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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 6-13-05

Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
June 13, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Chambers,
356 Main Street, Municipal Offices

Present: George Meyer, Joan A. Funk, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker. Matt Scruton.

Also Present: Paul Esswein, Director of Planning and Codes, Dale Sprague, Sgt. Miron Crossley, Charles Wibel, Kristie Marquis

1.      Pledge of Allegiance

2.      Approval of Minutes:
a.      05-24-05 – Paul Parker motioned to accept the 5-24-05 minutes as to be amended, seconded by Paula Proulx. All in favor.
b.      05-23-05 Public, 05-24-05 Non-Public, 06-01-05 Public and Non Public. Paul Parker motioned to accept   5-23-05 Public 05-24-05 Non-Public, 06-01-05 Public and Non Public , as written, seconded by Joan Funk. All in favor.

4.      6:45 pmJoan Funk made a motion to go into Non Public Session RSA:91-A:3 (I) (II). A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk – Yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yes.

a.      Interviews with two applicants for the position of a police office on the Farmington Police Force.
b.      Discussion of several issues.

7:30pm Funk made a motion to go out of Non Public Session RSA:91-A:3 (I) (II). A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk – Yes, Paula Proulx – yes, Paul Parker – yes, Matt Scruton – yes, George Meyer – yes.

5.      Discussion of water test results with Dale Sprague. Dale explained that there was a positive test result for a type of bacteria found in a water sample taken from a well. The well was chlorinated and flushed. Follow up tests came up negative. Dale explained that it was his opinion that often the problem resides in a faucet or a line, not the system. More tests will be taken on Wednesday, and then random tests will be done (non- compliance). A consultant from DES has been contracted. There will be a report from DES in August. Dale stated that it was his preference to use alternate methods instead of chlorination to solve the problem.

Joan Funk asked Dale about the scheduled replacement of a valve on a fire hydrant. Dale explained that the water would have to be shut off in the area for the work to be done.  The hydrant in question is 80 years old and it is not known if it will have to be replaced. The water department is budgeted for the replacement of one hydrant per year.

Joan Funk signed a 5-year permit renewal for NPDES.

6.      Planning/Zoning Issues
a.      Recommendation for a building permit on Pound Road (See attached). Paul Esswein stated that the Planning Board is in the process of looking at roads in general and coming up with an overall policy. The road in question is classified as a Class VI highway. The owner will make improvements to the road starting at the point where the existing improvements end to the point where his driveway enters Pound Road. The proposed improvements meet or exceed the existing road. The Planning Board reviewed the request for a building permit and recommends it’s approval. Paul Parker motioned to accept the proposal. George Meyer seconded the motion. All in favor.
b.      Follow –up on Conservation Land Acceptance. Paul Esswein asked to table this issue until a conservation committee member could be present.
c.      Release of Reclamation Bonds: Pike Industries (Memo attached).  Paul Esswein explained that state law requires the Selectmen’s approval to release bonds. After a brief discussion, George Meyer motioned to release the bonds, seconded by Matt Scruton. All in favor.

7.      Dave DeJagger addressed the board regarding the on- going issue of the structure he built that is partially on town owned land. He stated that he had a conversation with Mr. Peters who owns property across the road from his. Dave DeJagger proposed to Mr. Peters to purchase a 10-foot section of his land, which he would then exchange with the town for the piece of land that his structure is on. The piece of land, which he would exchange with the town, would allow the town slope easements. Paul Esswein stated that he suggested this proposal to Dave and that it would be  an equitable share. Paul also stated that Trotting Park Road crosses over the end of Mr.Peters land. Matt Scruton stated that the road was a public road, which belonged to the town, and that it has been there a long time. Paula Proulx stated that the Board previously asked for appraisals for DeJaggers land. The town will have to have it’s own appraisal done. Paul Parker stated that even if there were an exchange of properties, there still would be legal issues to address. Matt Scruton suggested consulting town attorney Tim Bates to ask questions including: would this proposal have to be brought to Town Meeting or can the Selectmen make this decision? What are the legal steps? Paula Proulx stated that they needed to get Mr. DeJagger some answers.
8.      Interviews with Appointment Applicants.
a.      Charles Wibel submitted an application for the Planning Board. The Selectmen asked several pertinent questions which Mr. Wibel answered. George Meyer made a motion to appoint Charles Wibel as an alternate on the Planning Board. Matt Scruton seconded the motion. All in favor.
b.      Kristie Marquis submitted an application for the Conservation Commission. After Kristie answerd several questions  asked by the board, George Meyer made a motion to appoint Kristie Marquis as a member of the Conservation Commission. Matt Scruton seconded the motion. All in favor.
c.      An application was submitted by Sharla Rollins for re-appointment to the Farmington Economic Development Commission. Sharla was not present at the meeting. Matt Scruton made a motion to approve the application for a one-year term. Joan funk second. All in favor. Joan Funk then mentioned that an organizational meeting was needed to discuss and decide terms.
9.      Ed Mullen, Farmington Television Coordinator presented a proposal from Virtual Town Hall to install a Virtual Poll to the Farmington Website. The cost would be $250.00 to install and then $250 per year. Matt stated that he did not like virtual polls and there was a narrow audience. Joan agreed stating that she did not think they were accurate.  The Board agreed not to accept the offer. Paul Parker asked Ed if the website was setup for people to e-mail the selectmen. Paul stated that he would like his e-mail address on the website: pparker1@worldpath .net. Ed stated that he would check into the matter.
10.     Joan brought up the issue of the fire department building (old precinct Building) roof leak. The building has been looked at by Paul Brothers Contractors. They recommended that the roof be replaced and not patched. Paula Proulx stated that there should be more quotes and a RFP (request for proposals). Joan stated that the Building Inspector inspected the roof and recommended it be replaced. The Board agreed that this issue should be given to the Building Inspector to write up an RFP.

8:15 pm Joan Funk motioned to go into Non Public Session RSA:91 – A:3 (I) (II) seconded by George Meyer. Joan Funk – yes, George Meyer – yes, Paula Proulx –yes, Matt Scruton – yes, Paul Parker – yes.

a.      Legal Issues
b.      Discussion of an ongoing Investigation

8:45 pm Matt Scruton motioned to adjourn seconded by Joan Funk. All in favor.

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton