Wage and Salary Survey. The recommended salary is $40,000 to $55,000. Paul Parker suggested that the job description should include knowledge of computers. He also questioned if it was necessary to require the ability to perform routine manual labor. Paul Weston replied that the person should have the ability to do it all but the emphasis is on administration. Joan agreed stating that the candidate should have a working knowledge to do it all. The board discussed whether or not the position should oversee the landfill as well as the highway department. Paul Parker stated that the two departments were like apples and oranges; the candidate should specialize in highway knowledge but could lend support to the other department. Matt Scruton stated that Dale Sprague should stay in charge of water/sewer; the new job should be highway/landfill. Paul Weston stated that he would talk with Dale and revise the job description.


1.      Paul Parker spoke of his concern regarding the diseases carried by mosquitoes. He questioned if Farmington had a plan and the capability to address this problem. Joan Funk suggested a meeting with Health and Safety Officer Debra Lee.  George Meyer stated that the concern for this year was almost over as the coming frost will kill the mosquitoes. Jane Wingate addressed the board and expressed her concern over chemical spraying as it may be cancerous
2.      Discussion on lease/purchase of a new copier at the Police Station. This issue is postponed until the next Selectmen’s Meeting. Chief Scott Roberge is waiting for information regarding this subject.
3.      Presentation on a proposed private septage treatment facility adjacent to the Farmington Treatment Plant. This proposal was presented by Inovative Septic Solutions, (Dave Dejagger, Kerry LaPierre and Skip Clough) who presented a power point outline of the plant. They proposed that there would be a $61,000 future savings to the Town per year on sludge disposal costs. Their facility would create a Class A biosolid. Much discussion followed. Ed Leonard of Wright and Pierce stated that an upgrade of the present treatment facility would be required. The existing equipment includes two aerators, which are undersized for the addition of this proposed facility. Currently, the plant has a capacity to treat 350,000 gallons a day. Ed stated that we are running at 80-85% based on equipment limitations. He added that the costs to upgrade would be paid with a combination of tax dollars and grant money. Based on a 2002 study the total cost  of an upgrade would be approximately $5,000,000. Joan Funk stated that these upgrades were needed regardless of the septage facility. There would be 14-16 trucks going to the proposed septage facility daily which would use the existing roads to the septic plant. Matt Scruton stated that this discussion was taking place prematurely; there are too many ‘what ifs’. Norman Russell expressed concern over the smell the facility would create. Skip explained that the trucks would be injected with ferric chloride and lime as they unload. Norm Russell asked Dale for his opinion on this subject. Dale responded that there were pluses and negatives and it could be mutually beneficial.  Joan Funk stated that the Board will be meeting with consultants on October 3, 2005 to discuss a plan of action for the Waste Water Treatment plant which will be a public meeting.

8:00 pm Chairman Joan Funk motioned to take a 10 minute break. Paul Parker second. All in favor. 8:10 pm Joan Funk  meeting was called back to order.

4.      Review of a proposed contract between the Town and the Farmington Preservation Guild. (A final copy of this contract and other related documentation will available as attachments to these minutes from the Town Clerks  Office). Paul Esswein and Cyndi Paulin joined the board in discussion of this issue. At the March 21, 2005 Board of Selectmen meeting, it was approved by a unanimous vote to dedicate $15,000 of CDBG funds towards the proposed establishment of a Community Projects Director. The Board asked for finalization of the details before final approval from the Board. Paul Esswein stated that now the details were resolved regarding insurance and the CDBG funds. He stated that the contract is retroactive to April 1, 2005. He added that the Guild was a 501C corporation and was non profit and tax exempt. They have a Board of Directors and a full time staff. Cyndi explained that the Guild provides positive community development. A current project is the Explore program, which offers adult educational programs in the area. After several clarifications of certain items on the contract, Paul Parker motioned to accept the contract as presented. Paula Proulx second. Paul Parker, Joan Funk, Paula Proulx and Matt Scruton in favor. George Meyer opposed.
5.      Award of roofing contract for the Old Courthouse. (Copies of the bids will be available as attachments to the final copy of these minutes from the Town clerks Office) Two bids were submitted: one from Target, New England for $7,400.00 and one from Hall Brothers Contracting, Inc. for $8,550.00 with an additional cost of $2,200.00 if additional plywood is needed over the present roof. Each bidder was given a bid spec. Hall Brothers proposal exceeded the bid specs. Matt Scruton motioned to accept Hall Brothers proposal to roof the Old Court House. George Meyer seconded adding that they should look at the dome skylight and consider removing it. All in favor. The Board agreed that they should use the black shingles.
6.      Review of Municipal Budget Schedule. (A copy of this schedule will be available as an attachment to the final copy of these minutes from the Town clerks Office) Paul Weston reviewed this schedule with the Board.

Department Head and Administrators Reports:

·       The Board reviewed the 2006 municipal employees holiday schedule (attached to final copy of these minutes). Paul Weston also requested that the Christmas Holiday be taken on Monday, December 26, 2005 and close the Municipal Offices. Paul Parker motioned to accept the request for December 26 and the 2006 Holiday schedule. George Meyer second. All in favor.
·       Paul Weston reported that the Audit was in. It was available for the Board to review. He also commented that the Town was in good financial shape according to the audit.
·       Paul Weston informed the Board that the new Town maps were in. These maps are a part of the Master Plan process.
·       Comstar collection report for ambulance runs was distributed
·       The issue regarding the Goslin driveway is being sent back to the ZBA
·       Regarding the Tax Rate: Stafford County, needs supplemental budget, thus we are awaiting a date from the DRA for the tax rate to be set.
·       We need to resolve payment to Jeff Taylor for the Master Plan update.

Signature File

·       Paul Weston presented a proposal from Strogens Furnace and Heating for furnace maintenance for the 7 municipal buildings. They are proposing a multi-year agreement. A suggestion o put the service out to bid was made. Strogens was the only company to submit a bid last year. The Board agreed to put this out to bid.
·       The Board signed a letter of appreciation to Deputy Town Clerk, Tax collector Bonnie Lauze for her anniversary of 20 years of service to the Town of Farmington.

9:15 pm. Chairman Joan Funk motioned to go into Non Public Session RSA91-A:3 II (a,e) seconded by George Meyer. A roll call vote was taken: Joan Funk – yes, George Meyer – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes.

1.      Discussion regarding an ongoing legal issue.
2.      Personnel issue.
3.      The status of several legal issues was briefly summarized and discussed.

9:30 pm. Matt Scruton motioned to come out of Non Public Session. Seconded by Joan Funk. All in favor.

9:30pm Matt Scruton motioned to adjourn seconded by Joan Funk. All in favor.

Signed this ____ day of _________, ______

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman                  Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
      Matt Scruton