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Selectmen Minutes 04/18/05
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
April 18, 2005, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Chambers,
356 Main Street, Municipal Offices

Present: Joan Funk, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker & George Meyer. Matthew Scruton arrived at 6:20 pm.

The Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.

1.      The Pledge of Allegiance

2.      No Public Comment

3.      Motion for Non Public Session RSA-91 A:3 (I) (II).. Joan Funk took a roll call vote. Joan Funk – yes, Paula Proulx – yes. Paul Parker – yes. George Meyer – yes.

a. Health Issues

Motion to come out of Non Public Session. Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II). A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk – yes. Paul Parker – yes. George Meyer – yes. Matthew Scruton – yes. Paula Proulx – yes.   

3.      Building Needs Committee. Police Chief Scott Roberge stated that he wanted to make the public safety building project viable and to make the public aware of the need for a new building. He would like to establish a building needs committee to lay the groundwork. A conceptual plan was developed with Ky Goslin. It was suggested that Scott announce the need and get an architectural rendering. It could probably get something for $100’s of dollars. George Meyer recommended that Chief Roberge get a list of architects and have a rendering done. Paul Parker stated that it would be a good idea to see if there was a viable spot for the building. Scott Roberge stated that the Fire Station has been looked at for years; it is a trend to have Police and Fire Departments share secretaries and office equipment.  
4.      Highway Department. The Highway Department gave a list of equipment and issues (attached) to the Board. Richard Page stated that Ernie Creveling has authorized things in the past. George Meyer suggested that they get some prices together. Rit Moulton proposed a 4 day work week for the Highway Department. Rit explained that the last time they proposed a 4 day work-week, he relayed how Ernie came down to the garage and John was the only employee there. The Board told the Highway Crew to put together prices for equipment they proposed to buy and to put together a detailed proposal for a 4 day workweek.

5.      Waste Water Workshop. Dale Sprague stated that he had copies of reports coming. He didn’t have anything new at this time. Not water septage folks – don’t know how viable – provided them with information. Regarding government funding: DES is just considering septage management funds to go to provide firms to encourage development of septage treatment. They have potential sites in Milton and Maine.

6.      Ernie Creveling asked to activate Comp 1000 for active employees so he could utilize COBRA for it. Joan funk made motion to accept Ernie’s request. Matt Scruton seconded the motion. Paula Proulx in favor. Georeg meyer – in favor. Paul Parker – in favor. It was a unanimous vote.

Paul Parker made a motion to go into Non-Public Session. Paula Proulx seconded the motion.A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk- yes. George Meyer – yes. Paula Proulx – yes. Paul Parker – yes. Matt Scruton – yes.

a.      Consideration of Town Administrator Resumes.

Matt Scruton made a motion to come out of Non-Public Session. Joan Funk seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk- yes. George Meyer – yes. Paula Proulx – yes. Paul Parker – yes. Matt Scruton – yes.

8:20 pm. Joan Funk made a motion to adjourn. Paul Parker stated that there was a footbridge for sale in Clarksville NH. It could be purchased and used as a footbridge over the river form Hancock Street property to the park to alleviate parking. Ernie Creveling mentioned that there are too many questions with regard to State permitting (to put a bridge over a river) and putting a bid in by the deadline, but that he would get info. A crew would have to be sent to bring the bridge to Farmington and then might find out that it can’t be used here.

8:50 pm: Matt Scruton seconded the motion to adjourn. All in favor.

Approved on this _______day of _________, 2005

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton