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Board of Selectmen Minutes 8-22-05
Board of Selectmen
August 22, 2005 6pm
Selectmen’s Chambers
356 Main Street, Municipal Offices

Present: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chairman, Paula Proulx, George Meyer, Paul Parker and Matt Scruton

Also Present: Kim Brackett, Barbara Spear, Paul Esswein, John and Jane Wingate, Metty Mros, Loraine Meyer, Joann Doke,Terrie Nickerson, Packy Campbell, Ed Mullen

6:05 pm Chairman Joan Funk called the meeting to order.

1.      Pledge of Allegiance
2.      Approval of Minutes:
a.      8-8-05 Public: Paul Parker pointed out that several facts were missing form the minutes as well as the names of citizens who spoke at the meeting. There was some debate as to how detailed the minutes should be. The Board agreed that the names of the citizens should be included as well bid amounts. George Meyer pointed out that a detailed account of the meeting was available on video from Ed Mullen or at the Town Library. The Board agreed that attachments should be filed with the meeting minutes. Joan Funk motioned to accept the 8-8-05 Public Minutes as amended. Paula Proulx seconded the minutes. All in favor.
b.      8-8-05 Non Public: Paul Parker motioned to accept the 8-8-05 Non Public Minutes as written.Joan Funk seconded the motion. All in favor.
c.      7-25-05 Public: Paul Parker pointed out that the name of a citizen who spoke at the meeting should been included . Paula Proulx  Pointed out a few minor typographical errors. Paul Parker motioned to accept the 7-25-05 Minutes as amended. Paula Proulx second. Joan Funk, George Meyer, Paul Parler, Paula Proulx all in favor. Matt Scruton abstained from the vote as he was not present at the meeting.

Public Input:
a.      Citizen John Wingate spoke to the Board regarding citizen Patrick Boyles request to pave Meadorboro Road. Mr Wingate read a statement expressing his objections to the paving of Meadorboro Road. He stated that the expense is not a priority for the Town and that at the very least, the speed, noise and volume of traffic will increase if the road is paved. A copy of Mr. Wingates statement will b e available as an attachment to these minutes obtainable from the Town Clerks office. Discussion followed. The question of why Hornetown road was striped was brought up. Paula Proulx asked who had  made the decision to stripe Horetown road. Joan Funk responded that there was discussion in the past that if there were enough funds, the road would be striped. Paul Parker stated that there was talk regarding Horntown Road and Chestnut Hill Road and Meeting Hill road before Town Meeting. Jane Wingate approached the Board regarding the striping of Hornetown Road. She stated that the striping has killed the rural character of the road.

New Business

a.      Paul Weston  informed the Board that Police Chief Scott Roberge will be purchasing a generator. The funds will be coming from his account and not from public money. Joan Funk added that the chief got a good deal on the portable generator. It will be useful on crime scenes and used in case of loss of power for emergencies. The Chief could not attend the meeting due to a conflict in schedules.
b.      The subject of the status  of Gerald Whites seat on the Planning Board was discussed. Paul Parker stated that there was a conversation of his resignation but it has not been confirmed or submitted officially at this point. Joan Funk said that she was under the impression that Mr. White had resigned.

