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Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 05/24/2004
MAY 24, 2004
(Public Session)

Attendance:  Gerald McCarthy, Joan A. Funk, Matthew Scruton, Paula Proulx, Paul Parker & Student
                     Selectman Brandon LaRoche
Staff:  Ernest M. Creveling, Town Administrator, Director of Water & Waste Mgemt. Dale Sprague,
           Director of Hwys, & Vehicle Maintenance, Parks & Recreation Director Kerry Mucher, Finance
          Administrator Pamela Merrill, TC/TC Kathy Seaver & Admin. Asst. Lynn Seaboyer

The meeting convened and was called to order by Chairman McCarthy at 6:00 p.m. He led everyone present in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Board made note of some corrections that were needed to the May 10th minutes, the first correction was concerning the vote to appoint an applicant to the Economic Development Commission.  The Selectmen said the vote for this particular candidate was three in favor and two opposed.  Paula Proulx made a motion to approve the May 10, 2004 minutes, as amended. Paul Parker seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Gerry said the Board has received two letters, one to appoint someone in Town to put the flag in the downtown square at ? staff upon the death of a local veteran.  He said the second letter was from a local church in need of sewer connection, requesting an abatement of the sewer connection fees.  Ernie said the Board of Selectmen should have more data from Dale Sprague before they make a final decision concerning the sewer connection for the church.  He said he just received a letter today from another resident of Meaderboro Roard, requesting the road be paved.  Ernie said this could be looked into further during the Selectmen’s upcoming workshop concerning the Town’s gravel roads.  
Public Comment
Route #11 & 153 Intersection
Ernie said the State is beginning the project this week.
Gerry said Paula, Paul and he attended a joint municipal solid waste meeting with Dale and the towns of Wakefield, Milton, Alton and New Durham.  Paul said the group had some very frank discussion, exchanged interesting points, asked good questions and said, in overview all expressed interest in further pursuing the investigation of a joint solid waste facility/venture.  Paul said he feels this could be an interesting opportunity and a viable alternative for Farmington.  Paula said it seems a lot work is needed for data collection, etc. before making any further decisions however.  Matt said he likes the idea of prolonging the life of Farmington’s landfill, but still feels that privatization would be a viable consideration.  Paul said he disagrees with private proposals and doesn’t believe this is something he should leave to his children’s children.  Matt said he’s just asking the Board to keep private proposals on the table.  Paul said he didn’t feel this would be in the best interest of Farmington.  Paula said the Selectmen need to explore all the options and said she feels that public opinion would be very important too.
Auction of Town Equipment
Ernie said there are seven vehicles and an additional 11 pieces of equipment.  Gerry asked if any other departments might be interested in what’s available and Ernie said he hadn’t provided the department heads with the list yet, but his sense is, the departments probably do not, since the list was compiled at a staff meeting with all department heads present discussing what was available together.
Auction of Tax Deeded Land
Matt recused himself from this discussion, because he said he is interested in one parcel.  He did wish to make one comment first however, advising his fellow Selectmen to make sure they do not take over any liabilities.  Ernie began reviewing the list of parcels available.  He said the first is a parcel on Loring Ave., which the owner turned over to the Town.  Ernie said the Fire dept. has said it would be in the best

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interest of the Town to keep this land in order to enable emergency vehicles to have a turning radius, something they haven’t had the ability to do in this particular neighborhood. Ernie said they could auction the house on the lot though.  He said the next parcel is a tiny sliver of land by the Sarah Greenfield Business Park (SGBP) and another parcel is off of Hancock St. within the wellhead protection area at the fork of the Cocheco and Mad Rivers.  
