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Selectmen Minutes 05/09/05
Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
May 9, 2005
6:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Chambers,
356 Main Street, Municipal Offices

Present: Joan Funk, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker & George Meyer. Matthew Scruton arrived at 6:20 pm.

Also Present: Ernest Creveling, Town Administrator, Clark Hackett, Richard Page and Rit Moulton of the Highway Department, Paul Esswein, Director of Planning and Codes, Lorie Chase of the Cocheco River Water Shed Coalition, Randy Talon of the 500 Boys and Girls Club, Kerry Mucher , Director of Parks and Recreation, Ed Mullen, Community Television Coordinator
The Meeting was called to order at 6:10 pm.

1.      The Pledge of Allegiance

2.      . Non Public Session RSA-91 A:3 (I) (II). Motion to go into Non Public Session. Joan Funk took a roll call vote. Joan Funk – yes, Paula Proulx – yes. Paul Parker – yes. George Meyer – yes.

a. Interview with Town Administrator Candidate.

7:15. Motion to come out of Non Public Session. Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II). A roll call vote was taken. Joan Funk – yes. Paul Parker – yes. George Meyer – yes. Matthew Scruton – yes. Paula Proulx – yes.     

After a 10-minute recess, Joan Funk called the meeting to order.

3.  Approval of Minutes.        
a.      April 4, 2005. Joan Funk asked if there were any additions or deletions. There were no additions or deletions. Paul Parker made a motion to accept the April 4, 2005   minutes as written. Paula Proulx seconded the motion,. All in favor.
b.      April 11, 2005. There was a question regarding the amount quoted for the street sweeping bid and budget. Ernie would check the amounts. Paul Parker pointed out that the reason the Junk Yard permits were tabled was because of past code violations. Joan Funk made a motion to table the minutes until the next meeting. All in favor.

4. Public Comment: Ed Mullen, Community Television Coordinator, thanked the Farmington Ladies Club for their donation of $200.00 towards a Farmington film project in which Ed is working on. Ed asked the Board for their permission to accept the donation. Joan Funk made a motion to approve the acceptance of the donation to the film project. All in

5. Old Business.

a.      500 Boys and Girls Club. Randy Talon, Vice President of the 500 Boys and Girls Club presented a Plaque to Ernest Creveling in appreciation of the help he has given the 500 Boys and Girls Club in acquiring the property for their new facilities.

b.      Lori Chase of the Cocheco River Watershed Coalition explained that the CRWC has applied to the Environmental Protection Agency for a watershed grant, which would be used for projects on the Cocheco River in the Farmington, Rochester, Dover area for restoration and protection. There were three projects which would fit the funding. The first project is regarding Spring Street. In 2000 a Farmington High School science teacher and his students did a water quality study of the Cocheco River. The report revealed that there was bacterial contamination in the river and that the water quality did not meet the statewide standards. This report was approved by and accepted by the Environmental Protection Agency. There are houses along the river on Spring Street that are not on the sewer system. Possible solutions: extend sewer line or install a community septic system. The grant calls for 25% match of $250.00 in kind services (labor, equipment materials) and a letter of approval. Lori stated that a viable project proposal was due to the EPA by Thursday, May 12, 2005. Lori stated that the grant would not be funded until January 1, 2006 and there were 2-3 years for completion. Matt Scruton pointed out that the homeowners might not be willing to have new systems installed so what kind of incentive could they be offered. Lori responded that they were in direct violation of DES rules. Paula Proulx stated that there is no option when it comes to polluting the river and added that it should be looked into in the Master Plan and action should be taken in the future.

The second project would be fish habitat restoration. The corp. of engineers did not leave fish habitats along Tappan Street.

The third project would be to address the septage lagoons at the Waste Water Treatment Plant. A solution would be to treat septage on site. George Meyer pointed out that the Town was looking into improvement to the sewer process system. The engineer firm of Wright and Pierce has been hired to address the situation. Ultimately, the long-term plan is to completely stop putting effluent into the river. There is a way to use treated effluent as irrigation for the Golf Course at the Farmington Country Club. This issue could be applied to the project. Lori stated that she would work on a proposal for this project and check back with Ernie prior to Thursday to see if this is a feasible project to take on.

c.      Petition for Meadorboro Road. Paul Esswein presented a petition signed by 38 residents of Meadorboro Road asking to have the Town pave a one-mile portion of Meadorboro Road (Les Bardens driveway to Hay Wagon Road) (see attached). This is the last portion of Meadorboro Road  that is unpaved. Patrick Boyle wrote the petition. Joan Funk asked if paving roads was part of a ten year plan. Clark Hackett stated that in the original plan, every road would be paved and existing roads would be re-paved. In 2003 the stretch between Merrils Corner to Meadorboro was completed. Clark stated that most of the prep work is complete for area of road in question except for fixing the drainage in one or two areas. A hydraulic hammer will be used to remove ledge in a small area to set the ditch line back and widen the road. Clark would present a cost for paving to the Board at a later date.

