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Board of Selectmen Minutes 8-8-05
Board of Selectmen
August 8, 2005 6pm
Selectmen’s Chambers
356 Main Street, Municipal Offices

Present: Chairman Joan A. Funk, Vice Chairman, Paula Proulx, George Meyer, Paul Parker and Matt Scruton

Also Present: Richard Page, John Radcliffe, Chief Richard Fowler and several members of the fire department, Ed Mullen,

1.      Pledge of Allegiance
2.      Public Comment: Citizen Betty Mros expressed her regret upon hearing the news of Kerry Mucher’s resignation from the Parks and Recreation Center and wished her well. Citizen Steven Dean posed several questions regarding the ambulance issue and e-coli in the wells.
3.      Presentations: The Board of Selectmen presented certificates of appreciation to Finance Administrator Pamela Merrill and Selectmen’s Secretary Megan Taylor for their assistance to the Board during the duration there has not been a Town Administrator.
The Board presented a plaque to Kerry Mucher expressing the Boards appreciation for her 13 years of service to the recreation department, her uplifting enthusiasm and caring devotion.
4.      Resignation of Department Head: Regarding the resignation of Kerry Mucher.
5.      Gas and Oil Bids. Pamela Merrill presented three bids for gas and oil for all Farmington departments, Farmington SAU and Farmington Library. The memo including details on these bids will be attached to these minutes available from the Town clerks Office. Pam explained that although Union oil came in a little higher, they offered a fixed rate on all their products if pre-paid. After some discussion regarding prices and usage, Matt Scruton made a motion to contract Union Oil  for gas and oil delivery using #2 heating oil at $2.088 [per gallon and diesel at $2.207 per gallon. The motion was seconded by George Meyer. All in favor.
EMS Roof Bids: Pam told the board that she received two bids; one form D&D Restoration and one form Hall Brothers. Some concern regarding the length of time the building would remain was expressed. Dennis Roseberry, code enforcement officer previously recommended option 11; a rubber roof.  George Meyer made a motion to accept Hall Brothers bid. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.
6.      Planning: Paul Esswein told the board that both issues scheduled on the agenda under planning were not ready for discussion and would be postponed until a later date.
7.      Water/Sewer: This item was also postponed until a later date when more information was available.

6:45 pm Joan Funk motioned to go into Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II). Seconded by George Meyer. A roll call vote was taken. Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Joan Funk –yes.

a.      Discussion regarding the replacement of a department head .
b.      Issues concerning the staffing and budgeting of the FCTV and introduction of a new staff member.
c.      Legal Issue: Legal council was present to discuss an ongoing legal issue.

7:40 pm Joan Funk motioned to come out of Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II), seconded by George Meyer A roll call vote was taken. Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Joan Funk –yes.

7:45 pm Joan Funk motioned to take a 10-minute break. George Meyer second. All in favor

7:55pm Joan Funk called the meeting back to order. A roll call vote was taken. Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yea, Paul Parker – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Joan Funk –yes.

8.      Highway Department Roofing Bid: Richard Page interim highway department supervisor told the board that he received a bid from Hall Brothers to roof the salt shed and hanger ($4000 for one roof). Richard explained that the highway crew was willing and able to do the work for approximately ½ the money ($2414.00) Hall Brothers was bidding. George Meyer made a motion to accept the proposal in which the highway crew would re-roof the hanger and the remaining portion of the salt shed . Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.
9.      Fire Department: Ambulance replacement. There was much debate as to whether or not the #850 ambulance should be replaced. The highway department mechanic outlined the condition of the two ambulances. He stated that ambulance #851 was in good working order. Fire Chief Fowler stated that the ambulance rocked and he could smell the transmission. The mechanic explained that the smell was from raw fuel from a recent repair and would burn off. Rich Fowler stated that the ambulance was 15 years old and had worn out its use. This was a warrant article put out by the town and was approved at town meeting. Paul Parker stated that he thought it would be in the citizen’s best interest to have the best vehicle available; this was an emergency safety vehicle, it should be reliable and there should be no risk of it breaking down on an emergency call.. Paul Parker motioned to allow the chief to purchase the new ambulance. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. More discussion followed. Matt Scruton stated that he understood that the fire Department had obtained legal counsel and that he thought the Board of Selectmen should do so also. Joan Funk stated that she spoke with the Town’s lawyer  and was told that the BOS was within its right to put off the purchase. She stated that she also had the best interest of the town in mind and that to spend money unnecessarily was not in the best interest of the town. Matt Scruton agreed stating that they could invest in upgrading the vehicle. He also stated that they should have an independent inspection done and get more information. Paula stated that it comes down to what the people want; this was approved at town meeting.  Motion to allow the Chief to purchase the new ambulance: Paul Parker – yes, Paula Proulx – yes, George Meyer – opposed, Matt Scruton – opposed, Joan Funk – opposed. Motion failed.  Matt Scruton stated that this issue should be revisited and alternatives should be looked into. Several citizens including Steven Dean, diane Carey and Victor Lapiere stated their opinions on the ambulance purchase. All were in favor of the purchase. Joan replied that she agreed with Paul that safety was the main concern but thought it would be remiss to spend the money if it is truly not needed. The issue can be put back on town warrant next year.

8:35 pm Joan Funk motioned to go into Non Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II). Seconded by Paula Proulx. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Joan Funk – yes.

a.      Discussion with new Town Administrator regarding employment agreement.

9:30 pm Paul Parker motioned to come out of Non Public Session RSA 91 A:3 (I) (II). Seconded by Paula Proulx. A roll call vote was taken. Paula Proulx – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Joan Funk – yes.

Paul Parker made a motion to appoint Paul Weston as Town Administrator and to accept the terms agreed upon in Non Public Session. George Meyer second. All in favor.

11.     Other business to come before the board. A proposal to purchase an outside bulletin board was submitted by the staff at the municipal offices. Two prices were presented: Option A:$557.00 OptionB: $907.50 Paul Parker made a motion to accept option A of the proposal to purchase an outside bulletin board. Paula Proulx second. All in favor.

10:10 Joan Funk motioned to adjourn the meeting. George Meyer second. All in favor.

Approve on August 22, 2005

Signed this ____ day of _________, ______

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman                  Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
      Matt Scruton