Ernie said these packets need to go to all other Town Boards too, for their perusal/decision.  He said the next parcel is on Tall Pine Road and seems to be a nice piece of land.  Brandon said there is a pond on the property, but the land is wet.  Ernie said the next piece is off Scruton Road and the majority of the property is wetlands.  Paul wondered if abutters might be interested and Ernie said they might be or the Conservation Commission could be interested too, particularly since it’s wetlands.  He went on to say there are two parcels in the Lancelot Shores properties and they are on Squire Road.  He said originally these two lots were much smaller, but years ago the lots were merged with adjoining properties.  Gerry asked if any of these two parcels were waterfront and Ernie said no.  Ernie said next on the list is a parcel on Ten Rod Road and then there is a nice piece of land off of Lone Star Ave, between Civic and Winter Streets, about 1.2 acres in size.  Kerry said she hasn’t walked this particular land yet, but said it could be a viable parcel for the Parks and Recreation department.  Ernie said South of Elm Street is a parcel which the Town had originally considered for industrial land and then off of Park Drive is an unusual and small parcel which he believes the School uses for parking.  He said there is another parcel off of Union Street which used to be an ice skating rink for the Town.  Paula said interest has been expressed to return this land to that very purpose.  Ernie said the next parcel is a nice piece too and is a .66 of an acre l which fronts the Cocheco River on Elm St. and it have a right-of-way which would/could make a good boat/canoe launch.  Ernie said one other parcel used to be the Mount Pleasant Reservoir.  He said by the end of July he would have more information concerning what the Planning Board and Conservation Commission feels about these properties before the final auction consideration.  Ernie said the Board would need to have a few public hearings preliminarily too.
Downtown Flag
Joan said she thought the responsibility for the flag was assigned to the maintenance department.  Gerry said he feels it would be nice to have the Police dept. assigned to this detail.  Ernie said the Town could establish a line of communication with the Town’s American Legion.  Gerry said he’s had a problem trying to get the Police department to perform this task.  Paul wondered if perhaps a Selectmen could accompany an officer for this task.  Ernie said he would contact Mr. Allen Drew to arrange this.
Ernie informed the Board the only town, which has not yet responded to the invitation is Alton.  He said he would follow up the invitation with a phone call.  He said another letter would go out to the surrounding towns with the date, time and location (June 19, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. at the Rite Aid Pharmacy parking lot).  
Community Awards
Paula said this subject came about because so many folks have felt that citizens should be recognized and thanked.  She then passed out an outline of why she feels this is important and said there’s a lot of people in Town that volunteer many hours.  Paula said she’s broken down these individuals into categories: the Doers, the Seekers, the Dreamers and the Translaters.  She said it is her hope to bring the community closer together.  She said a letter of thanks could be drafted, signed by the Board of Selectmen and the Town Administrator and sent to those individuals.  She said it’s time to think about one another and to thank those so deserving.
Kerry said she’s on the same wavelength, noting the Town could have a male and female citizen of the year, as well as a teacher of the year and an active Town volunteer.  She then noted the Puddledock Press person of the year and the Post Cane recipient.  Kerry asked the Selectmen what direction they would like her to take this.
Boston Post Cane

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Chairman McCarthy and his fellow Selectmen then stood and assembled by the flag.  They were joined by resident Sylvia Hobby and two of her family members.  Gerry read a brief introduction about the resentation tradition of the Post Cane.  He then formally presented the cane to Ms. Hobby as Farmington’s eldest citizen (98 years old on May 18, 2004), wishing her continued  health and happiness.
Downtown Committee Membership Applicant
Paul Parker motioned to waiver the need for an interview of Jeannette Colpitt of Palmer Hardware for membership to the Downtown Committee.  Joan A. Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.  Paul Parker made a motion to appoint Jeannette Colpitt to the Downtown Committee.  Joan A. Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Town Clerk/Tax Collector’s Revised Hours
Kathy Seaver came before the Selectmen to advise them of her decision to try different office hours in an effort to be more available and convenient to residents.  Gerry asked Kathy why and she said she’s been asked by many why her office doesn’t have evening hours available.  She said the local bank in Town is now going to be open on Thursday nights, so she thought her office could be open on Thursday nights too, but as a trial.  Gerry wondered about the safety of Town employees at night and Kathy said there would always be two to three on staff at night.  She said Matt and her employees spurred this consideration.  Kathy said she and her staff could move their cars out in front of the building for the evening hours on Thursdays.  She said she would like to put notification in the next tax bill to inform residents and then advertise the change, as best as possible.  Kathy said this would be on a trial basis for six months.  Discussion then ensued.  She said this would begin next week, starting June 1st and she would post the change in hours, both in the newspaper and on the Channel 26 bulletin board.  Paul wondered if perhaps an officer could be asked to have a patrolman present during the evening hours.  
