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Board of Selectmen Minutes 8-29-05
AUGUST 29, 2005

PRESENT:        Chairman Joan Funk, Vice Chairman Paula Proulx, Selectmen George Meyer, Paul Parker, Matt Scruton, Town Administrator Paul Weston, Director of Water and Sewer Management Dale Sprague, and NH DES representatives John Regan and Molly Stark.

1.      Chairman Funk opened the meeting at 6:00 PM and asked everyone to join in the pledge of allegiance. The minutes of August 22 were not provided, thus approval will await the next meeting.
2.      CARDINAL LANDFILL BIOREMEDIATION REPORT John Regan and Molly Stark from the NH DES Hazardous Waste Remediation Bureau reviewed the recently received Bioremediation Report done by hydro geologists and other specialists employed by Collins & Aikman.  A timeline of activity on the property and the Executive Summary of the Report (both attached) were reviewed.  Ramifications on the recent bankruptcy of Collins & Aikman were discussed. It was noted that DES would be meeting in September with the Cardinal Landfill representatives. Selectmen desire to be invited to attend. Selectmen also asked that the report be forwarded to both our environmental law firm (McClane) and our engineers (Geo Insight).  Also, Tim Bates, Town Attorney, should be notified of the report and asked to clarify his role in the future. Mr. Sprague also emphasized the need to have Geo Insight respond to the March 7, 2005 letter received from Anthony Giunta of the NH Waste Management Division concerning the Town’s landfill.     
3.      SIGNATURE FILE The Selectmen authorized repairs to the Public Works Department loader; signed the MS-1 Report of Value from the Assessing office which will be forwarded to the NH DRA; signed the appointments of five Fire Wardens (Lars Dore, Richard Gladding, James Reinert, William Parker and Lon Berry); and a $5,992. Purchase Order for Fire Department turnout gear from Bergeron.  
4.      RESCUE UNIT EVALUATION Town Administrator Weston presented a proposal from Dover Motor Mart to conduct an independent outside mechanical evaluation of the older Fire Department Rescue unit.  After discussion, the Selectmen requested the Fire Chief and T. A. request an operational review of the unit be done by the NH Department of Safety EMS Bureau, which will evaluate the unit in relationship to today’s standard for ambulances.  It was stated we could rest upon the in-house mechanical review of the vehicle.
5.      CONFIRMATION OF APPOINTMENT OF A NEW DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECRATION   Town Administrator Weston reported he had interviewed Kimberly Brackett for the position of Director of Parks and Recreation and upon the concurrence of the Board of Selectmen he recommends appointment. Upon motion and a second, the Board voted to confirm Mr. Weston’s appointment of Ms. Brackett.
6.      NON-PUBLIC SESSION Upon motion and a second, a roll call vote was taken at 8:10 PM and the Board voted unanimously to go into non-public session per RSA 91-A (I) (II) to discuss a personnel matter.

7.  ADJORNMENT   At 8:30 PM the Board voted unanimously to come out of non-public session and the meeting was adjourned.

Signed this ____ day of September, 2005

__________________________              ________________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman                  Paula Proulx, Vice-Chairman

__________________________              ________________________
George Meyer                                    Paul Parker

Matthew Scruton