1.      Discussion with Homeowners Association on acceptance of Campbell Commons Road. Paul Esswein, Director of Planning and Community Development,  spoke to the Board regarding this issue. He stated that the roads are up to the town’s standards - a completion summary from the engineers was in process. Wayne “Packy” Campbell, developer of Campbell Commons, and President of the homeowners association, approached the Board. Packy stated that there was lawsuit regarding this project regarding the special use permit. Paul Parker stated that the lawsuit involved the Planning Board and not the RSA Developers, claiming that the Planning Board should not have issued the special use permit. Paul Parker reccused himself from the discussion as he had a conflict in interest. Packy stated that he was requesting the Board approve the roads at Campbell Commons to be public roads, owned and maintained by the town. He stated that The Board was authorized to accept a public roadways. Packy continued that if this decision did not get approved by the Board it would be brought as a warrant article to Town Meeting and most likely would not be approved. Packy stated  that if that happened, there would be a lawsuit against the town to make these roads public roads. Right now the homeowners association maintains these roads with their associations fees of $465.00 per year per home. Packy stated that there was a 30 acre parcel of land owned by the association which he proposed the Town purchase. He would put in a play area to be used by the public. Matt Scruton stated that he understood the financial interest in having the Town take over the roads but the Board was not ready to make any kind of decision at this point. He told Packy that he should create a Petition Warrant Article and present it at Town Meeting.  Joan told Packy that he was not getting any decision to night. Packy  told the board that currently the road was not bonded. He asked the Board to reduce the bond.
2.      Discussion on potential trespass onto Town property. Paul Parker reseated himself with the Board. Paul Esswein referred to a memo dated August 18, 2005 to the Board of Selectmen and Town Administrator regarding this issue. A copy of this memo will be available as an attachment to these minutes obtainable from the Town Clerks office.  The memo states that possibly a portion of town land (parcel U-9 lot 32) is being encroached upon by a neighboring landowner, Mr. Staples. Paul Esswein requested that the Board approve the contracting of a registered surveyor to identify the exact boundary and determine if an encroachment has occurred. Joan Funk suggested calling Randy Tetreault to conduct the survey. Barbara Spears stated that there was a similar problem several years ago and suggested that the survey should extend to the area around the corner. Paul Parker motioned to allow Paul Esswein to contract a surveyor to examine the property lines at Map U-9 Lot 31 to see if there was encroachment on Town Property and to seek legal counsel if encroachment has been found.
3.      Mobile Home Renewal. Paul Esswein stated that this issue needed to be postponed until further information was obtained.
4.      Request to pave 1 mile strech of Maedorboro Road. Town Administrator Paul Weston read a statement form citizen Patrick Boyle regarding the maintenance of Meadorboro road and the request and petition for paving a portion of it. A copy of this letter is available as an attachment to these minutes available through the Town Clerks Office.Paul Weston stated that he would like time to investigate this subject and speak with Richard Page and Dale Sprague. Matt Scruton questioned if  the section regarding roads in the Master Plan was finished. Paul Proulx stated that nothing had been finalized at this point. Paul Parker stated that the review of road standards should be discussed by the Selectmen.
5.      Re-roof of Old Courthouse. Paul Weston read a memo from Pamela Merrill, Finance Administrator, regarding the inspection by Dennis Roseberry, Code Enforcement Officer, of the Old Courthouse. A copy of this memo is available as an attachment to these minutes available through the Town Clerks Office. Dennis recommended removing the old roof and replacing with new shingles. Pam states in her memo that there is $8500 included in the repairs and maintenance line. Paul Parker motioned ot send the roofing out to bid. Joan Funk second. All in favor. Paul Weston suggested getting a bid from Hall Brothers as they were doing the roofing at fire/rescue building.
6.      Joan Funk motioned to go into Non Public Session RSA 91:A:3 (I) (II). Paula Proulx seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, George Meyer – yes, Matt Scruton – yes. Review on hiring of a new recreation director.Discussion regarding the policies on hiring department heads. Paul Weston pointed out that in the town Policy it states that the Town Administrator has the power to appoint department heads. It was decided that Paul Weston would interview the candidate after the meeting adjourned. Motion to leave Non Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II). Paul Parker seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, George Meyer – yes, Matt Scruton – yes.

Paul Weston addressed the Board regarding several issues:

1.      Request for signatures for the Water/Waste water ….
2.      Signing of the employment agreement between Paul Weston and The Town of Farmington.
3.      Budget workshop LGC
4.      A request for Municipal Volunteer Awards- LGC
5.      Budget Adoption Schedule. Matt stated that an organizational meeting was needed. A representative from the Board of Selectmen was needed on the Budget Committee.
6.      A Bioremediation report on the Cardinal landfill has been received from DES. Paul Weston suggested a meeting with Molly Stark. Employee at NHDES. The Selectmen stated they wished to meet in public session with Ms. Stark.
7.      Legislation matters?
8.      Draft Audit of last fiscal years, will forward copies to the Board.
9.      Paul Weston also discussed with the Boards future meetings.

8:00 pm. Matt Scruton motioned to adjourn. George Meyer second. All in favor.

Signed this ____ day of _________, ______
_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman                  Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
      Matt Scruton