Matt recited the new hours twice for Channel 26 viewers:  Mon.,Tues. & Wed. 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Thurs. 8:30 a.m.-7:00 p.m. and Fridays 8:30 a.m. –12:30.  
Backhoe Bid
Dale said the Selectmen should have the necessary documentation concerning the three bids received for a new backhoe.  He said the base bid (lowest) was $41,988 and the John Deere backhoe was bid at $50,500. Dale said both are excellent machines and he had a number of men operate the two, in order to learn their preferences and the employees opinions were split.  He said the current Case backhoe the Town owns has worked well, but he said Clark prefers the John Deere. Dale said the controls on the new Case backhoe had a finer edge and ergonomic operation, but the Town’s best backhoe operator, who actually prefers John Deere, said he too prefers this new Case backhoe.  
Clark said he feels the metal in the John Deere is heavier and the Town currently has two John Deere loaders, which have served the Town well.  He said the existing Case machines don’t seem to be holding up well.  Clark said his heavy equipment operator prefers the John Deere.  Dale said the existing Case backhoe has 5,000 hours use and the engine is still sound, noting only a few minor issues with it.  He said the Town doesn’t use the machine as much as they used to.  Matt said there seem to be good arguments for both pieces of equipment and since the comments for both are positive and similar, he feels the Selectmen should consider that the Case backhoe is $9,000 less expensive than the John Deere.  Paul asked if money was appropriated and Dale said $2,500 from the water dept. and $2,500 from the sewer dept, based upon a five-year lease.  He said he could contribute more money from the water dept., if the Board prefers the John Deere.  Gerry asked Dale which backhoe he considers more durable, saying he has the impression the John Deere is built better.  Dale said the digging, reach and horsepower capacity are the same on both the Case and the John Deere.  Gerry said he feels they should pick the backhoe, which would last the longest, despite the cost.
Dale said in his opinion, strictly from an operating standpoint, he feels the Case backhoe is better ergonomically, it’s more comfortable, has better visibility and operates smoother.  He said he feels the Case would “out-operate” the John Deere.  Paula asked if the Case has warranty options, wondering what it would cover.  Dale said more time wouldl lapse before the Town could exceed the hours under a warranty.  

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Matthew Scruton made a motion to accept the bid for the Case backhoe, model 580M at $44,680.00.  Joan A. Funk seconded the motion.  The Selectmen asked if this price includes a trade in and Dale said yes.  Matt asked if an extended warranty is available and Dale said he wasn’t sure if it would be feasible.  Clark spoke about the extended warranty on the Town’s grader and how it proved worth the money.  Paul said he would like to discuss three options on the bids.  He said the options are pilot control, claw seat and forks.  Paul then wondered if the forks would really be necessary.  Both Clark and Dale said each of their departments use this type of equipment 5-6 times a year.  Dale said forks can be a valuable tool.  Matt said

the forks only cost $920.00, which he doesn’t feel is excessive.  Dale spoke about the pilot control and how smoothly they operate. Matt said he located extended warranty information on the Case backhoe in the information packets and a five-year, 5,000 hour warranty is $2,900.00.  He asked Dale if this warranty would be worth it and Dale said he doesn’t feel it’s worth it.  Matt then asked Clark and Clark said in three years time, if problems arise it would be worth it.  Matt then called the question.  The vote was four in favor and one opposed.  The motion passed.  Dale said he would bring back information concerning costs and details on extended warranties that are available.  
