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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 06/14/2004
JUNE 14, 2004
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Chairman Gerald McCarthy, Joan A. Funk, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker & Brandon LaRoche
                     Matthew Scruton arrived at 6:25 p.m.
Staff:  Pamela Merrill, Finance Administrator & Lynn Seaboyer, Admin. Asst.

The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman McCarthy at 6:00 p.m.  He led everyone present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Joan A. Funk made a motion to approve the minutes from May 24, 2004.  Paul Parker seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Public Comment
The Talon Bros. and one other gentleman from the 500 Boys & Girls Club came before the Board.  Chairman McCarthy said he asked the gentlemen to attend tonight’s meeting to provide the Selectmen with an update on the progress at the ball fields.  He told his fellow Selectmen it was his understanding, as well as that of the 500 Boys & Girls Club, that the Town promised material from the Sarah Greenfield Business Park (SGBP). Bob Talon said all the Club needs is silty sand and/or a clay mix, not any gravel, in order to create a 6”-1’ sub grade.  He said the cost to obtain this through Pike Industries was over $3,000, which is too costly for the Club.  Bob said the agreement with Pike, last year, was for the soccer field and the building site preparation, which are not quite complete.  He said Steve Merrill has assisted with the trucking of the gravel to the field.  The Talon Bros. then reported about 60 truckloads (approx. 1,200 yards) of material is needed in order to bring the field up to grade, after which the field will need to be screened, loamed and seeded.  Gerry said he was contacted by the Club, in the absence of the vacationing Town Administrator.  Bob said Steve Merrill has moved 14 loads, to date, so the work is about 1/6 complete.  He said Cameron’s said they would hydro seed, noting the Clubs’ additional plans to take the large excavated boulders and utilize them as line markers to delineate the parking area from the field.  The Board of Selectmen told the men to keep up their good work
Tax Deeded Land
Paul reported the Planning Board has received their copies of the tax maps and applicable property reference sheet concerning the deeded land, in time for their meeting.  He said he would advise the Selectmen when he knows more.
Downtown Flag
Chairman McCarthy reported that the flag in the downtown square is now lit at night and would no longer need to be taken down at sunset.  He said one problem however is, the light is on 24 hours a day.  Gerry said PSNH needs to be contacted about correcting this.
Gerry said perambulation would occur on Saturday, June 19th at 9:30 a.m., when all towns will meet at the Rite Aid Pharmacy parking lot and proceed to Barnstead to hike into the site.  FCTV Coordinator Ed Mullen asked Chairman McCarthy if he could film this and Gerry said yes.
Water Sampling
Purchasing Policy
Discussion ensued regarding any comments or questions to the amended draft policy.  Joan said it is well written, she sees no problem with the implementation and added that it seems to cover any questions the Selectmen may have had.  Pam said administration would like to get a handle on spending.  She said Ernie’s concern is he needs the Selectmen’s backing, because it may be difficult to get      department heads comply.  Joan A. Funk made a motion to accept the purchasing policy.  Paula Proulx seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.

Selectmen’s Minutes 06/14/04-Pg. # 2

Policy Document
Gerry said he asked that this be placed on tonight’s agenda.  He said he has a few concerns he would like to speak with the Town Administrator.  The Selectmen decided to table approval of the policy document.  Gerry asked his fellow board members to carefully review this in preparation for discussion at the next meeting.  Paul said he would like to see comments after legal review.
Other Business
Joan A. Funk made a motion to adjourn.  Matthew Scruton seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.


Gerald McCarthy, Chairman

Joan A. Funk

Matthew Scruton

Paula Proulx

Paul Parker