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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 11/29/04
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 29, 2004
6:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Chambers
356 Main St., Municipal Offices

Present:        Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Vice Chair Joan Funk, Selectman Matthew Scruton, Selectman, Paula Proulx and Selectman Paul Parker.

Staff Present:  Ernest Creveling, TA, Pamela Merrill, Finance Administrator Therese Healey, Secretary, Police Chief Scott Roberge

Others in:              Wendy Dampier, Health Trust

1.      Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman McCarthy at 6:05 p.m. Chairman McCarthy led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance.   

2.      Approval of Minutes for November 22, 2004 – Paul Parker motion to accept, Joan Funk seconded, all in favor.

3.      Public Comment – No Public comment

4.      Wendy Dampier  - Health Trust (ATTACHMENT 1)
Surviving Spouse Coverage – When a retiree passes away, the surviving spouse has the option to remain on the health insurance policy.  Paul Parker asked if the length of service could be factor.  Wendy stated that the town could write its own policy and set its own standards. Small towns look at the population and how many retirees.  Farmington is in the under 100 pool.   Paul Parker asked how many retirees the town currently has.  Pam Merrill stated that there is currently a two-person policy and a new retiree and their spouse that just enrolled who are currently on COBRA depending on the outcome of the decision tonight.  Pam stated that we are looking at several retirees coming up.  Gerald McCarthy asked if this would have an effect on the under 100 pool.   Wendy stated that the pool will not change.  Paul Parker stated if someone works for the town 30+ years, he believes that we should offer them this coverage.  Pam stated that if the town switches carriers, the surviving spouse coverage may not be an option.  Matt Scruton stated that he does not think the town should incur the risk, give the COBRA notice and not offer surviving spouse coverage, this could cause large premiums in the future.  Ernest Creveling asked what other towns where doing.  Pam stated that most other towns have NH Retirement Systems.  Wendy stated that NH Law states that the coverage has to be

offered to retirees but it does not state anything about surviving spouses.   Joan Funk stated that she agrees with Matt, but feels some obligation if someone is elderly.  Paul Parker asked if the cost to the town would only be if they used extensive prescriptions, Wendy said yes.  Joan Funk stated that her concern would be if it is not offered, we may see the cost on the Welfare end.  Matt Scruton motion to offer Option C,  not to offer the surviving spouse coverage.  Joan Funk seconded.  Gerald McCarthy asked if there was any discussion, Paul Parker stated that the cost is minimal.  Pam stated that if we had NH Retirement Systems this would not be a problem.  Discussions ensued.  Matt wanted to make a decision.  All in favor 4, Paul Parker against.
Health Insurance – (SEE ATTACHED) Health Trust is the first company in NH to offer a consumer driven health plan.  Preventive Care is 100%, other services will come out of the bridge, which is an amount each year that is put into an HSA, once you reach your bridge amount there will be out of pocket costs.  If you have money  left over at the end of the year it carries over to the next year. There are no referrals; consumers can see who ever they want, in state or out of state, no network. Wendy stated that this plan will make the consumers look at home care instead of going to the emergency room for non-emergency care.  Lumenos is the claims administrator, Health Trust is the carrier.  Lumenos has a web site that you can enter your zip code and it will allow you to look up doctors, prescription amounts, average cost of a surgery, etc.  Paula Proulx asked if they have seen any rate decreases.  Wendy stated that it is still to early to say, it has not yet been a full year (November 2003 to August 2003).  Paul Parker asked if this would encourage someone not to take their medication.  Wendy stated that this could be a possibility if they are within their bridge.  Gerald McCarthy stated that it may be difficult for the employees to understand.  Wendy stated that she would sit down with small groups as many times needed to explain.  She also stated that when she took the plan for herself, she was offered an incentive.    Discussions ensued on cost to the town, rate increases and incentives that would be offered.  Ernie stated that they have not gotten that far, it was brought to the board to see if the policy is something that we want to offer.  They will have the choice of which policy they want.  Gerald McCarthy asked what the rate increase was last year, Ernie stated that it was 17%.  Paul Parker asked Pam what she thought, Pam stated that she thinks we should offer both plans. Gerald McCarthy asked the Board if they wanted to offer the policy, all in favor.  