Clark discussed the roads in general. He stated that there would be continuing ongoing problems caused by freezing and thawing. If all the roads were repaved, the problems would be reduced. George Meyer stated that a ten-year transportation plan should be looked into. Paula Proulx agreed stating that standards should be set. Clark agreed and stated that the gravel roads should be paved and that existing paved roads must be maintained. Paula stated that this should be prioritized.

d.      Winter Street Gate. Paul Esswein updated the Board on the gate installed by the Town on Winter Street, which accesses a mobile home park. Joan Funk stated that she understood if the owner of the property did not install a gate by a certain date, the Town would install one and the owner would pay for the gate. Joan questioned who would pay for the maintenance of the gate as the gate was on Town property.  Paul Esswein explained that the Planning Board would include a condition of subdivision for the owner to maintain the gate. Ernie Creveling stated that a Knox Box would be installed on the gate and that Public Emergency personal would have a key to this Knox Box to access the gate. There was some concern regarding potential vandalism and damage to the gate and Paul Parker stated that since the gate was Town property, criminal action would pursued against the perpetrators.

6. New Business

a.      Recreation Department Building Maintenance. Kerry Mucher, Director of Parks and Recreation, presented a draft copy of Building Maintenance Work Plan for the Town Buildings (see attached). Kerry explained that she was proposing to supervise the maintenance technician in building maintenance. Kerry asked the Board for the approval of her proposal. Joan Funk made a motion to accept the Building Maintenance Work Plan. Paul Parker seconded the motion. All in favor.

b.      Planning Community Development – Paul Esswein.

1.      Private Road Building Permit Approval.
(See attached Notice of Decision) The request for a building permit will be issued under the conditions that the portion of the road from boundary line to the point where the applicants driveway intersects with Places Crossing Lane be improved to meet the standards approved the Planning Board as listed in the Notice of Decision. The Notice of Decision required the approval of the Board of Selectmen.  Discussion followed. Paul Parker expressed his concern that Emergency Personnel would not be able to access the unfinished portion of the road. The four other homes on the road are grandfathered and are not required to make improvements to the road. Paul Parker stated that this decision only solves Mr. Ramsey’s interests, not the other occupants of the road and that he has a responsibility to the public. Joan Funk disagreed and stated that Mr. Ramsey only has an obligation for his situation and rights. Clark Hackett made a recommendation for what was necessary to bring the road to acceptable standards Paul Parker made a motion to approve the permit, irrespective of the Planning Boards decision, under the condition that the road be a minimum of 14 feet wide, the culverts open, the drainage working and a minimum of 10” of 6’ minus bank run gravel. (Paula Proulx added a friendly amendment contingent upon the conditions to change # 1on the Notice of Decision to Route 11 to the driveway). Paula Proulx seconded the motion. Joan Funk – in favor. Paula Proulx – in favor. Paul Parker – in favor. Matt Scruton – in favor. George Meyer – opposed. Motion passed.

1.      Junk Yard Permit – Steve McDuffee. Paul Parker stated that there were no violations found at this junkyard. Joan Funk made a motion to approve the junkyard permit for Steve McDuffee on 371 NH Route 11. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor.

2.      Highway Department. Richard asked the Board to approve the continued use of Town equipment to assist the 500 Boys and Girls Club. Several of the highway crew, on their own time, use the equipment to help the 500 B&G Club. Paul Parker made a motion to allow the highway department to use Town equipment to help the 500 Boys and Girls Club. Paula Proulx seconded the motion. All in favor. Richard Page, Clark Hackett and Rit Moulton of the Highway Department presented an itemized list of equipment and tools the Highway Department would be purchasing. (See attached). These items were figured into the budget. Richard then presented the Board with a request for a 4-day workweek for the highway crew for the summer. Richard stated that many towns including Alton, New Durham, Milton and Middleton have a summer 4 day workweek. He proposed that if they had a 4-person crew, ½ the crew would work Monday thru Thursday and ½ the crew would work Tuesday thru Friday. Without a 4 person crew and to have a 4 day workweek they would have to  have someone on call for Friday. Joan Funk asked for the Highway Department to come up with a written proposal for the 4 day workweek.

9:45 pm, Paul Parker made a motion to go into Non-Public Session RSA 91-A:3 (I) (II). A roll call vote was taken. Paul Parker – yes, Matt Scruton – yes. Paula Proulx – yes. Joan funk – yes.

a.      Interview with Town Administrator Candidate.

b.      Discussion regarding interviews and candidates.

11:15 pm motion to adjourn. All in favor.

Approved on this _______day of _________, 2005

_______________________         _______________________
Joan A. Funk, Chairman          Paula Proulx, Vice Chair

_______________________         ________________________
George Meyer                            Paul Parker

_______________________         ________________________
Matt Scruton