Sidewalk Tractor
Clark said the figures he submitted were not correct, so he passed out a revised worksheet.  He then informed the Board the existing sidewalk tractor was involved in a rollover accident during the winter months.  He said the Town’s insurer, Primex and the manufacturer Northland Holder have inspected the machine for damage and to replace/rebuild the cab would cost $22,500.  He said Primex wants to total the machine at a cost of $29,000 minus the $1,000 deductible.  He said he’s contacted Banknorth Leasing for lease information and a new tractor would cost $57,900, for a new 2004 sidewalk tractor with a three- year lease and annual payments of $20,042.92.  Clark then broke out what money is currently available in the C.I.P. and how much the Town of Farmington would have to raise and appropriate ($11,421.31 for two years, starting in next year’s budget).  Matt asked if the parts from the older machine could be used on the newer one and Clark said no, it’s a different machine and if the Town accepts the insurance money and wants the parts too, then the insurer would have to take $10,000 off the top of the $28,000 payment check.  Matt wondered if it would be cheaper to outsource the plowing of the sidewalks.  Paula said this option should be explored.  Paul wondered if there are any other makes of sidewalk tractors aside from Holder and Clark said the only other types are tractless, but Holder makes a much better tractor than the available tractless.  Paula and Matt both asked Clark to obtain pricing on the cost to repair the transmission on the existing sidewalk tractor.  Clark said over $30,000 has already been appropriated for this.  Ernie said one thing with the proposal is, the Selectmen have time to look further into options, particularly since winter has passed and the money wouldn’t be available until Town Meeting anyway.  Gerry said there is a lot to consider before making a final decision on this.  
The Board then recessed for five minutes.  The time was 8:03 p.m.  The Selectmen then reconvened at 8:13 p.m.
Purchasing Policy
Pam said the purchasing policy is stressed to department heads approximately every two to three years, but it doesn’t seem to be adhered to.  She said Ernie suggested assigning supplies to her, which would require a designated space and prior requisition from department heads, in order to obtain the supplies from her.  She said this would require the department heads to start planning ahead. She then reviewed portions of the draft policy, such as bid proposals and threshold amounts.  Ernie said if the Board of Selectmen approve of the draft policy, he’d like to meet with staff for their review and comment and then he could finalize the policy for the Board’s final approval. Gerry said he agrees with the need for purchase orders in advance, but is concerned about “tieing the hands” of the department heads, noting this could be troublesome for them.  Ernie said the purchasing policy would enable tracking and budgetary control, etc.
Safety Issue/Wastewater Treatment Plant
Dale said he wants to bring to the Board’s attention a safety issue.  He said the Budget Committee had concerns about why he hadn’t addressed this issue beforehand.  Dale told the Selectmen the ladder to the digester tank is a safety hazard.  He said the engineers who worked on the upgrade plans have provided him with a new design, which would have stairs, platforms, railings, etc.  Dale informed the Board currently there is only a ladder to access the top of the 30’ digester tank. He said the engineers asked
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the lowest bidder to break out the estimate to construct just the stairs, and with the Town of Farmington doing some of the preparation site work it would cost $60,000-$61,000 to put in new stairs.  He said he’s concerned if the Board of Selectmen decide to do this, they must understand the cost to install this would have to come out of his treatment plant upgrade fund.  Joan said if they do not put in the stairs and it’s a safety issue, then the Board would be remiss not to address this.  Dale said the primary time when this would actually be a safety issue, has now gone by, since the springtime is when the climbing of the ladder to tank is most frequently used.  He said the cost of metal is skyrocketing too.  Gerry said this still seems to be very costly.  Dale said he was merely bringing this before the Selectmen due to Budget Committee concern, since the plant upgrade proposal failed at Town Meeting.  Paula asked Dale if he ever checked with salvage

companies.  Matt said he appreciates Dale bringing this forward since it is a safety issue, but said since the majority of the safety problem has now gone by, he feels the Town would get a “better bang for the buck,” if this work is included with the total plant upgrade.  Discussion then ensued.  Paul asked if the digester tank would remain as part of the upgrade and Dale said yes, only the interior of the tank would be upgraded.  Ernie said since Dale said it is now not really a safety issue and the Selectmen feel that $60,000 is a lot of money, the issue now is how will Dale address/attempt to revisit the upgrade at next year’s Town Meeting.  Dale said he would need to investigate alternatives on how to better educate the public, suggesting the Puddledock Press, more public hearings, etc.  Paul wondered if Dale could find better pricing.  Matt said he sees no reason to pursue this now, but Paul disagreed.  
