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Selectmen Minutes 05/23/05
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
May 23, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Chambers,
356 Main Street, Municipal Offices

Present: Joan Funk, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker & George Meyer. Matthew Scruton.

6:10 pm, Chairman Joan A. Funk called the meeting to order.

1.      Pledge of Allegiance.

Chairman Joan a Funk then read a statement commenting on a recent article in the Rochester Times. (See attached Statement).

2.      Approval of Minutes
a.      April 11, 2005; Tabled until June 6.
b.      Paul Parker made a motion to approve the April 11, 2005 Non-Public Minutes and the May 2, 4 and 9, 2005 Minutes as written. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

Chairman Joan A.  Funk and fellow Board Members presented a Plaque to Clark Hackett thanking him for his Thirty One Years of Dedicated Service to the Town of Farmington and Congratulations on his Retirement.

Chairman Joan A. Funk and fellow Board Members then presented a Plaque to Ernest Creveling thanking him for his Devotion during his tenure as Town Administrator for The Town of Farmington.

3.      At 6:30 pm, Joan Funk made a motion to go into Non-Public Session RSA – 91-A:3 (I) (II). Matt Scruton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Joan Funk – yes. Paula Proulx – yes. Paul Parker – yes. George Meyer – yes. Matt Scruton – yes.

a.      Employment Issue

      6:40 pm, Joan Funk made a motion to go out of Non-Public Session RSA – 91-A:3 (I) (II). Matt               Scruton seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken: Joan Funk – yes. Paula Proulx – yes.              Paul Parker – yes. George Meyer – yes. Matt Scruton – yes.

Chairman Joan A. Funk then read the statement she read at the beginning of the meeting again because it was not broadcast to the television station the first time.

Judy Nichols, Town Tax Assessor, presented to the Board her recommendation to employ Cross Country for the next assessing revaluation commencing 2006 and ending 2009. Judy explained that she recommends using Cross Country because they are familiar with the town, wouldn’t require separate office space, phone line and secretary and that the people would get more value for their money because their bid was almost $100,000 under the other bids. Paul Parker stated that there were a lot of complaints from citizens regarding the last revaluation done by Cross Country.  Judy explained that there weren’t any more than usual, in fact, there were less than the 1997 revaluation. Judy added that she felt that Cross Country would be very cooperative. Paul Parker also stated that they needed to continue vigilance in watching the progress and complaints. Matt questioned the necessity of doing another revaluation so soon. He wondered if hiring a full time assessor would be a better idea. Judy responded that she didn’t believe one person could do an entire town revaluation alone. George Meyer made a motion to accept the proposal for a revale starting in 2006 by Cross Country. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. George Meyer, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker and Joan Funk – in favor. Matt Scruton – opposed. Motion passed.

4.      Public Comment. There was no Public Comment.
Matt Scruton stated that there should be an opportunity for rebuttals regarding the statement read earlier by Chairman Joan Funk. Joan responded that the actual subject matter could not be talked about as it was in litigation. She continued by saying that the statement was to address the many calls she has received from citizens who were concerned with the issue.

5.      New Business.

a.      Appointment to Planning Board. The Planning Board received notice from Bob Talon that he  was resigning as a member of the Planning Board. The Planning Board requested the Board of Selectmen to appoint one of the alternates as a regular member.  (See attached).  Joan Funk made a motion to move James Horgan, a current and most senior alternate on the Planning Board, to a regular member on the Planning Board. George Meyer seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Paul Parker inquired on what the proper procedure for moving an alternate to a regular members position. He stated that the other alternates should have the same opportunity and it is important to keep new members experienced. Matt Scruton requested to verify the procedure. Later in the meeting, Ernie read from the Appointment Procedure for Town Boards and Committees. In favor – George Meyer, Matt Scruton, Joan Funk. Opposed – Paula Proulx, Paul Parker. Motion Passed.

b.      Vote to give authority to the Chairman to sign Purchase Orders on behalf of Selectmen in the role of Town Administrator until such time as an Administrator is hired. Paul Parker motioned to approve. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

c.      Paul Ramsey: Reconsideration of Conditions for issuance of building permit. Discussion ensued. David Azarian, attorney for Paul Ramsey, stated that Mr. Ramsey has agreed to improve the passability of the road. Paula Proulx asked Mr. Ramsey if it was a right-of -way or a driveway. Mr. Ramsey said a driveway. Paula Proulx stated that last time it was described as a road, so if it is a driveway then it is his responsibility. Paul Parker again expressed his concern that it should be passable for emergency vehicles and that it was Mr. Ramsey’s responsibility to make it passable. Joan Funk stated that public safety is not Mr. Ramsey’s financial responsibility. Matt Scruton made a motion to comply with the Planning Boards original decision made on April 19, 2005. George Meyer seconded the motion. In favor – Joan Funk, Paula Proulx, George Meyer, Matt Scruton. Opposed – Paul Parker. Motion passed.