BREAK 7:20 to 7:25

5.      Police Chief Scott Roberge - presentation of 2005 Budget – (ATTACHMENT 2)
Line 117 – Office Supplies – The increase to this line is due to the cost of the printer cartridges.
Line 113 – Telephone – Paul Parker asked Chief Roberge if the Nextel’s are the most effective method and do they still use the radios.  Chief Roberge stated that the radios are still used for communication, the Nextel’s are used for non-airway communication.  Most agencies that support the department are using the Nextel’s.  Paul Parker asked how many phones,  Chief Roberge stated that there are 6.  Paul Parker asked if this was researched each year to find a cheaper carrier.  Ernie stated to replace the hardware each year would be expensive.
Line 126 Cruiser – Chief Roberge stated that he has budgeted for 2 new police cruisers, he suggests auctioning the 2001Chevy and passing the 1999 Ford to the Highway Department or another department that could use it.  Joan Funk stated that she thought the department was on a rotation for purchasing a cruiser.  Chief stated that they missed a year, a couple of the cruisers were in accidents and one was totaled.  Chief Roberge stated that at first he was very pleased with the Chevy, but it is not for everyday usage.  It has been in for repairs many times this year.  Paul Parker asked what the cost would be, Chief stated approximately $22,000 and $3,000 for the equipment and detailing. We try to re-use the old equipment.  Chief Roberge stated that there is a dealer that has left over cruisers that were never picked up, if we act now we can save approximately $3,000. Ernie stated that the CIP only has one cruiser budgeted in it.  Chief Roberge stated that the cruisers are their lifeboat on getting around.  Gerald McCarthy suggested trading in the 1999 Ford this year and get a new one next year.  There is always a vehicle sitting at the station.  Scott stated to make the vehicle last another year it would cost too much money in repairs. Ernie asked Chief Roberge what does it do to you when one of the vehicles is out of commission.  The chief stated that it cripples the department.  They have officers in court, going to concord, investigation issues.  Most departments rotate vehicles at 100,000 miles, we are well over that.  Although there may be a vehicle sitting at the station, they each are used in different ways and serve a different purpose.  Matt Scruton asked if there were any Grants through Homeland Security, Chief Roberge stated no.
Line 122- New Equipment – Increase to $1,300.  Computers are 5-6 years old, digital photography technology is old, printers are old.  $3,000 for 5 new printers.  Paul Parker asked why not purchase from staples at a lower cost. Chief Roberge stated that those are more for home use and the cartridges would cost more.  Ernie stated that the HP printers purchased for the Finance Administrator and the Town Clerk cost $1, 200 about 2 years ago and can be purchased now for $750.  They have never needed repairs.  

Joan Funk stated that she did not see anything in the budget for bulletproof vests.  Chief Roberge stated that every officer is equipped with a state of the art bulletproof vest.  They last approximately 5 years.

Paul Parker stated that $1,800 for ammunition seems like a lot of money.  Chief Roberge explained that there is required night time, daytime simulation training.  This also covers shotgun and rifle.  The ammunition has to be replaced on a yearly basis, but uses the old ammunition in the training exercises.

Line 112 - Mileage  - Increase to $4,000.  This line is way over due to the officers traveling to DMV, Court, etc.

Line 109 Holiday Pay  - After December 9, there will be an accurate number on this.  Police are always on duty, but there are allowed 12 holidays per year.  At the end of each year they are reimbursed for the 12 holidays.    

Line 108- Overtime/Bonuses – Paula Proulx stated that she would like to review the schedule to review the overtime to get a better understanding.  Chief Roberge stated that he would get a schedule for the Board to review.  Chief Roberge stated that in the past he tried to use comp time, but the officers would accumulate too much and would end up getting paid overtime.  He now limits comp time to 10 hours.  

Radar - Would like to purchase a radar for $1,700.  The town would receive a check back for $850 (50%).  

DWI Patrol – Would like to add 60 hours of DWI patrol in the summer months.  Cost is $1,920 the State will reimburse the town 100%.

Spike Strips - $450.00 State will reimburse 50% ($225.00).  We currently have none.

Taser units – Allows officers to take down a subject without having contact.  Fires out a cartridge that goes through clothing and brings the subject to the ground.  Primex is in full support.  They believe that we may see a decrease in liability.  Discussions ensued on the recent controversy on the taser.  Paula and Gerald both stated that they oppose.  Maybe in big cities, but does not feel they are needed in small towns.  Chief Roberge stated that he has a CD that the Board could review for more information.  

Building Fund – last year put $68,000 into CRF, would like to continue to put money in CRF.

Additional Officers - $40,000.  would like to add additional full time officers or a part time officer to direct traffic.  Gerald McCarthy stated that we should hire 3-4 part time officers.  Chief stated that the state is trying to do away with part time officers.  
We would still have to provide training, fit each officer, will still have to pay insurance, limited to how many hours they can work in a year.  We do not get the same quality with part time officers on case follow up.  
9:25pm Gerald McCarthy motion to go into non-public session, Paul Parker seconded.

9:34 Gerald McCarthy motion to come out of non-public session, Paul Parker seconded

Matt Scruton motion to seal non-public session, Paul Parker seconded.

6.      Other Business  
a.      Trustees of the Trust – (ATTACHMENT 3) Ernie presented the Board with a letter from Cathy Tsiros, Chair, stating that Pat LeClair has reigned and she would like to nominate Jessica Elliot of Prospect Street.  Discussions ensued on the appointment procedures.  Ernie stated that he would research with Kathy Seaver.
b.      Boiler Bids –(ATTACHMENT 4) Ernie stated that he put out bids for boiler service and received one response from Strogens, HVAC, LLC.  Gerald McCarthy asked Ernie who services the schools.  Ernie stated that he did not know but would find out.  Ernie stated that he was looking for approval to have boilers serviced.  Joan Funk motioned to have boilers serviced, Paul Parker seconded, all in favor.
c.       Town Administrator Ad –(ATTACHMENT 5) Joan Funk asked if the ad should state specific education requirements.  Matt Scruton stated that we should keep as is and screen through the resumes after.  
d.      Landfill - Paul Parker stated that several individuals have approached him and expressed that they are pleased with how the landfill is operating.
e.      Designated Committee room – Paula asked Ernie the status on getting a designated room.   Joan Funk asked Paula if she has spoken with Kerry.  Ernie stated that there definitely needs to be a designated room but without discombobulating operations

Matt Scruton motion to adjourn at 10:00pm, Paul Parker seconded, all in favor.