Brandon asked if there have ever been any accidents with the existing ladder and Dale said no.  Paula asked if the ladder is in direct violation with OSHA and Dale said yes, one of many.  Matt said the plant upgrade is specifically to address many safety issues at the plant.  Both Ernie and Paula said the primary issue is liability.
Discussion concerning landfill options were briefly noted.  Ernie asked Dale to put together option information for the Board of Selectmen and Dale said he would arrange with an engineer from GEO Insight to come before the Selectmen again.  
Objective Workshop
Ernie talked about meeting with department heads to discuss objectives and to formulate a work plan to bring order and planning into the entire process.  It was agreed this workshop would be June 28th.  Gerry asked when to meet regarding the Town’s gravel roads and Ernie proposed the second week in July.  He spoke about information he obtained on line, concerning what other municipalities have learned in their investigations/comparison of dirt roads versus paved roads.
Town Planner
Planning Board Chairman Charlie King came before the Selectmen and said at the Planning Board work session, the Board reviewed their budget for this year and have discussed the need for a professional planner at great length.  He said the Planning Board feels the Selectmen should consider the Town hiring a planner.  He said the Board has enough money budgeted for one and upon the expiration of the IGMO, Farmington is going to experience a great deal of development pressure.  He said since the full-time CEO has left the employ of the Town and the current CEO is only contracted part time, the Planning Board is unable to receive advise as was formerly relied upon and given.  Charlie guaranteed there would be substantial pressure from developers in the not too distant future and said he feels hiring a  planner would be a pro-active action versus reactive actions taken by the Planning Board.  Charlie said without action the Planning Board expenses to handle outside development would exceed the budgeted amount.  He then explained how costly contracting Straffor Regional Planning Commission (SRPC) has been to date.  Gerry asked Charlie if he feels Farmington could support a full-time planner or if Farmington should share one with another community.  Charlie said Farmington is rapidly growing and although the Planning Board volunteers works hard to address this, a large development could be overwhelming and his Board simply doesn’t have the experience or knowledge needed.
He said Farmington is facing subdivisions of hundreds of homes and a full-time planner could be handling a lot of applicable work, thereby freeing up the existing Town employees for the work they need to do, as covered under their respective job descriptions.  Charlie said he sees a planner working alongside the Economic Development and the Downtown Committee as well.  Matt asked who the planner would report
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to and Ernie said to the Town Administrator.  Paula wondered about tieing in with community development and Ernie said this could possibly tie in.  Matt said he agrees a planner is needed and said he feels Farmington needs to focus on long term planning.
Ernie said it has been proposed that a freeze be placed on consultant costs by having him, as the Town Administrator, Chair the Technical Review Committee meetings. (TRC), thereby taking what’s left in the budget to hire a planner.   Paul Parker made a motion to put out an RFP for a full-time planner, utilizing the $57,000 of remaining Planning Board budget monies.  Paula Proulx seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Gerry asked what Ernie and Charlie are recommending, and Ernie said SRPC membership is not required for the Town.  He said the current Commissioner appointment is needed  now too.  Gerry asked Ed Mullen,
the former Commissioner, how he feels about SRPC and Ed said in his past experience the southernmost portion of the county seems to be where SRPC concentrates most of their efforts.  Eligibility for grant monies, if Farmington is not a member of SRPC was discussed.  Gerry asked Ernie if he too recommends dropping the Town’s membership with SRPC and Ernie said if the Board of Selectmen would like to hire a planner, the remaining funds for dues could be utilized for this purpose.  Paul Parker made a motion to have Ernie cancel Farmington’s membership with SRPC.  Joan A. Funk seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
The Selectmen then went into executive session.  The time was 9:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn C. Seaboyer
Admin. Asst.