d.      Permit sought to issue permits in Lancelot Shores (Paul Esswein). (See attached). Paul Esswein explained that by approving this recommendation, it would save the Board time in the long run. All of the lots still would have to have their septic systems reviewed. There is no subdivision possible.  Paul Parker made a motion to approve the Planning Boards recommendation for authorization to Issue Building Permits to Lancelot Shores. Joan Funk seconded the motion. All in favor.


Ø       Proposal for copy machine for the Town Administration Office – tabled until next meeting.

Ø       Several people have come into the Town Office inquiring on a job opening at the Highway Department. There is no opening at this time.

Ø       Dale Sprague presented a Municipal Septage Agreement with the City of Somersworth. Dale Sprague explained that the lagoons would be closed as of June 1, 2005. Somersworth would  be the primary septage facility used by the Town. The agreement would not be an exclusive commitment to Somersworth and was requirement by the Department of Environmental services. The Board signed the agreement.

e.      Fire Department: Update and discussion as requested by Chief Fowler.
The following issues were discussed:
o       The recent propane tank leak Skyview Drive.  Chief Fowler stated that it was a 500 gallon tank that had a 4” gash in it. The fire department dissipated the gas and ran water into the tank. There were departments from several other towns on the scene when Chief Fowler arrived. He took over command ½ hour after arriving on the scene to give his younger members experience and to guide them. Joan Funk questioned why other communities had to be called in. Rich stated that in this type of situation it is not unusual to call in for backup. Rich also stated that the Farmington Fire Department has 14-15 people on the department. Rich stated that the Fire Emergency Management Person was notified when he thought it was necessary. The person at the home of the leak was evacuated immediately and all of the residents had been evacuated prior to 5:30.
o       A standard operating procedure for the Fire Department needs to be written.
o       Discussion on the Bomb threat at the school: Chief Fowler stated that National standards do not call for the fire department to search for bombs after a bomb threat. Matt Scruton stated evacuation of the students is a school decision.
o       The new air compressor, which was aquired by a grant, has been installed.
o       Joan Funk asked about the billing information. Rich stated that the information was not yet available.
o       Request for a write-off for an ambulance bill for a low-income situation.
o       Permission to apply for a low-income grant to purchase a new command vehicle.
o       Plans to change the department sign to Fire Fighter and Rescue, which would be paid by donations, and the Association.
o       Hall Rental: Concerns regarding the rental of the hall are safety, alcohol consumption, handicap accessible and liability. Ernest Creveling suggested putting together an outline of the entire issue.
o       Chief Fowler asked the Board to sign a form granting permission to issue permits for campfires ect. Paul Parker made a motion to accept. Joan Funk seconded the motion. All in favor.
o       Chief Fowler stated that he thought the position of Fire Chief should be a full time position. He proposed that it be changed to a 32 hour position.This issue could be voted on 2006 and if passed be made into effect in 2007. He proposed that he could work the budget to find $19,000 to add to his stipend to accommodate this change. Matt Scruton suggested getting the consensus of the Fire Association and that if approved, this position should fall under the towns direction. Joan Funk asked for more information so that this issue could be discussed further at a later date.

Ernie Creveling presented to the Board a Proposal for a Welfare Director. The Board would review the proposal and discuss it at a later date.  

8:30 pm Matt Scruton made a motion to adjourn.

Planning Board Chairman, Charlie King and his wife asked the Board to hear information regarding a previous issue. He stated that he had new information regarding the Paul Ramsey decision and that it should be considered under ‘any new business to come before the Board’. Chairman Joan Funk asked for a five-minute recess.

8:35 pm Joan Funk called the meeting back to order. Joan Funk asked if there was a second to the motion to adjourn. George Meyer seconded the motion.  

Paul Parker and Paula Proulx both agreed that the Board should hear discussion from Charlie and Kathleen King. Joan Funk stated that since this was an agenda item it should have been addressed at that time.

Matt Scruton stated that hi s motion to adjourn stands. Joan Funk, Matt Scruton and George Meyer in favor. Paula Proulx and Paul Parker – opposed. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton